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Posts posted by Killer008r

  1. I agree that Windows isn't the most stable OS but, the fact is Most people would rather use Xp than any Mac OS. If you want to have a good OS I Say go with Linspire 5.0 It has the bases of all 3 major operating systems, Plus they have a 64 bit OS, along with the regular 32 bit. And the price of the operating system is under 100 dollars... Infact it is only 59 dollars for the 32 bit system.

  2. Alot of people have been complaining lately that Windows is bad because they stole ideas from other companys, those ideas ended up working, didn't they?I was walking down the hall in my school when all of a sudden I hear an annoying admin apprentice that knows nothing of what hes doing, telling a teacher that Windows is worthless because they stole the idea, Immeaditly I thought to myself a few things, the first one was "If the Windows OS is so horrible, Why is everyone using it?" that answer came to me quickly, it was for Windows has the most statibility over the 2 major competetors, (Linux RedHat and what ever Mac's os is at this moment). Not to mention the Mac Os dosen't allow a 64 bit processor to be installed unless you want to spend 4-500 more dollars on a crappy computer that your most likely only going to be using for video editing, because thats all it can do with out crashing. The second question was "Isn't Mac's OS based off of a Linux OS?" And I ended out completely correct, so the student that I walked past was nothing but a fraum whom of which knew nothing of what he was talking about. Becides that I use an OS called Linspire Based on all 3 OS's which makes it oh so much better, (In my mind) Since you can easily use all of the software that the Mac, Linux, and Windows OS's have specially designed for them. Oh, isn't that sweet? And now for new news 5.0 is 64 bit enhanced. This Is killer008r Signing out.

  3. I think it could be a mixture of bouth, there is one powerful source, we cant really call human because we dont know what it is, just because some neanderthals wrote some scripter about a guy who said "i created the world" during a time in which people believed that there was sorcery and witch craft means its true but. I belive there is some force there that is leading us onward. and Evolution is obvisouly there, i meen look around you, there are hundreds of animals that are all almost perfectly adapted to their surroundings.

  4. I have to say WoW, mostly because I work for them and no other mmo would allow a 16 year old to work for them. Also I tried Guild wars, and the lack of items, and the lack of customize-ability makes it horrible, even if you were to compare a game like EQ to WoW, it wouldn't be fair, since you can do so much more, and there are so much less bugs on WoW then there are on EQ, I quit EQ because if I gotten stuck in one more cliff, I would have had to write an EXTREMELY angry letter at someone. With all caps, and bold.

  5. "hl2 is awesome pry the best, cs is a very close second. i personally enjoy cs, its just a heck of a fun game! go buy it and stop debating! lol....hl2 is the best end of story" tarheel7unc23Well you can't really say CS would be second because it's a mod of hl/2.But otherwise I would say you have to play HL2 no matter what because it is the best, as people on there say "It R0x0rs mY B0x0rs" :) meaning it is an awsome game.

  6. Ever since I computer (2-3 years ago) I had an AMD 64 I can garentee that it is one of the most stable running CPU's there are, (I hate intel) all my computers had intell befor I bought the AMD and the intel would burn out, die out, or somthing would just be bugged in it, because of that I don't really think there is any other way to go other than intel.

  7. I am sure that all of you have read the Recent scandal and I killer008r, the former tech guru on Astahot, untill I became a GM for WoW (:) and I'm only 16) am here to rant about that scandleSo if you have to download the Patch to make sex scene veiwable what makes the patch any different from the Laura Croft and the Sims nude patches? Why haven't games such as Leisure Suit Larry MCL (the new one) and The Playboy Mansion gotten the boot from stores, not to mention why are they not rated Adult, they are rated mature like San Andreas, although they are worse habited. Leisure Suit Larry has a cheat built into the game,(mind you, you don't have to download somthing extra) that lets all the Female characters become nude and in practially every cut-scene there is either rude sexual remarks, or Larry is having sex with someone and it is still on store shelves and still rated M when I think it is worse sexually, and racially discriminating than GTA:SA. Playboy Mansion is like drunk Sims on crack, you can make the Playmates Strip down to their undies and topless, and if you really want to theres a patch (mind you this is the EXACT SAME THING as why they are giving GTE:SA the boot) that lets you take of the Playmates panties (you can already have them topless). And this game is only rated M. Dosen't it make you think about why they haven't been given the AO rating but SA which has a patch that kids have to go online to download and they have to Search on the torrent sites (since right now thats the only place I could find it, and before you say anything I'm not that big of a pervert, I just heard of the scandle and wanted to see how hard it was to find that patch, and although I found it there were no seeds and the server was down.) You people might be thinking, but the kids parents would know better than to buy games such as TPbM and LSLMCL. You would be correct, but if they know better than to buy those M rated games for their children, shouldn't they be the blame for getting a game that for years has created massive amounts of controversy. And finnaly If they would keep all this out of the news I bet close to 100% of the world wouldn't know about this patch, and almost 40% of America would be trying to ban the game off our shelves because they bought it for their children and didn't think that the game had correct morals for their 10-11 year old kid who wanted the game for his/her birthday and their parents bought it, and yet they blame the producers and the manufacturs of the game for making them buy it for their kid. I'm done ranting, have any comments? Feel free to PM I like hearing about how you enjoyed or disliked my rant.

  8. I have been looking at getting a psp over a ds, just on the fact that the ds just seems to be a fancy gba with a touch screen. The graphics look a lot better on the psp and the games seem to be a better in whole. Saying this, i probably would do what i did when i got the gba play it for a little and just go back to playing on the xbox all the time.


    I drive so wouldnt really play it that much, so the cheaper for me wouold be to just get a tv in the car and hook up the Xbox to it.


    not even close, maybe if you would look at the specs, you would realize that the Nintendo DS is a revolution in gaming technology, not only does it have built in WI FY (PSP has it but is is so friggen laggy, the DS's is not at all laggy) it has a lazer sensor so if you want to play with a friend in school while your in one room, they can be across the whole school and you still get wonderful connetion, no choppyness. But the DS has a wide varity of games, it is no longer a system made just for the little kids (although you can't really say pokemon is just a kiddy game because it has an extreamly intracate rpg style where there are hundreds of creatures and hundreds of attacks which leads to a game with over a billion choices for the battle, no I'm not lieing about that either, so don't try to say I am.) because the DS now has 1. Animal crossing DS which is MULTIPLAYER OVER NET, 2. Metroid DS Also multiplayer over net, 3.MARIO CART (one of nintendos most famous and the only good car game where they take a series of characters froma game series and make a mini game which is super long, if rare wasn't bought out we might still have Diddy kong Racing also and that was an awsome game.) Ds with multiplayer over net, 4. oddily enough the old nes game comes back A boy and his Blob Ds which is also multiplayer over the net (dont ask how), Megaman battle network DS (also multiplayer awsome idea, and will sell like a word that I can't say on here or I will get banned), and thats the online games that are coming out in the next 2 months! Psp's online game will be coming out in 3 months, which the game is a Twisted Metal game which isn't all that great. Also the Psp has horrible battery life compared to the DS, Psp's battery lasts about an hour and a half, the DS With the MULTIPLE SCREENS (which you would think would take more battery, and the battery packs are smaller) lasts over 24 hours (Trust me a kid at a lan party was playing mine non-stop through out the whole lan party and it never got close to running out).


    Dmaster, yet again you are right about the DS being better than the PSP :lol:

  9. The new Xisto skin is Awsome, only thing is I cannot find the arcade. Grrr I really want to be able to go on the arcade lol. The buttons on everything, especially the Shout box are amazing. They made the shoutbox a separate reload than the main page which I love.And they took off the 60 second rule as far as I can tell. You guys should probally put it back on so people don't spam in the shoutbox because i worked way to high to get on the top 10 list :(

  10. 1. Network transfer, get a basic cat-5 cable and connect the 2 computers over either a crossover hub or just directlyl. and 2. (the eaiser way) find a internal-external harddrive converter "case" (you hook your hd up to it and its a little case that is usually firewire and comes with usb cabels (dosen't really lead to "Tearing everything up", just unhooking 2 cabels, un mounting the drive, and retreve the information, then re-mount re connect, and vouala, your done.)

  11. Umm, you do know Guild Wars isn't an MMORPG. This review is kind of dumb giving GW the honor of being called an mmorpg, it may be a mmo, but not only can it not be a mmorpg, but i found the game way to easy, even for a non-Hardcore roleplayer. It just lacks stuff to do, you just quickly level up, theres not a wide selection of items. Theres no real value to the game, (probaly why it is free, since it will die out soon enough). I suggest you find a game like MU online, Rose online, Supreme Destiny, Knight online, The short trial (until jan-14-06) of Anarchy Online, Racing mmo "Team Revolution", Worms-like mmo "Gunbound", akward but some what cool mmo "Outpost", Runescape, Better type of Runescape (and one of the first ones of the type) Dragon Raja, Old MMORPG "T4C" (Or The Fourth Coming), Private servers of L2 (Lineage2), WoW (World of Warcraft), CoH (City of Heros), EQ 1-2 (EverQuest 1-2). Oddily enough The Sims online, and the old EA classic "MCO" (Motor City Online which was stuipidly canceled when it had 200,000 people playing it,you could customize everything on your cars in it, thats where EA brought the idea of NFS UnderGround) and don't say that the Private servers are illeagle because in the agreements of those it doesen't say you can't do that. That means, make as many private servers as you want. Ultimatly Guild Wars does provide somthing sort of unique, It is one of the only MMo's which it's only point is to pvp and it is quite fun and will satisfy some of the more dumbed down gamers who don't want to use a minute of their lives to go throught an easy tutorial to learn how to play. Instead you go through a little help screen that says this is the game enjoy and your pretty much off to go. So for anyone who wants a good game I woulden't recommend it but for people who don't really have to think what intensive spell I want to use against what mob that will mostlikely kill me in one hit, go for it download the game. I can not express myself enough times to say that, the game gets tireing very quickly since there is the repetitive, level your character to the highest level in less than a day, and then pvp, and pvp some more, and buy some crappy armor, and pvp some more, and finnaly PVP MORE. expecially since you have a little amount of cool weaponry and, a very very low and crappy amount of armor. To me this game is a boring 3 out of 10

  12. Ok 1. You cant donate, 2. most of the game is glitchy, and finnaly 3. Thats not a glitch, try explaining to me how it is a glitch and maybe I agree, but to my knowldge that isn't a glitch. If you want to make creds you have to type long posts with meaning, like mine yelling at you for making up a fake glitch.Look at most of my previous posts, most of them are pretty big.

  13. lol so true :D  in my opinion i like radeon better because yea, i hav it and stuff, also it sounds better to me.  Anyway this is getting a bit off topic, arguing which is better.  Anyway in the end it is your choice to get the 9200, or 9550.


    Please make sense when you talk, "I like radeon better because yea, I have it and stuff and it also sounds better to me." That is one of the worst sentances I have ever read. You can't say somthing is better than somthing else just because you have it. Geforce Is an awsome brand, and right now just a little bit better than Radeon, the specs of a Geforce 6800 pci 512mb is just a little bit higher than the radion 9800 pro. Although right now I have a Radion 9800 All In Wonder, and I 'tend to lean towards Radion but with This Gen I have leaned towards Geforce.

  14. Dream your right, they have to get every hair on the body separatly :) even in the naughties :), no jk :) . Ps3 is such a revolution with the cell processor and the graphics, that you in no way can compare it to xbox360, that would be unfair to the xbox because it has not even close to the power that ps3 has. Don't even think about arguing about that because I will win and you know it.

  15. Still The Xbox's Greates sellers (DOA, and Halo) Said they are going to move the games to the PS3, that is going to completely ruin Xbox360 sales, because why would you want to pay more for less? I meen Ps3 has better controllers, better graphics, That beautiful cell processor, BEAUTIFUL, and you don't have to subscribe to any special thing to get a internet service for your ps3 at your home (I.E -NO- XBOX LIVE), it is going to be 100 bucks cheaper (Xbox 360 is going to sell for around 300-400 bucks ps3 200-250), and finnaly they are going to be coming out months apart, thats not very far.

  16. Someone made a post on the screenshots "PS3 Specs" And I can easly say Xbox360 looks ulgy and has NOthing on ps3, Just look at the pre renders that look so bad compared to ps3 INGAME shots. I posted the wrong link its at e3insider.com


    Posted Image Thats what the ps3 is going to look like


    Posted Image There is "The Getaway 3" Ingame not pre renders.


    Posted Image Killzone 3 Ingame shots also.


    All these from PS3



    Xbox 360


    Posted Image


    A bit squarish...


    Posted Image


    Horrible and squareish.


    Posted Image


    Crappy and blocky.


    You can CELARLY see that ps3 has a much greater future than 360.


    Not to mention with Halo 1-2-3 coming out revamped for PS3. I dont think people will be paying $300 + for Xbox when they can pay 200 for PS3 and get a better controller, better games, and a better system, Not to mention free online (No extra subscription needed.)

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