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Posts posted by Killer008r

  1. I grew up with 3 different companies Valve software. Westwood (Which EA Bought out and is now making horrible C&C games), And Blizzard. From blizzard I have played all of their games (like the classic Nintendo ones too I.E. 3 Vikings). And out of the choices you posted, it is hard to make a selection, Because I have worked for WoW, I have made a lvl 99 sword barb, fire sorc, Java-zon, and Throwing barb because I was bored. I have gotten to the top of the WC2 and 3 ladder, I have even gotten to the top of the SC: BW ladder. But out of every thing I would have to say Diablo is my favorite. Since Diablo Set new standards to the RPG realm (I know that SC/WC set new standards for the RTS realm, as did C&C which I think has the better of the RTS games. And I know WoW set a new standard. Which made people go WOW.)

  2. [akijikan] "Plot, you missed my point. I can upgrade my computer for 5-600 dollars to get close to 360 graphics or I can spend 400 dollars on the 360 itself. I think you really underrate the 360. My illustration in cost difference is not about which is better, but marketshare and what the average consumer is going to do."5-600 dollars? Thats way to much for way to little. Right now you can buy a Gforce 7800 GT For 300 dollars. That is better than what the 360 is going to be able to do. My computer Right now has a Gforce 6800 Ultra 512 mhz. For 60 bucks. Which is still a little bit better than the 360 is going to have. [Trancewave] "PC might be limited to keyboard and mouse, but to compensate, usually PC has the best hardware and graphics.The way I always looked at consoles was the advantage of having a different way to interact with the game. Not just the controller, but stuff like super scopes, dance pads, etc. provide the most unique gameplay since they offer a new way to interact with a game besides plain button input. I know not many are looking forward to the Revolution due to its weak hardware, but its gameplay looks like it'd be amazing with a gyroscope based controller.But... in terms of the choices you offered, yes, I'd agree that PC will always stay on top."It's called PnP (Plug And Play) I have somthing that can let me put all the consoles Controllers into my computer.[saint-Jimmy]"Yeah, the Revolution looks good, but I think Ninty's days are numbered... people just aren't buying their new methods, which i quite like... The XBox 360 isn't worth buying for anything but the new The Elder Scrolls game (i'm an RPGaholic), but I'll probably buy the XB360 next summer for TES:Oblivion... and the PS3 just looks too dumb, the controller looks like a boomerang and the console... well, just refer to this:"I don't think Nintendo's days are even close to numbered. The GC in the long actually made more money than the PS2 or Xbox (right now, They still have Zelda coming out). I promous you that the Nintendo Revolution will be just that. A Revolution. About the controllers for the Xbox, They are taking Sony's old controller idea. The Ps3 controllers. They actually feel alot better than they look. And The Revolutions controllers, They are Awkward, and have a different idea, that I think will win alot of people.

  3. Houdini, from what he described it isn't a powersupply malfunction. I have only had once case of this where it was the power supply, but that was 1 out of 20 that I've fixed with a problem like that.Try doing this. Put your XP disk in. Go to the repair console. And type chkdsk /r If that dosen't work, go back into your repair console and type fdisk /mdr. one of those will do the trick if the hardware that I explained before isn't the actual problem.

  4. Which is another reason why the Revolution is going to be in a league of its' own it will still be in the next-gen console war. But the main fact is they are going to releace it later than the other consoles, so they can get ideas, get the specs of the other machienes, install better performance hardware, and ultimatly kill their competitors.Plus it is only $101Does anyone think that project name and how much it costs is at all strange?If you want I can post some Ps3 Game picrues.

  5. Sorry my quote function isn't working. but To Plot: "nintendo has been around since before the original playstation was released! and they are still here, they made a mistake with the came cube with the small disks couldnt hold alot of data therefore limiting game titles but revolution has amazing release titles like the new smash bros, metroid prime. plus the ability to download all its titles from before consoles, dk64, zelda series, resident evil. and the new slim look the prototype has is bigger then the release console the controller is amazing! putting the control into your arm (to swing a sword you swing your arm, shoot a gun you point and pull the b button [located on the back of the controller(remote)]) and xbox 360 releasing in 10 days is definetly going to get them ahead in the market but the anticipation nintendo is building up? its amazing, they have bairly told us anything! no1 is sure on release date, release price, release titles, specs, they just released thier new controller 2-3 months ago, and they still go by codename nintendo revolution"1 The original Code-Name for Revolution was 101 mario (Also the name for its Tech demo) 2. The release for the GC wasn't a hudge flop like you are saying. For the cd's could hold more than most of the ps2 games. (Resident Evil 4 only came out on GC becuse the cds were cheaper and they could hold more)3. The controllers do look AWSOME with the extra hookups that they are going to have which will give it a 'nunchacku' like look. Which is why they call it the Nintendo-Nunchaku. This Wireless controller style is The top has a Big A buttion and a Small B buttion (Along with some others. The bottom (where your index finger will most likely be at) is Z1, and way at the top there is a Dpad (Which will make it easy to move and press a/;). And in the other hand there will separate hookups (A joystick, a pistol, What ever they can think of, and since they are Nintendo. You know it will be a good/unique idea) And on the part of the controller (Which will most likely come as a joystick standard) will have the Z2 button on your other trigger finger. And that is all that I have heard and seen at the Tokyo GameShow 05. (which is where they unvieled the controller, and some of the graphics)Over all, out of all the Next-gen consoles I think I will decide to get the Revolution. The xbox 360, Hasn't improved alot. They made it 'Customizable' and made it like the dreamcast (Too early, they should work more on it and improve the graphics). While the PS3 Already seems like they could releace it. If you have heard of the specs, the 'brains' It would almost make you have a heart attack. Although I still would rathur get the Revolution.P.S The Nintendo-Revolution was Code-Named (as explained before) 101 mario. Isn't that kind of suspicious? The price of the last 3 Nintendo consoles started out at 99.99. With taxes it totals to $101, Was this planned?

  6. I play Guitar, Drums, Piano, Tried violin, And I play Banjo. My guitars are 1 Ibenez Gio Custom (One out of 100 made in the world my dad bought it when they made it and then gave it to me as my first guitar) and the other is a Customly made Fender Stratacastor. ;) maybe I will post images of them later. I also have a Gibson Banjo I had a Gibson violin and I sold my drums. And finnaly I have a program on the computer called Fruity Loops, which lets me create music tunes (really realistic, or increadibly fake) I will post those on here with the pictures.

  7. Right now I am a normal..... Kind of normal..... Junior at Clintonville highschool. Last year I got a job as a GM for the Illian server in WoW. When I get out of this place, I will be going to Michigan Tech for 4year computer/game programming and networking annaylisys. I am A+ certified. (I have been since January 14th) And when I get out of the tech I will try to get a job at either Blizzard, Or Valve (The two hardest software companies. I really want to go, but I doubt I will get in there since they have the biggest requirements for the programming/modeling jobs) Some day I will work for Blizzard or Valve though. If I cant get a job at either one of those. I will get a job at EA-Games for FPS games

  8. Although your comments Trian, are usless and a waste of space. (When you write somthing on a game add more than just I really like to skip the indtro) The game Black and White was a completely new and unique idea. The game was very intresting and fun. Personally I loved the concept of being your own god, Being able to create a civilization, and being able to create/tame a gigantic pet that gets bigger as time goes on. And although I have yet to play 2 (I plan on getting it this weekend actually...) I hear that it is almost the exact same thing as 1. Except with a little change in the story-line and enhanced graphics/physics. I would give this game a 3/5 for what I have heard so far, I gave the first game a 4/5 because it gets boring and repetitive. And When I play the game I will write a larger review on the game.

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