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Everything posted by Jeigh1405241495

  1. You don't need the cheats to cause havoc at all, just a pistol and some body armor will do nicely, especially if you start some trouble from inside a building and make use of the new cover system to hold the police at the entrance for awhile, by the time you go head to head half the PD will be banging at the door haha.As far as comparisons between the 360 and ps3, I've only played it on the ps3 personally but I've read that the colors are slightly more vibrant on the 360 while there is some slightly better aliasing on the ps3. Neither is drastic enough to warrant buying one over the other really. The 360 DOES have the achievements and I think it might get the option to buy some episodic content that wont be available for ps3, and the ps3 has significantly lower load times (apparently) due to making better use of the hard drive since all ps3's have HD's while all 360's potentially dont. Again that's all just based on what I've read in reviews and whatnot, but in the end I doubt you'll in any way be disappointed with the offering for either system.
  2. Unless it has changed recently, you are reset to 3 credits after getting a hosting plan regardless of how many you build up prior to applying for hosting. Past this, you will have your credits reduced by 1 credit per day. The amount of credits you'll receive for posts vary due to a number of criteria and factors.
  3. Yea that seems like it would likely cause some issues. As mentioned a capture card would be needed and its very unlikely that wouldn't cause a potentially disastrous amount of lag. People notice if there is a ms delay in videogames so I can imagine having it be processed and pumped through it would probably seem like you were playing an online game over a 14K modem :|
  4. I too would reccomend notepad++. Its a delight to use and makes php editing a breeze. If that doesn't work out for you I'm pretty sure the base text editor in ubuntu (gedit I assume) has color coding for php and other basic coding standards so that might be worth checking into.
  5. Another note about the bullet damage to cars Try to shoot someone while they are driving a moving vehicle, the result is quite entertaining in a twisted gory sense hehe. I was just trying to pop someones tires in a car chase and jerked up randomly, a stray bullet resulted in the back windshield being painted red and the car spiraling out of control. Aaaaaaaaah GTA, how I've missed you
  6. Oh yea, the car dynamics changes are a good thing to point out. Also the walking speed. I too found both of those odd for a bit to start out with, but I QUICKLY adjusted to the walking speed (plus run is still available and also sprinting and stamina isn't an issue like in San Andreas) and I loved the changes to how driving works. I used to enjoy driving around in the GTA3 series games but not because of the actual driving, but only for the mayhem I could cause. The bikes were a little fun but driving from point A to B in GTA3 through to San An just seemed pretty bland. In GTA4 driving is a treat, as fun as most racing games I've seen with the exception of a few. The damage to cars is cool and every vehicle handles differently and appropriately. Big muscle cars will swing around corners with way too much force while vans and trucks will lift off two wheels if you dont slow down enough. Personally I feel the driving in this game was done extremely well.
  7. Ok, I've had it since it came out and I can tell you it is definitely worth buying. It is by far the most impressed I've been by the current generation of videogames. The graphics might not be quite as amazing as some of the other top end games but that is by NO means saying they are not great. They look amazing, but due to rendering entire ginormous cities at a time they may not always pull the same level of detail as say crysis or something. Again, I'm in no way slighting the graphics, they look great.Now, the game itself plays like a GTA game. The general feel is that of GTA3/VC/SA and this is a good thing. They dropped the having to eat/workout aspects of San Andreas but this isn't a loss really, just a change. The cars are amazing, the environment feels like a real city WAY more than the previous games, the voice acting is top notch as always, and the storyline has been so far very compelling.There is a ton of stuff to do and the mechanics that they've implemented to do the new stuff is really handled very well. Many sites like IGN and gamespot have given it a perfect score which is rare on some of these sites but it deserves it without a shadow of a doubt. Every time I fire it up I catch some other thing the creators included that impresses me.Now to note, if you just play the games to rush through the storyline you will miss A LOT. I'm sure you'll still have fun, but it's amazing how much supplementary content there is. Even not including the multiplayer, just things like the television shows you can watch in your apartment, driving around and watching the city live around you, visiting an internet cafe and emailing a site for dates, etc are so much fun. The game just takes the idea of a videogame, ignores it, and creates a world that can be played instead of a game to be played.So in case you can't tell, I was blwon away by GTA4. I've seen nothing so far to slight it and frankly its one of the few games I've purchased where dropping that much money on it hasn't felt at all like a ripoff. They deliver way more value in this one game than most other games that give you 10-15 hours of fun for the same price. If you enjoyed the GTA3 series, GET THIS GAME.
  8. Haha its just the way they play it. Basically people are so used to hearing it as "H20" they dont alway associate it immediately with dihydrogen monoxide, which sounds more scientific and complicated. Coupled with a serious tone of potential danger results in a lot of people being tricked into worrying about this crazy new chemical haha. It's all just a joke
  9. I haven't seen sites about it but a buddy gave me a printout of an article about it back when I was in high school that had assumedly similar information about all the dangers of this horrid substance. Unfortunately I caught the H20 aspect fast enough to ruin his fun but alot of other people seemed pretty concerned hehe. Ah memories
  10. Give it awhile, might be a server hiccup. Also double posting things like this won't help you get service faster so please don't do so again in the future. Try again tomorrow and hopefully your site will be back up and running normally.
  11. Well that's not entirely accurate since. As you said, they both work on the same framework but they also both BUILD upon that same framework. Now both share probably 90+% of their functionality but there are certain features available in some .NET languages that others do not have. This is why they all exist In relation to file I/O this won't matter though heh.When you are working with .net (or any language, but .net one's are quickest for this) it is VERY simple to google for example code blocks for basic functionality usage such as file I/O so in the future it might be more efficient for you to simply do that.
  12. Well, I'd be wiling to bet uTorrent pays no one anything to be posted on their site... because that'd just be odd. The entire foundation of what makes torrents torrents goes against this idea haha. Restating what has already been said, torrents CAN be used for legal matters and in fact were developed originally to do so. But anything that can share files will likely be eventually corrupted into sharing music/video/games/etc that it is not legal to do so. This doesn't make the act of torrenting illegal, just downloading copyrighted things that you have not paid for.
  13. The idea of getting free code portions in order to assist with development of online games seems like a cool idea, but this sounds like it could be hoaxish or force money out of the user instead of being as free as implied. Either way in theory its a great idea so that people can use methods and whatnot developed to handle the basic things all web based text games do and just let the user focus on building the customizations. I know in corporate software developement its not uncommon to do similarly and buy applications or portions of stock code to cut down on the developement time required.As a side note, I removed all of his re-posts and gave him a warning, if you see unfair posting like that... thats what the report feature is for
  14. Bahahaha, ok that is awesome. If I had the cash I would SO build one of those things haha. Sure it looks like it would fall apart causing some pain/death but damn it would be a fun way to go eh? Ahhh good times.
  15. Heh yea I was going to say, there seems to only really be two "looks" to all of them, but ignoring that tiny issue they look really good. I agree that the pyro one is really cool. The color choices and effects make a really nice overall design and I really like it. Even though its a very similar idea I like the TMNT one as well, really makes the color of the turtles themselves 'pop' because the background is dulled out and darker. Nice job overall
  16. It sounds like you have a laptop that is ready and waiting for an OS? If you have a laptop that's currently blank I see no reason to not just install Ubuntu (or another distro, but ubuntu was a good choice on your part) and dive right into it. If you want to learn about linux the best way is to cut the ties from windows and go full boar into it. Especially if its not going to risk ruining your main platform I say go for it, install ubuntu and enjoy the world of linux. Ubuntu has an amazing user base at ubuntuforums.org as wel that are a ton of help if you come up against challenges in your linuxing
  17. Yea, css has become far too ingrained in the web for microsoft to ignore it, they might ignore the latest updates to standards and might try to ignore some completely, but this is one time you don't need to worry, css will be around for awhile
  18. Is there a reason you are bashing on Dells? As far as I've seen and heard dell's are perfectly fine, and I've heard the XPS systems are usually pretty solid gaming wise so I can't see it being a horrible choice. On the other hand, you shouldn't choose a system to buy if you need to ask people about it AFTER choosing it, you should research it and others first then make an informed decision As far as it looking like an imac clone, meh, if you like the look it doesn't matter if they stole the design or not haha, and as far as actually getting a mac that opens a whole other set of things to consider so yea, I'd say you should research more before you solidly decide which system to purchase.
  19. The first thing I would reccomend is installing linux on it instead of windows xp if that is the current OS on it. Linux can be much more resource friendly leaving a lot more for the applications you want to run to use. If you don't like linux or don't want to try it out I know there are some programs out there but I doubt any have that much ability to show drastic improvements.Basic things you can do to try to get the most out of it are:-Run programs like adaware or spybot search and destroy (both free or have free versions) to limit the amount of spyware cluttering the system down-Run windows defrag a couple times to sort the drives out. If it's old it's probably heavily fragmented which can cause some slowdown-Make sure there is a bit of free space on the hard drive(s) for swap space-Turn off applications that are set to boot when windows starts up. These often hog lots of resources and also often you don't even realize they are starting up.
  20. Great timing haha, I'm going to need to build a page over the next few days for a course at uni and I'm hoping to rush through it so I'm guessing a list of useful CSS tricks will speed the process up to make the page un-ugly. Perfect The techniques I saw just skimming it over looked very useful. I can see a lot of people being helped by that link. Good stuff.
  21. Can you log into windows at all or is it giving the boot error message? I simply ask as if not, it might be worthwhile to throw in Knoppix or another bootable linux live cd to make sure that the windows directory wasn't completely manhandled because if so fixing a few dll's won't actually fix the install of windows, it'll just keep cycling through "corrupt or missing" files until you slowly rebuild the OS haha.
  22. I need to point out how awesome it is that a new person signed up and their first topic was still an old topic about two games that came out a decade ago. FF7 sure shows it's influence when things like this happen I find. Sure it has big articles on big sites and makes lots of top __ games of all time lists... but to me this is how you see how a game really impacted those that played it. If they are still wanting to actively talk about it a decade later you know it was a special game.
  23. Which version of linux are you running? Based on that you haven't installed wine and didn't know how (nothing wrong with this, just leads to an observation) is it safe to assume you are running one of the more "new to linux" friendly ones? If so, linux's like Ubuntu or Fedora very likely simply have packages that install and set up wine for you, then its a very quick matter of running the installer using wine and voila, it will (likely) work with little or no effort. That it received platinum on the site and is an older game I doubt it'll be hard to get it running using Wine. Good luck and enjoy.
  24. There are a lot of good codecs in those packs usually, I know I've installed earlier versions and it's usually solved my problem, but if you don't actually need them it's a lot of codecs to install just for no reason and sometimes can add a ton of crap to your programs list if random ones try to make entries self promoting. Good if you need it otherwise it might be easier just to stick to VLC or something that has 99% of the codecs I've needed to run files before.
  25. Personally I love VLC. While I'll admit to stll using Windows Media Player and a few others from time to time I use VLC more often by far. It has way better luck playing DVD's that I've copied then other programs for some reason so I stick to it. I'm a movie buff so always have movies playing BUT I know I'm rough with my disks so prefer to use copies rather than risk scratching the originals to hell. ANyways yea, VLC offers alot, is lightweight, has great compatibility and is free. It's usually the first thing I download on new linux installs if it doesn't come pre-bundled and it's always a program I recommend to people who don't have it yet.
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