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Posts posted by Killer008r

  1. Although I am not Hindu, I know about this holiday ;) my cousin has been to the festival and though it was really beautiful. And by those pictures I now realize that some day I would really like to visit so I could have the pleasure of another culture, and so I could view the beautiful lights. :P Happy Diwali To you all :P (I didn't know it was time already for Diwali. So its Nov. 1st?)

  2. So far you can't know the true specs of the Nintendo Revolution, Like the GC the console is not only incredibly small but it will more than likely be able to do as good (performance wise) as the other consoles. Nintendo has had a habit since the Super Nintendo, to price their machiene at $99.99 (Ultimatly $101 bucks) And looking at The Nintendo Game Cube, (The console that everyone said coulden't possibly have a game any where near what the other two systems have done) Completely WIPED out the compition when Resident Evil 4 was releaced for Only the GC. The graphics on it were better than any of the other consoles have made.I'm sure Nintendo will have somthing up their sleves to make their system customisable, make their awkward controllers (with the 'Gyration' technology) have a good setup. (I think that the controllers are awsome). They always have pulled up to any challange they were given. Their hand held consoles have been top notch for LONG while and even made a couple consoles go bankrupt (Sega).

  3. Eh, I don't like how Microsoft presented themselves. PS and Nintendo presented themselves almost flawlessly (Although Nintnedo is being really secritive lately) Dark Warrior, the Nintendo DS has Online WyFi capabilitys, that are going to be used next month in the releace of 2 games called Mario Cart DS, And Animal-Crossing DS. And MMORPGs (Unless you were just critisizing them) Means 'Massive Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game' Not Multi Million. :)

  4. The problem sounds like one of the answers I wrote below but then I thought there are a few more things that could be answers. Test the Hard-Drive, there may be a disk scratched, or some information not able to store correctly. Check any PCI/AGP slots, if there are cards try removing them and or replacing them with somthing else. And finnaly for this part, what kind of power-supply do you use? I doubt it, but it might be the power-supply (I have had some problems with the power-supply being broke and the computer would only be able to make it so you might want to test it) Ronald is correct, and sorry Abe the XP and BIOS config. are not the problems. With the descriptions that you discribe I can predict that the problem lies within either he RAM or the CPU. (If the computer runs at 42 degrees it is deffinantly not the cpu overheating) If there is more than one RAM chip installed, take one out. If it still happens try taking the other because it might be that your client gave the P2 more RAM than the mobo could handle. If there is one RAM chip, try replacing it with a extra 512 (or any other, above 8 meg, if you have it). If replacing that dosen't work, change the CPU (You can get a P2 for less than $10 online, try pricewatch.com). And if that all else fails, replace the motherboard.But any way, you are correct with it being a hardware problem :) Enjoy. P.S. If that dosent fix it, Msg me and I will see how else I can help.

  5. Lol, Quake 4 is the oppisite of doom (Horrible single player, kind of good multiplayer) although the game isn't really all that work buying. I would rather get HL2/CS:S/CS, or download Quake 4. Also you could et UT2004 If you don't already have it. It is an awsome game.

  6. The new HL2 assets, Dynamic lighting, an actual scenery (If you were to noclip over to the other side you would be able to play another part of the level), this is an actually detailed, actually working city. Almost all the doors can open. My computer was able to handle it at full, and let me tell you. It Was Beautiful. Just by playing it I remembered why HL2 is probaly the most realistic game that will be released in a while. So far there has been people that tried to break HL2's realism (physics, gravity, ragdoll) like F.E.A.R for example, but they haven't gotten nearly where HL2 is.BTW I beat F.E.A.R it's no where near as awsome as they say it is (Better Than HL2... HAH! Yeah Right.)

  7. I have to say your a little bit off on that. The game, I admit, had potential. But It dosen't live up to it, simply for the fact that it has one of the worsed balanced characters in any game I have ever plaied (Yes it does mean its worse balanced than Command And Conqure Yuri's Revenge which gave yuri the ability to control everything, which ment you just had to take over one allied bace and you are unstopable.) This game, although a good beat-em-up left alot of characters more powerful than others, which ment, if you picked one character, and the person you're playing (Which so happend had never plaied the game before) picks a different character (lets say you pick gohan and your friend/rival picks Goku) he can analiate you in the matter of seconds, no matter how good you are. Which in a beat-em-up game, that is completely unfair. The game should be like Soul Calibur, Mortal Kombat, Super Smash brothers ect. Where every character can beat every character; but instead of this game relying on player skill. It relys on the character you pick, which for me, makes playing the game at Wal-Mart against the little snotty 3 year old brat who has sat at that little game for hours playing before everyone else. Really annoying.

  8. I agree with Perfect Chaos, Revolution and PS3 are probaly going to kick Xbox off the market with their consoles. Also since the main reason for Xbox (Bungee) is-going-to/has signed a contract with Sony to releace their xbox's top sellers on the PS3. Which means Halo 1-2-3 will all be on the PS3

  9. I now have a new template up, although I did not create it (My friend did). I am thinking of modifing it to fit the ~I0~ name ( ~I0~ is the clan I am in obviously and it stands for Invincable 0peratives). But for now I think that it will work untill I remake it and have it looking better what do you think of the one that is up now?

  10. Wow, are you like an expert programmer? Normal people wouldn't have the skills or patience to create a program, let alone an entire suite of program. Is there anyone else working with you, or are you doing this by yourself?


    :) That's what separates us programmers from you normal people. Even normal programmers have/try to have the pacients to do all that. I can admit that right now I am just a kid, and not a full programmer yet. But I am helping create a HL2 modification, I am making my own messanger type program so people can talk to other people around the school (If they are on a computer of cource). And I am trying to learn how to model.

  11. Although, some disk errors are irrepairable. So what you have to do is either backup your files and repartition your harddrive (repartition is pretty much saying whipe out everything that is on the harddrive and reinstall the basic things which can be accomplished by putting your OS cd in, and then selecting partition from the selection screen.) Or you can try to deal with it, if its not a major one. But if you deal with it for too long, it will make the drive fail, and you will have to replace it. So for the best decision you probaly want to reformat/repartition.

  12. That is the template so far, I just wanted opinions, on how my flash bar is. And if you press about it brings you to another template that I'm trying to decide which to go to. I am making it for my CS clan ~I0~.P.S. I have no clue why I am not considered hosted.

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