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Posts posted by Killer008r

  1. Most additive... HL2 The source engine, is insane. And the mod-ablity is more than any game has to this point. If you think im wrong, Take a look at Garrys mod (http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/) That mod is made so you can make senarios and make your own custom creations. And to see other mods just go to Moddb.com and search for HL2 mods. You will see a much more wide varaity of mods for HL/HL2 than you will in any other game.

  2. I learned most of this by myself, but I didn't really know how to explain. so I'm quoting off of this site >>PLA Fourms


    Coke Machine Debug Menu

    Published on 10/09/03 at 15:05:37 CST by Kyint


    [i'll let this through since he's done more extensive testing, but ch0pstick is still the O.G. coke machine hax0r.

    -Yo mama]


    [i know, I know. ch0pstickninja wrote this up a long time ago, but it was vague and didn't cover much. This is a well-researched version with very little ambiguity.]



    Coke vending machines are everywhere. They're getting more and more like regular computers with LEDs that show little "ICE COLD" messages and whatnot. Well, there's a lot more to those little built-in computers than you may think. Included in the low-level operating system that these babies run on is an actual debug menu that gives you access to all sorts of machine information and possibly gives you free cokes in older machines.



    There's a very strict list of vending machines that have the debug menu. First off, they're all COCA-COLA product vending machines. This means the giant, un-missable picture on the front must show any of the following: Coke, Dasani (Water), Barq's Root Beer, Vanilla Coke, Cherry Coke, Sprite, Evlan (water), Fanta, Fresca, Frutopia, Hi-C, Sprite Remix, Mad River, Mello Yello, Minute Maid, Nestea, Odwalla, Mr. Pibb/Pibb Xtra, Planet Java, Power Ade, Seagram's Ginger Ale, Simply Orange, Sparkletts, or Tab. Of course anything Diet or Caffeine free works too.

    The machine must have an LED screen. Some of the older ones just allow the LED to be set to a price amount and won't have the debug menu. You're safer if the little LED is telling you something. Usually it will scroll a little message like "Ice Cold Cokes". Newer machines are more likely candidates.



    To enter the menu, there's a button combination. HERE'S THE ONLY THING YOU HAVE TO REALLY REMEMBER:




    The buttons are numbered depending on how they are positioned. They will either be vertical (more likely), or in horizontal rows of 4 buttons per row. If it is vertical, the first button is #1, the one below it is #2, and so forth. If the buttons are in horizontal rows, the first button is #1, and the one to the right of it is #2. The numbers work like a type writer after that. In rows of 4, the first button of row 2 will be button #5. So, to review, getting in to the debug menu looks like this:


    COKE MACHINE::::::

    $1.00 -------


    [ Coke ] <-- Hit this button last

    [ Coke ] <-- Hit this button second

    [ Diet Coke ] <-- Hit this button third

    [ Sprite ] <-- Hit this button first

    [ And so on ]



    Some text should show up on the LED (probably the word "Error", we'll explain what it means next sections). If nothing happens, your machine doesn't have the debug menu.



    To navigate from option to option (What they are is next section), remember the numberings we gave the buttons. They work as follows:

    Button [ 1 ] - Exit/Back

    Button [ 2 ] - Up

    Button [ 3 ] - Down

    Button [ 4 ] - Select



    Depending on the age of the machine, you will get a varying amount of options.

    On older machines: SALE, VER, EROR, and RTN

    On newer machines: CASH, SALE, EROR, and RTN



    The CASH option will display how much money is in the machine currently. It generally takes a second or two to load. From here, you can scroll up and down through 12 or 16 different options, depending on the machine age. These other options display how much money was spent on each individual item, classified through its button (or slot, as I like to call it) number.

    A neat side note about the slot numbers is that there are more slot numbers than there are actual slot, so usually the last 4 buttons contain zero money. This could be so that the same OS could be used on bigger machines, but the newer machines have even more slot numbers.



    The SALE option displays how many drinks have been sold out of the machine. This tends to be cumulative, but not on all machines. The stock guy is probably supposed to reset this each time he re-stocks. Also, this has the same sub-options as the CASH option, where you can scroll up and down and see how many drinks have been sold from each slot.



    This option will cause a large alphanumeric string to scroll across the LCD. The number looks very much like a serial number, but doesn't vary from machine to machine. It is most likely the OS or machine version number, but of the older machines that have the option, I haven't seen one that doesn't have the same number.



    The most mysterious of the options, the EROR function will usually display the word "NONE" across the LCD. Almost all machines show NONE, but we came across one old one by a Food Lion that actually said something. This is an error log. If an internal error occurs, it will list it. So far, I know of "DOOR" and "STS" errors. If you get an error, you can select it, and it will clarify which part exactly had a problem, as in "STS002" or "STS005".



    This is simply the return option. Selecting this will exit the debug menu. On newer machines, pressing the BACK button at the main menu will not exit, and RTN must be selected.

    A side note: The menu can also be exited by pressing the coin return button.



    By holding in the coin return button and not releasing, on the newer "big-button" machines, this will display the internal temperature in Fahrenheit, as in "42F".




    This is of absolutely no use, as there is NO way to gain free drinks or money from this.  "

    The last part "There is absolutly no way to gain free drinks". Is mostly wrong, There is a way but 1 that would be completely illegal, and 2 if you want to risk it go to one of those sites like I-hack.com or astalavista.com. But I suggest not trying to do it. (The way isn't completly free, but you can change prices of the soda)

  3. Firends,

    AMD and Intel 64 bits, are EXTENSIONS so they are not only backward compatible 32bits they ARE 32 bits.

    I personally use an intel 820 chip, it's 64 bits, and have other intresting features as speedstep. It's fastest when u enable the EMT64.


    Ehh, Wrong on that. AMD 64 is True 64 bit, It isn't just a 32-bit extension.


    I will hold off on the 64 bit system upgrade for the time being then, just to be on the safe side.  But is it ok to buy a 64 bit motherboard and use a 32 bit processor on it?  So that if I do intend to upgrade in the future, I can just swap out the CPU instead of changing the whole mobo.


    I think I would get the 64-bit processor, I find 64 bit to be powerful, and completely reliable.

  4. Powersupply: $129.99 frozen CPU hyper modular w/ case exterior total 170.48
    Cpu Cooling: from same site http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ $49.99 Fans from same site: $61.58 Total shipping $9.92
    Mobo: $66.49 nforce4 939 socket
    Cpu: $158 amd 64 3200+ 939 socket
    VideoCard: $309 Gforce 7800 GT 256 Pci Express XFX
    HD400gb: $222
    RAM: $82.96 1gb ddr333
    Case: (@ http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ pricewatch.com-cases-13bay) $150

    /WO Video Card $1101.41

    /W Video Card $1410.41

    Alien Ware:
    Processor: AMD Athlon™ 64 3200+ with HyperTransport Technology
    Memory: 1GB Low-Latency Dual Channel DDR PC-3200 at 400MHz - 2 x 512MB
    System Drive: High Performance - 250GB Serial ATA II 3Gb 7,200 RPM w/8MB Cache
    Primary CD ROM/DVD ROM: 16x DVD-ROM Drive with Software DVD Decoder
    Motherboard: AlienwareÂŽ nForce™4 SLI™ Chipset Motherboard PCI Express
    Graphics Processor: 256MB PCI-Express x16 NVIDIAÂŽ GeForce™ 7800 GT
    Chassis: AlienwareÂŽ Full-Tower Case - Martian Red
    Enhanced Software for CD/DVD Creation: Nero OEM Bundle
    Power Supply: AlienwareÂŽ 460 Watt Max Power Supply


    (PS. I'm gona buy the first one not the alienware.)

  5. 1. But first, I want to ask: I bought a GeForce FX 5700LE a year ago (October, November-ish) and I wonder if $150 was a fair price for it. Right now, I can't play Battlefield 2 very smoothly - very choppy (15~20 FPS) average and thus, it forced me to uninstall it.


    2. Now, I really want to get a new graphics card. I also want to upgrade my CPU. I bought it about 4~5 years ago (Pentium 4) and it's 2.0 GHz. I think it's getting a little outdated right now? Yeah, I thought so. Maybe a new hard drive - I need to reformat this hard drive I have here.


    3. Also, can someone tell me why my combo drive (bought two years ago) doesn't work very well? My computer sometimes hangs (can't move my cursor, do anything, not even taskbar manager thing in Windows XP) while my Samsung combo drive is trying to read the DVD.


    4. I was trying to copy a 3.2 gigabyte file to my desktop and it says 65 minutes remaining. I was like "What the heck".


    There are lots of questions here but I hope someone can answer them thoroughly :) Thanks (and please provide a bit of an explanation)


    Cyborg, Here are the answers (I numbered the things so I could tell you number by number).


    1. A year ago for a 5700 priced at 150 wasn't a good deal. If you want to know abou the latest tech get pc-magizine that will also help you on pricing for various stuff like that.


    2. A new graphics card. for $309 at pricewatch you can get an ok Gforce 7800 gtx. For cpu I would switch/upgrade, but with upgrading/switching, your CPU you will mostlikely need a new mobo. I would get a 939 socket mobo and then an AMD Atholon 64 3200.


    3.Your computer "hanging" is probaly in result of ram or cpu issues. If it is the combo drives problem, it's probaly because it's a low speed.

  6. :) this is a new error from the last one. It used to show me as hosted, just not let me have a site. Now it's the complete oppisite, Atleaced it was. It shows me not hosted and I have the site url http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Last I checked I wasn't able to access my site... PLEASE fix this. I'm completely pacient, and I wont complain anymore (Like a bunch of people in this server) Since this is completely free hosting, and I am very greatful for it being free.

  7. So buyers of the Xbox 360 will already be satiated with their console, and decide not to waste money on any other consoles.


    What do you mean"Waste money on any other console" by that statment you are not only promoting the Xbox 360. But you are saying that the other consoles (The Revolution that is Nentendo Revolution, And the glorious PS3). Which those two consoles, although not out. Have much better tech specs, which means to get either of the two next gen consoles. (Xbox hasen't really made any major improvements or additions there new console. The gfx card is equivlent to a Radion 9800 pro. Which to me isn't worth of the title Next gen) Really wouldn't be a "waste of money".


    I am guessing that the Xbox 360 is a Dreamcast all over again. They have horrible setup, Graphics that wont stand in the next gen console war, And they are trying to breaking the truce that Sony and Nintendo have made in the releacing in (The PS came out a month before the 64, the PS2 came out a month before ethe GameCube,And I am guessing the PS3 is gona come out a month before the Revolution). I personally stride to own bouth the PS3 and the Revolution.

  8. 1. "4. You don’t have to worry about installing Windows on your computer" That is not a problem, all you have to do is install it.I actually don't agree with what James said, for the main fact of. Most computer shops over charge for parts & labor. I help run my brothers company "Computer Trouble Shooters", and I know that he way over-charges people along with all the other computer shops in my area. So I suspect you will be getting jipped for getting one made for you.I found it easier to make my own, all you need to do if you dont know how to make your own is to go online and dl a tutorial. The RAM "corsairmemory" that he suggested, I found to be increadibly unreliable. I suggest to find a pc4300 mostlikely just a single channel 1 gig, and then later get either a 512 or another 1 gig. The best place to find that I think would be Pricewatch.com.Dual 7800 would probaly be too expensive right now. I would wait untill the price drops under 900. The video card that you were/already have ordered, is good enough already. (:) nice mobo, thats the exact same one that I'm going to have in my next computer).The power supply in your case, is not really needed. The one that you purchesed shall do great for your computer.Thats all for now. - Killer

  9. Pretty nice tut, Only problem with it is you say that newegg is the only place people should go (you don't directly say it, it's more of an implication) You can go to Tigerdirect.com Pricewatch.com and for cases go to colorcases maybe? There are probaly more but those are the ones I use. AND you forgot videocard, and Cooling. For cooling I would go to Frozencpu.com (New tecnology for cooling that works so, so wonderful.

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