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Posts posted by Killer008r

  1. I cant belive that no one has said Counter-Strike yet. That's probaly one of the best Fps games of all time it's only like 10 bucks on Steampowered (Idk if I can put links) compared to halo the graphics arn't the greatest but the game play is alot better, even though its a little old. If you want good graphics go for Counter strike Source, and maybe Half Life 2 and then for bouth of those games (CS and HL2) there are hundreds of mods at Moddb.com It's unbeliveable.

  2. About ToonTown. For me the game although starting out highly addictive, gets to be kind of boring and expensive if you are able to get other better titles like WoW. It's ways of getting money are highly repetitive and the character customization is god awful. It's a good started game for the little tikes if you have little Trainee Gamers Because trust me, If you give a kid that game. You wont be able to get onto your computer for the rest of your life. Because after that game your kid will find more better games, like CS, HL2, Command and Conquer Red alert 2, and stuff like Diablo or something.So other than it being a moderate time waster. It isn't much of a game.

  3. And I'm kind of back, Although I won't allways be on here, I, Killer008r, have returned to Xisto fourms. hoo did I have a heck of a time. My computer Crashed, My second computer crashed, when I rebuilt them, one of em started on fire, and the other didn't do anything. Finnaly after like 4 weeks I got the one that didn't do anything to boot up. Which by then I was having internet service problems because the network card in my pc fried for some reason. By the time I was done trying to fix bouth of em I was flat broke. With one unworking computer that had pci-slots that were useless. And another which literally started on fire. I got a job, made money and Now and the Proud owner of a VooDoo Middleweight. Oh, So much better than Alienware :(

  4. The Rock Wasn't actually bad for the role he played. People critisize him because all he can do while acting is the small lined-lead antaginost which yells and that is pretty much it. Yeah it is true he can't act, but who cares, It's a intresting concept for a movie, and even though the fps style is annoying, It proves to have good graphics. I wish HL1-2 were turned into movies.

  5. I don't think it would be the RAM in this case. What it sounds like when you hit the USB it probaly fractured part of the mainboard or do what khymnon said to do and check if you nocked the VGA out. I don't belive anything else could be the problem. Try getting another mobo if nothing works. And maybe CPU since, after a crash by doing somthing like that you are sopposed to look at the hardware and make sure that all of it is in good condition, and not broke otherwise you could short circut things.

  6. I think they should make 6 movies based on the games that may not be well known called Star Wars. I mean it's such a great storyline. Good Vs. Evil. A group of warriors called the Jedi vs. a group of evil warriors known as the Sith. It would be to big of a movie to make into 1 so it would need at the least 6 and how about we do the last 3 first so that we can have the end of the storyline all ready and then we can do the first 3 last and tell the very beginning. I think I'm going to direct these movies based on this game 'Star Wars.'


    Umm sorry for my language, But are you an idiot? Starwars started out as a movie, not as a game. You would have to be stupid to think that it started from lucas wanting to make a game.

  7. The only Game movies that I ever really liked were 1. Mario brothers (Old 70's movie that was suprizingly good) 2. Street fighter (Bad story good movie) 3. Double dragon 1-2 (bouth good) 3. The first Mortal Kombat. and 4. Bouth the Resident Evils. I thought that the Resident evils were bouth good, they bouth went along with the games as the immersive story in them were told. I hope they make movies to all of the games in the Resident Evil series, except for Zero. And I deffinantly want to see a Resident Evil 4

  8. If you want to mod a case, first you need a case, best place to look is either Pricewatch, or Ebay. When you get the case (Make sure it was a cheap case don't make it too expensive since if you scrue up, and break somthing there goes almost the entire project). Next make a design, draw it out, make a list of the parts/equipment you will need. Get styrofoam to make the modifications then when you have what you want out of the foam, you get clay that drys then just make it into the form that you want the part to look like, make sure it dosn't crack when it drys.

    For more reference go to

    http://www.7volts.com/casemods.htm https://m''>https://m'>http://www.7volts.com/casemods.htm https://m
    Or for some modding pictures and Ideas go to http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ https://p''>https://p'>http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ https://p
    I have 2 cases on there ^ I'll share them on here later :)

  9. I don't like the game atall. It's glitchy on almost any gforce 5500, the textures are too, Doom 3 like, (Smooth rubbery surfaces, kind of greasy and oily looking) It was too fake for me. The guns were a combination of the two games, and Serious Sam (The stupid cannon). And on all the computers I plaied on for the game (One of them my own with a gforce 7800 gtx) wasnt able to render the sprites fast enough which made it verry choppy.I'd give this game a 2/5 for all areas, And sound sucks on it

  10. To tell you the truth the game lies in the fact that it's build is the same as the hl2 source engine's, If you read its coding, it has a physics enging that is almost like the hl2 engine. It is from the same creator, but the likeness pretty much ends their. The coding is a beta format of what the hl2 engine is now, thus made for some of the glitches. I found the game a lot more boring than Deus Ex (I enjoyed Deus Ex alot and its multiplayer is actually pretty fun, although it is based off of the Unreal engine), And for me way to glitchy. It's fun at first when its not as linear, But as soon as you get far enough in the game you will find yourself going back and fourth, back and fourth. Just to find out that you have to go all the way across the game to find where you are sopposed to go. Once you do some stuff in the game, there's not much else you can do. If they allowed more freedom, and they didn't do that Wall of doom thing (you see the rest of a town, but you can reach it) which leads me into another point, the towns were way to small. If they had more for you to do. And actually used all of the CD's that it takes to install to add in bigger towns/cities. Plus a Co-op would have been fun, and maybe some modibility.I give this game a 3/5

  11. True-er words have never been spoken. Google was once the best search engine. Now all those crappy addpages that give people spyware, Trojans, and Viruses are getting through the g-bot because google is too busy with their other products. :D Sorry I had to rephrase what other people are trying to get at because it is also what I think.

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