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Posts posted by Killer008r

  1. If you have seen the nintendo Revolution controller you would realize that Nintendo has not only worked hard to make the controller perform good, but they made the controller to play good. Not to mention the controller is almost wireless, Except for the fact that there is a wire connecting the two parts of the controller, Which everyone knows will be squezed by Nintendo so they can use it to it's full potential (Maybe even going the length to making one part of it actually look like a sword). I agree with the plot part saying that the controller that the one company is too clunky, too horrible for anyone to want to play with. I'm more than sure that image would/is probaly some fake trying to make Nintendo look bad.Not to mention the technology used in the Revolution has a patent on it, so the ability of it working how the Revolution's controller is going to work is out of question.

  2. : / The bigger one is $500 smaller one is $300 Still to expensive for me : /. Sony and Nintendo are offering FREE online play. Not to mention Nintendo is Wyfi & lets you download all the reg&super Nintendo game for free. And the N64 n GC games for reduced cost.

  3. I'm not impressed with the new Xbox atall, They releaced it way too early, There area already major callbacks, which people arn't getting there full money back for (100 bucks less than what they paied, so thats 300 dollars pretty much gone to waste), and to tell you the truth The graphics aren't too much greater than the old-gen console. And dont say I'm wrong, I work for the Geek-Squad in Appleton, (Bestbuy affiliates, infact inside of Best Buy, and helps them with everything).

    We have 25 back-stock xboxes for the employes who want to buy them. I play it every day we have little work to do, and so far I have found out that it just plain sucks, I've plaied all the games and I could hardly tell the difference from some of the ps2 games that are the same game/game type. Project gotham racing said to be "The most realistic racing game to date" has no physcial damage, the cars sound plasticy and the graphics look exactly like GT4.


    I would probably buy the Xbox 360 before the PS3.  You can't go by the demos that they showed at E3 this year because most of that stuff wasn't actual gameplay.  I just think Microsoft was in such a hurry to release the 360 that they didnt' put all the visuals into the games.  That's why they paled in comparison to the PS3's demo.  If you look now on like gamespot or any other gaming websites you'll see that the gaming for both systems look about the same.  Not to mention the games that will be coming out on the 360 are looking better and better than they did at the actual E3 demo.  I'm not ready just yet to shell out the 300-400 on a new system, but if I were I'd go with the 360.


    To what you said, your wrong:


    1. The E3 Ps3 tech Demo was unbelivable true, but the games aren't at atall prerenders, The games were the actuall tech demo. Which means that is what the games are going to look like.


    2. If you read above you will see why the xbox 360 games that will be coming out on the 360 aren't looking better and better than they did at the actual E3 demo. I went to E3 and the demo they gave for their system was horrible, and the playable demos that they had look actually better than the games they have out now, and apparently half of those games that they showed are never going to be releaced to the 360 console because the devolpers Backed off of the games.


    3. The power supply & cooling for the system wasn't/still isn't even close to being ready. (If you didn't take time to read the first paragraph.


    4. Final Rumor has it that the next Halo along with 1 & 2 will be coming out for ps3 as well seeing that the devoloper of Halo's contract is going to be gone by the time they get halo 3 done.


    I woulden't go with the xbox even if it ment my life. I they releaced it way too early and that it's going to be a DreamCast all over again. If people weren't so stupid and looked at the tech specs for the systems they would Very quickly realize that even the Nintendo: Revolution, has better system specs than the Xbox 360, and actually a little less than the PS3.

  4. Anyone play Lineage][?  Are you start boring?  Me and my friends are boring about this game now.  We know that playing this game just only try to get level and money up, that's it.  That makes us bored.  But because it has been made to be the best game that i ever play, i can't quit.  I can't find other games better than Lineage][.  There are most advantages if compare with others.


    Or anyone, can advice me the suitable game which is better than.


    No need to tell me of these game : Ragnarok, Silk Road, Pangya, Flyff, Yolgang, Mu, etc. I think these game is not good enough.


    Ps. just my opinion, don't blame.


    OK, I'm sorry if everyone can stand this but, the grammer on this post is HORRIBLE.


    "Are you start boring?" Wtf does that mean?


    "Me and my friends are boring about this game now."

    Are you trying to say your friends and you think the game is boring?


    "We know that playing this game just only try to get level and money up, that's it." 1. You are saying "your only playing playing the game to level and get money." correct? Well thats what most Rpg games are about.

    2.Try Anarchy online, or Wow those are the 2 mmo's that I have seen that are most unique.


    "But because it has been made to be the best game that i ever play, i can't quit."

    Is it the only game you have ever played? Because It has a really horrible setup.



    Please use Lineage II or Lineage 2.


    "There are most advantages if compare with others."

    You ment to say, There are more advantages if you compare other games with mine.


    "Or anyone, can advice me the suitable game which is better than."

    I have no clue what that is sopposed to state because it means the same thing as the last one.


    "No need to tell me of these game : Ragnarok, Silk Road, Pangya, Flyff, Yolgang, Mu, etc. I think these game is not good enough."

    Ragnarok, Is a pretty good game, If you find a server good enough. Mu is also alright, only that they are 2d. But I think MU is pretty fun.

  5. Well, Starting to read this topic I don't understand if you want a list or not. So I'll start a list, then when someone replys (Or I'll double post) I will make a post that is one thing...Page yourself over the intercom. Don't disguise your voice.Every time someone asks you to do something, ask if they want fries with that.Develop an unnatural fear of staplers.Pay off your MasterCard with your Visa.When leaving the zoo, run towards the parking lot, yelling "Run for your lives, they're loose!"When you use an ATM and get money out of it yell "I WON, I WON, This is the 3rd time this week!!!"Talk to your fish.Start a rumor and see if it comes back to you.Buy a complete set of Transformers. Play with them loudly. If people comment, tell them with a straight face, "There's more to them than meets the eye."Every time you ride an elevator say "I sure hope this dosen't get stuck like last time."Buy a McDonald's Happy Meal for lunch every day. Eat the straw and the napkin, throw everything else away.Buy a Jack-In-The-Box every day, turn the handle until the clown pops out, scream continuously for ten minutes.:huh: theres a couple

  6. weiser_than_u  "It is probably either the battery, charger or some bug or virus. I would try buying a new battery and charger and return whatever wasnt the problem. If its some type of bug or virus.... you're in more trouble"

    It's not, and couldn't possibly be a virus in the powersupply. Thanks for being captain obvious in saying the problem is wither the battery or the charger. I'm guessing the battery died, or the socket got disconnected. Does the laptop show the charging symbol when it's hooked up?

  7. I was looking through these intros, And I realized. I Don't have an intro. Yet almost everyone on here knows me. Isn't that odd? Well Heres my introduction. Hi! My name is Ryan. I'm from the Usa moving to canada some day.I like programming, I'm only 17 and making $19 an hour fixing computers because I'm A+ certified.When I grad from Highschool Im going to a tech for computer game design and I will be working for Blizzard or Valve when I get out of college.

  8. For what those ALienware systems go for, I could almost build 2 PC's that have the same specs except better hardware... Case in point, A guy from CODUO tells me he spent $4000,00 on a PC, and it still lags, Probably partly because, they claim this PC is sureproof for gamers... Nope! I know alot of that was on his 23" widescreen, about $1800,00 worth, leaving the system at about $2200,00 of which I could build the same systems for $1200,00 20" monitor included with kick butt altec lansing speakers...


    PS, please ban the moron above... Thank You....


    1. you could build 2 computers? True, but the thing about those two computers would be crap.


    2. "4000,00 on a PC, and it still lags" Lag has nothing to do with the computer. Lag has to do with the connection speed of your modem/internet provider. Lag is to the time taken for a packet of data to travel between the local computer, the destination and back again. So it dosen't matter how good of a computer you have, if you have a 56k your still gona lag like hell. What your probaly thinking of is the word Choppy.

  9. Yeah thats WONDERFUL news... just what I wanted to hear, some stupid overpriced computer making company. Is finnaly making a retail store. Wonderful, just what we need. And before you say it, Don't say they cost so much just because they use the high-end computer parts. I used the exact same parts and checked how much it would be to make my own computer like that. I found out that my computer was going to be 500 less than the Alienware competitor.

  10. That last paragraph may be why you didn't list Inuyasha.  I love the show but... come on! It's 164 episodes and they never even kill the bad guy!  I've seen Trigun, The Big O, Ghost in the Shell:SAC and couldn't keep my eyes off.  However one which really touched me was Full Metal Alchemist.  I [somehow recieved] all 50 episodes and just watched them end-to-end for 25 hours. Best way to watch anime I feel, like a VERY long movie.

        About FMA, I became very attached to the chracters, and as serious as it could be, it fit humor into those situations.  For example, 'Mr. Clean'.  I thought he looked like him originally, so when a filler episode was made around that idea it was 27 minutes of rotflmao. 

        Sadly, I can't watch the english version on [adult swim] beacuse their voices, I just can't get attached to.


    Thats because you need to read the manga. There are over 200 manga "epasodes".


    :huh: I love Naruto, I have all 163 epasodes that are out in japan right now, and counting. (Thank God for naruto-kun.com)


    I have watched. And like.


    Love Hina'

    Ranma 1/2


    Tenchi Muyo



    Ghost In The Shell

    oddly... Rave Master...

    Ichgo 100%

    Gun Grave

    Samuri Shamploo

    Rouruni kenshin

    Cyborg 009

    Evalon Neon-Genisis ( I think thats how it is spelled)


    R.O.S.E (R.O.S.E stands for Rush On Seven Epasodes Also an MMO)


    ROD (Read Or Die)

    Immortal Grand Prix



    and Case Closed


    I'll be expanding the ones I have seen/read when I recall them.

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