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Posts posted by Killer008r

  1. 1. I doubt you need 2 gigs of ram, it would be alot cheaper with just getting 1 gig. Not to mention your computer would probaly actually run better. 2. so far you have skipped the most important thing. Cooling, Without proper cooling your cpu will die. Go to http://www.frozencpu.com/ that has a new-age cooling which will do wonderful.3. Make sure your AMD you are getting and the mother board are bouth 939 socket.I have mroe but I'm due to next hour in school. I'll post again with some more tips.P.S. It's much better I think, to use the sound card in the mobo.

  2. Wow. I can't belive I havn't posted here yet....So you Want to make your own computer?And your on a budget. Well the first thing you need is a case. To get that I would say purchase it at either of these sites: Ebay, Pricewatch.com, Tigerdirect, Colorcases, Coolcases, or newegg.Next, You need A mobo (Buy that before the power supply) I suggest going to Pricewatch for that, Go under motherboard, for a cheap realiable motherboard I would go for a Nforce 4(Most Nforce 4s have a pci express card, and thats what you need for the better type of the video cards, Not to menion the Nforce mobos, have built in nforce 4 video card which will help your gaming needs until you get enough money to buy a gforce 7800 gtx).Then buy the powersupply. For that go to new egg, You wont really need too much information on the powersupply other than what kind of case it is made for (Go for an ATX case & a power supply)Next you want a Cpu, I suggest AMD, dosen't have to be a 64, but it helps. There I would look at either Newegg or Pricewatch.Next video card, Make sure you have the right slot in your mobo for these. Pci- Pci Xpress - or AGP. For video card i would go Pricewatch, Tigerdirect or Newegg.Then comes the whole, Cable, HD, CD drive and other stuff like that. Those I would suggest Pricewatch and Tigerdirect again.

  3. My quoting still isnt working >: ([Kam] "The 64-bit Far Cry patch is the only damn good commercial homeuser demonstration of what can really be done given 64-bit processing & memory addressing. The draw-distance can increase (scene can be drawn out further into the distance), more objects can appear onscreen simultaneously, higher resolution textures (this makes a big difference & I think most games developers say they are going down this route soon .. ie in 2006). Wrt games/graphics I really like the look of HDR & some of the newer shader ideas, but that's going slightly off topic ;-)."I think the new HL2 demo (Lost Coast) is the best out there. Its full can only be handled by a 64 bit processor. When it's at that, the HD lighting, and the scenery of the game becomes beautiful like no one would believe. If you see it at the highest it's highest quality, You would cry because you wouldn't have thought anything could look or seem so realistic.

  4. So far, I haven't plaied this game yet. Through what I have seen. I would have to say this game is way below the other free mmorpgs I have plaied (Except Runescape, I absolutly hate that one. And I guess EQ1/2 since they are so abnormally buggy, the game just gets worse and worse by the update.) I have plaied Kahn, I have plaied Guild wars, I have even went to the MU online, And they are actually quite fun. But I have to try this one and then I will give a exact rating like Techo said. But sofar with the media that has been presented towards me, I give this game a 2 out of 5.

  5. Really this all has to do with what you belive in. If, for instance you belive in my cultures ways. You would believe in spirits, bouth good and bad. People from my tribe are still sent on their spiritual journy, which now we are sent to a lake side. We have to stay there for 2 days and during those 2 days we are giving a drug that makes us pass out. This is our trip into manhood, during the trip we are to see what future lies ahead for us. And from that we see spirits of our ancesters guiding us back to the world. Or so they say, I havent giving that trip because my parents moved out of the Native "Reserve" when I was about 2-3 years old. However, I still believe in the spirutalality that my people believe in.

  6. Right now in Geek-Squad (A cmputer fixing business hosted by Best-Buy) I make $19 an hour, Which for just starting there, And even with the taxes that is a good wage for someone who is only 16. Computer game programming is a good path (some of the companies give up to 50 an hour and just so you know, 50 an hour is ALOT.) IF you can get employed by Valve Software, Blizzard Entertainment, EA games, ID Softwar, or Activision. Which getting employed by them is VERY unlikely for the avarage game programmer (Meaning you will most likely end up working for an Antivirus program company making 20 an hour to do service upgrades and the average system checks).

  7. You had to connect to the internet so HL2 could be patched. (Also so Valve knows you have a legit copy, since alot of people are trying to steal it...dowload it...) When it finishes downloading, all you have to do is take the cable from your dial-up out and when it says "Cannot connect to the internet" you press Offline Mode.And don't say it dosen't work. That's how I play on a LAN with 1 account.

  8. [by: Kevlar557] "make sure to check your system specs!!! I had a friend who had a Radeon 9550, and it crashed his machine. You will need an better than good system in order to have tons of fun with this mod. I have a 9800 pro, and it still runs extremely choppy when I mp with it. Sorry for double post, hit wrong button. " The Video card probaly wasn't the problem for him, It was mostlikely the RAM and the CPU. You need atleaced 1 GB(1024 mb) of RAM and a processor that can run at I think it was 201 mhz (around a P4, or a Athlon 64 3000+) and please don't double post.Garrys mod is a mod that I use to make alot of backgrounds and sigs. It's probaly my favorite HL2 mod right now.

  9. The U.S., I would say is built by programmers. Although alot of them are looked at as bad. I am one of the people that most Americans would say is a bad kind of programmer, since I design computer games that their children would want them to buy for presents. And then become 'morraly corrupt' after playing them. Because you and I know people's attitudes are decided by what games they play.

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