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Posts posted by Killer008r

  1. Again Arbitrary, like Arkane, you sound like you're more Agnostic than Atheist Because As I explained Athesim is the Absence of Beliefs... So there for if you have even the slighest belief in god you're not Atheist. Agnostic is believing that their could be somthing out there, some higher power, some after life. But since there's no visable proof, and since there's such a streach in the current bible there might not be a god, and their might not be an afterlife... (The couple jewish preists who wrote the first bible wrote the old testaments?)...

  2. Ohh this game is Sooo SOOO good, Soo much better than the normal Might And Magic games. Like, the regular 1-(5)?were horrible but this one is BEAUTIFUL and has a good story line. The spells (like shrink, and telekenesis) are awsome how you can push an enemy through a spike trap, or you can break a board to make a trap for an enemy, My favorite is when you get the super shrink and the people go really small, and then you kick them. it's so awsome :ph34r:I reccomend it too!

  3. 2 things. One Read this https://myspace.com/browser (A friend of mine and I wrote it) This is all about athiesm.


    And Two Atheism is not truely a belief - it is the absence of a belief. The label "Atheist" announces one thing and one thing only: The disagreement, or rejection of, theism.


    But what most recent Athiests say is it's their belief to "not belive" If that's not your view of athesim Congradulations you're one of few.


    There is actually alot of proof of the old bible. I was watching the History channel about Noahs ark, and they were saying that stuff about the Bible saying that it was only the species in that area, and not all of them just some. They discovered ancient tablets of the old bible and it varied Majorly like for example Noah was just a pesant, a wine maker. And I searched that for hours if I get that site again I'll post it but until then.


    Now don't have me mistaken Arkane I'm not saying your type of belief is wrong, people can believe in what ever makes them happy. I'm just simply saying that what I think now in days Athesim is contradicting.


    I'm Agnostic since I don't really have a religion, and the only "religion" that holds closest to my beliefs is Agnosticism ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Agnostic to know what that is) I take this title because there is no visible proof that a god/gods exisist they could, maybe, but since there is no proof I can't go about believing it is true.

  4. I have to say one thing About religion. It's so streatched out from how it began... noah on a fully wooden ship that would have technically broke down if it were to try to actually float Not to mention with over 10 million different species... But then again Athesim is The belief in Not Believing... What's up with that? That's a contradiction. So I'm neither fully religious or an Atheist. Because 1. Religion is so full of lies than from what the original bible (the Koran if i'm not mistaken?) said. And 2. Athesim is a load of BS.

  5. This game is simply put AMAZING. I've never played an rpg with this good of graphics. It' beats oblivion blind folded. This is a polish made game from an unknown company who only has gothic 1-3 under their name.

    The site to the game is right Here Just have a look at the game if you want to play it, it's a midevil game with dinosaurs (dont ask why but their beautiful). The graphics are so good that at Max, the leaves on the trees are all separate leaves and they sway to the wind. The wolfs have fur, not just a coat of flat looking fur, but Realistic, swaying moving fur. People have hair and not just blocks either. There's actual demention to the armor, like if there's a ripple to show off an abb It's either the most beautiful looking 2d sprite. Or it has actual dimention to it.

    This game was an instant buy when I saw the graphics. And I didn't think atall before/after buying it. It was worth it. Just for the Graphics. The game play is Very good also, And VERY LONG, it took me two days to get half way through it, going non-stop action and storyline. The world has multiple quests, you can take the side of good or evil. You decide who you work for at the beggining the Orcs or the Humans (while you're a human you're a mercinary)

    I don't know what else to say about this game becides the fact that it's the most beautiful thing i've ever seen.

  6. I don't Understand how Zelda is a mini game. While you can sit there and Say that most of the games are pure Mini games the fact stands that most of the games that started with the wii are Great games, Red Steal, even though got bad reviews, Wasn't a horrible game, just wasn't very hard. Call of duty was very good, and the graphics were alot better than most people think that it would be. (Oh yeha you said that Wii graphics lack inovation look at zelda... that should be inovative enough for you ***twilight w/ the wolf*** pretty good graphics) Then you come across games like Elebits. with the Katamari style graphics, and intresting game play This game, although it has a childish tone, is really good (like katimari). The godfather.... Yeah it's out for other consoles too but w/ wiis godfather when you choke someone, You're choking someone, you're doing the motions. Which makes it insanely fun :) expecially since it has the same GTA style gameplay w/ a storyline. The only actual mini games on wii are the stupid Disney games and then. Wiis first releace Wii Sports ( which you gotta admit is addicting), Wii Play (again pretty addicting), Monkey ball has alot of mini games (but still has Monkey ball story mode), and then Wario ware. Which is a great multiplayer game, when everyone is standing up doing the akward positions with the Wiimote (which nintendo uses the word Wiimote so I think it's Nintendos word...infact in E3 the nintendo spokes person called it a WiiMote) The fact of it is that people who are these so called "traditional gamers" are Xbox gamers who think Nintendo sucks just because it's not Xbox. Most of these "traditional gamers" havn't even tried to play a Wii and say "I don't even want to try it because it sucks". Find a friend w/ a wii, play it with him/her, and I assure you... Infact I'll bet you that you'll fall inlove with it. Not to mention when games like Spore, Super Smash Brothers Brawlers, Metroid, and Mario coming out.-edit- Forgot this part out sorry-edit-I don't understand what you're saying by a combo... Nintendo will NEVER sell their product with another system. End of discussion. And it seems like the definition of a "Traditional gamer" is an Xbox fan. Which dosn't make sence since Nintendo pretty much made it all happen. w/ Donky Kong, that old game where you were the plumber and you had to save a princess by jumping over barrels and fire to catch the ape and get the key. That and before that the Mr.Game&Watch handheld systems. A traditional gamer, is someone who likes games all togeather. I don't have a definant problem with the other systems, I try them out and I fourm opinions on my own, I don't say "Xbox is the best because it is,... because Halo,...because you can mod it to play Every game and some how even wii games (Myth)". I'm a traditional gamer who plays all consoles and maybe dosn't like all of them, but still dosn't opinion it based on inexperience. Alot of people (no offence but I see it more often in Xbox gamers) who have never played the Wii (who are now and days known as "Traditional gamers") Say that the Wii is all Mini games and has "No games" but that's completely incorrect I own close to if not half the games that are out for the Wii and 2 of them are mini games 2 out of 12. There are currently 20-24 titles out for the Wii. I've rented 7 of the others, 2 of which were mini games. That makes it 17 game out of the possible 20-24 that aren't mini games. So that kind of has to say somthing about it "not having any games" right? That has to say that the people have never actually played a Wii, Just saw some of those games being played and decided it looked stupid because "they don't like the fact that you havet to move around alot" which you don't and they think the controller style is uncomfertable? Which is probaly impossible because instead of having your hands close togeather you can actually hold the contoller how ever you want, like for example resting one hand on your legs while the other is on an arm rest. And some times you don't need the nunchacku so you can just use one hand. Maybe you should base your Opinion on facts like the list below and not on the "Traditional..." (xbox) "...gamer" status quo.-edit\-Oh and "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_wii_games; a list of the games and Guess what you person who wanted Guitar Hero II "Guitar Hero II- Harmonix Activision- 2007 " There you go. Wii is even getting Guitar hero... AND DDR, So. Idk What you're talking about with the whole guitar hero has a guitar to make it so much better. Because Wii will obviously have a guitar too. :ph34r: And if you look at the games there aren't only alot of Mini game-games on there. So again Don't say Wii has NO games Unless you actually know what Wii has.

  7. Super mario brothers Ughh GOD yes! lol I can play that game from memory going through every single jump ;) I've played it with my eyes closed! And then Super Mario RPG for Snes. I loved any thing for Regular nes to Super Nintendo ;) it's all awsome to play. Idk I think Mortal Kombat was a pretty good game since it pretty much started the whole DoA, KoF, thing...

  8. Nintendo wii, the most innovative console of the next -gen consoles out. Because of it's innovative playing style of gyroscopic technology.


    Tell me what you think of it and I'll post my review of it ;)


    If you havn't even played it for mor than an hour please don't bash it just because you're an Xbox fan or a PS fan. I frankley like PS and Nintendo and not so much Xbox BUT I own a 360 and a regular xbox (although I don't like it much I've tried it) And I hear too much of "Oh I don't like the Wii because of it's stupid remote style" and then I ask "Have you ever tried playing one" and they say "No because it looks stupid" Now that's what i thought first off from nintendo... but then I though it is nintendo So I'll try mu luck, me being an avid nintendo fan all the way back from Mr. Game&Watch. At first hte controller style was a little hard to get used to, but at the end I wasn't suprized atall to be flourished with fun gameplay, Not all childish, Redsteel, the shooting-sword slashing FPS was okay, not as good as Call of duty where the controller style lets you drive tanks by turning one part of the controller to steer. Wii Sports, the title that came with the console... Was beautifully made, along with everyones favorite game of it Tennis in which you swing the controller in the direction tha tyou want to hit the ball. or Bowling where you actually have to move your arms to bowl.


    Some people say "Oh, I don't want to be moving around that much to be playing a game" The truth with it is that you don't have to be jumping around or moving your whole body. Although it makes it fun to play with alot of people like you're actually participating in the sport or the game. The games only require a flick of the wrist or a small movement of the hand. So in reality you're just barely moving atall.


    Moving on to other games. ZELDA... The main focus right now (until further titles such as Super Smash Brothers Brawlers which is rumored to have 53 characters, including the famous Solid Snake from the Metal Gear Solid franchise, Spore, a game where you and the world constantly evolve starting at an atom and ending at a galaxy, Super Mario galaxy which is mario, there hasn't really been a boring Mario, And then Metroid Prime 3, which from the previews has beautiful graphics, stunning playablity and intresting controll styles). Zelda is a darker themed Zelda than the previous ones. The graphics are Majorly updated from Gamecube style (The graphics equal to that of Resident Evil 4 without having reloaded backgrounds) The story line is, like all zeldas, very good, and intune with all the previous Zelda titles.


    So yeah. I have more to type but I have to go home now It's 3:53 and school ended an hour ago.... lol Cyah



  9. Okay so this is no where near all the games I have but go to Xfire.com and search for Killer008r and then press extended profile. Those are the games i've had since Xfire came out. lol It'd take quite along time if we're doing Console games because I'm a nintendo buff and I bought every single nintendo game off of ebay ;) and the robot and all the Famcom games + the Famcom, I have almost all the snes games im missing like 24-30 and that includes super famicom games. I have all but one of the 64 games, a japanese game that is no where >.<. Umm I don't have all the game cube games just like 26-27, and currently I have all the Wii games out to date, along with the Virtual Console games. And then the list goes on with 54 gameboy games, 70 GameBoy Color games, 56 Game boy advanced games 32 DS games, Does anyone remember Virtual boy? I have that with every game that came out for it.;) Umm for computer wise I'm a computer buff too lol With Almost every game from Westwood until they got bought out by the imperealists EA games, I have Every blizzard game, like 30 serria games ( not including Halflife) which I have every halflife game/mod availiable on steam lol. And that's about it. 10-20 ea games not even

  10. BF:2 Isn't the greatest, I actually perfer 1942 over 2. Cs:s is awsome though, the hit boxes may be bigger and the recoil on the guns may be less than in Cs making it a spray&pray killing game (kind of, there's still some "you have to burst fire") in the game and all but yeah...Not to mention CS:S has mods from Moddb (under halflife two) and they're amazing. For exisitance there's Empires Mod which is exactly like battlefield, on the Source engine... Just think about how sweet that it, the realistic physics with airplanes there's nothing like the physics engine for Source out there.

  11. Everyone always forgets OPERA the webbrowser. It's probaly the best browser out there. Not to mention it supports the Nintendo Wii by having the only browser on the Wii, and making it's internet work... Opera has it's own built in features, and had them before the others, Firefox took the built in mail client and the tabs feature. And quite frankly so did explorer 7. Opera also has widgets, which are little programs you can download that can be from a small browser programming thing, all the way to games. It's like personalizing your google page. Except more choices. So I only have one thing to say..Opera is better than bouth of them ;) in my opinion.

  12. "Google, in the announcement. "We believe that this relationship underscores Yahoo!'s respect for content owners and copyrights," he said, relating the popular view among Big Media that YouTube does not."Google said this and yet they bought Youtube?Not to mention the whole internet as a collective isn't uhh isn't fighting against You tube. (i think isn't is wrong)

  13. Well... I was going to come here and say that Viddeo games arn't the problem but many people already said it. Now yeah I'm a novice game developer so ofcourse I would have that view. But there's also the simple fact that I have a Clan of people who have played Counter-Strike, A game where the purpose is to Shoot people. None of us have shot anything in our lives because most of us are pacifists and the rest of us are lazy. So what the article and the person is saying, is that just because I shoot guns in a game, it's going to make me want to shoot guns at people? Or just because I play an illegal street racing game, means that I'm going to Race down the highway going hundreds of miles per hour (my truck probally can't go past 80) I think that statement is ignorant. It's not anything to do with that its how alot of people said it. It's how you were raised, I was raised playing games like GTA and Mortal Kombat. I started playing Mario before I could walk. Does that mean I'm going to pull if a fatality and mutilate someones corpse ripping their head and spine out of their body? I don't think so. I've been playing GTA since it came out walking around from that top down perspective shooting people and running them over and stealing their cars. Does that mean I'm going to steal someones car, and then run it into some people for some extra score? I'm pretty sure I havn't and havn't even thought of it once. What else can I go off with... Umm How about people say just gave violence, if that affected people/kids wouldn't other nonviolent games affect kids? Like if little boys played Barbies Magic Dream House they'll want barbies and want to dress up in pink? I don't think so.... And if people play DDR they want to dance infront of everyone every where pressing pretend arrows? I'm pretty sure if they did that a psycho truck would be coming to that street...Yeah I am done doing that, lol I get carried away with exapmles ;)

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