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Everything posted by rhodesian.dragon

  1. I was able to use the Command Prompt FTP to get in with no problem.
  2. I am still having problems using FTP. It was working before 04-18-2005 but then stopped. I keep getting an error: the connection attempt timed out. I tried using an FTP program LeechFTP, also I tried using IE and typing in the FTP address, I also tried using an online FTP site http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ but no matter what I do I keep getting the same error. My OS is Windows XP I also tried using my Mac OS X with fetch but again same problem occurs. I know that my user name and password is correct I even tried changing the password and even tried creating a new FTP account but again the same problem occurs...
  3. I think that I have found the answer to your problem soleimanian. are you trying to access your cpanel by http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ ? if you are try: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ I came across this by reading this post: Cpanel Link Error
  4. Site address: cbw1230.astahost.com/blog/ Theme: My WWE Weblog Active: YES Site address: http://www.carlbwade.us/ Theme: My online Portfolio Active: YES Added - m^e
  5. My site is now up and running fine... must have been just a temperary downtime. As for your problem soleimanian; it seems odd? I don't know what to say... did you try to email webmaster@parsloyal.com? maybe that will help?
  6. I am getting the same problem (but my account is not suspended) is the servers down? it was working yesterday but now it is not?
  7. I agree with most of you, Asta host did a good job with the new look. However, there are some small little things that I miss that was from the old look that is no longer part of the new look.
  8. I would have to say... stay away from adsense if you want to make money. you only get about $0.001 per click or some really small amount like that. So in order to get some money you will need to have a boatload of clicks. However Google does not use an accurate way of measuring those clicks for example you may have had about 100 clicks but Goolge will say that you had only 10 clicks. so instead of getting $1 you will only get $0.10 and Goolge only pays when you get about $20.00 (or so) worth of credits. So that could take months or even years to do and that's only if Goolge does not find some little thing that you unknowingly did wrong so that they can cancel your account. I would say that it is very effective to advertise with adsence but not very effective if you want to make money... Yes adsence does "work" on pay per click but like I said before it is not very accurate and Google always finds some thing that you unknowingly did wrong so that they don't have to pay you. I don't know you could try to do a search for some use words like: "earn money thourgh advertisements", "earn money with ads on your site", "Pay Per Click Programs", "Advertisement Programes" But personally I think that they all are just a little too good to be true...
  9. I agree I HATE vertical banners... in my opinion forget about them... Notice from Rudy: I it is useless to quote the whole of someone post instead of making a response to what they say. It is lazy and unaccepted. Take warning!
  10. I have tried a lot of other hosts and I think that Xisto is the best by far. The uptime is really good (about 99%), I have only had a small problem with the uptime when I started only because of a random glitch. Xisto fixes all problems that occure faster then all of the other hosts that I was using. Xisto have really good upgrade plans and upgrading is really simple. The cPanel has a lot of features and have lots of scripts for you to add to your site like: 1. Guestbooks 2. Forums 3. Chat rooms 4. Shopping Cart 5. Random HTML generator 6. Counter 7. Clock 8. Countdown 9. CGI EMail 10. Entropy site Search (This feature allows you to create a search engine for your site) 11. Entropy Banner (This feature allows you to create rotating banner ads) But the best part of Xisto is that all of this is FREE and they DON'T force ads on your sites (unlike 99% good free hosting). So like I said before Xisto is the BEST! For more info about Xisto go to my post about Xisto
  11. I have used both programs and found some things wrong with both, also some great things about both. My question is which do you think is the best? [without talking about the companies that makes the program or prices, just purely on the function of the program and nothing else]
  12. Looks interesting but it just does not give the level of personalization that I would like.
  13. Sadly I have to say that I did not see the eclipse last night. It was very cloudy where I was when it happened...
  14. Actually organicbmx did mention it. organicbmx is planning on using the software from blogger.com to post things on blogger.com and then to have it transferred to organicbmx's site. (am i right organicbmx?) What organicbmx needs help with is to use iframes to show two different blogs... or at least something like that...
  15. I might be able to help but I need to see what you are trying to do to make sure I understand what you are saying. Maybe post a link to a site that does what you are trying to do and I will look at it and post back to tell you how they did it and how you can do it.
  16. I get a similar problem in which it stops downloading but I can still load sites and I don't have to reload. Unlike you I do not use a download manager so that might not be the problem. or it might i do not know.... sorry
  17. I'm not sure if I will use it. It kinda sounds like "Big Brother" is watching what I listen to. I just might be a little paranoid or whatever [but that is a another topic]... Anyways from the sounds of it watches what music you listen to, and how frequently you listen, it compares you to other listeners with similar tastes, and suggest albums and tracks you may like, which you don’t already own. My question is how accrete is this? I mean how can a computer make that kind of judgement on what music you may or may not like? Even though it is comparing your listening habits with other with similar taste does not mean that they can give you accurate info. What I am trying to say is, for example, you have person A and person B and they share some similar music habits. However person A does not like rap music but person B does. My question is what is going to stop the plugin from suggesting to person A the rap songs that person B listens to even though they share similar music habits and person A hates rap?
  18. I went to the link and all I got was an Index of / with a list of all the files this was what it looked like: Index of / Name Last modified Size Description [DIR] Parent Directory 02-Jun-2005 12:43 - [DIR] _private/ 02-Jun-2005 06:14 - [DIR] cgi-bin/ 02-Jun-2005 06:14 - [DIR] forum/ 02-Jun-2005 07:18 - [DIR] images/ 02-Jun-2005 06:14 - [TXT] postinfo.html 02-Jun-2005 06:14 2k Apache/1.3.33 Server at http://www.shutmail.com/ Port 80 I don't know if the site is shut down or not or what? I mean the Last Modifies date is today [June 2, 2005]... SO I am just confued about this??? I agree with Hercco. Domains are cheap [i got a domain for about $10 for 2 years] and if you are paying for internet service I think that you can spare a few more for a domain IF you REALLY want it. But I guess that people will always want to get things for free.
  19. you could also either download Yahoo! Toolbar for IE or FireFox and whenever you go to a site with an RSS Feed a button will show up on the toolbar which will allow you to add the RSS Feed to your My Yahoo! page. Another option is to download FireFox and when ever you are at a site with an RSS Feed a logo will appear in the lower right hand corner which you can click on it to save the RSS Feed like a bookmark but instead it will have all of the RSS links which will change and update every time the site adds new posts or links or whatever... I hope that helps...
  20. I agree with vizskywalker it all depends on what you want to do, upload a lot of files at once or upload files fast. Unfortunately you cannot have both right now at least...
  21. A better way is to go to the actions choose the Global Functions > Timeline Control > and choose gotoAndPlay The code will look like this: gotoAndPlay(replace this with the frame number);
  22. You did a good job but the text is a little hard to read because it is sideways and some of the text blends a little too much with the background. But other then that it looks great.
  23. I heard the same thing and I think that it is true because I had a lot of sites (about 100 or so) linked to one of my old sites but my page rank was still 0??? and Google said that only about 5 were linked to my site (those were the only ones that had relevent content to my site) There is a small problem with GotLinks: So if you want to use GotLinks for free then sign up soon before they switch it to paid membership.
  24. It looks really good. Like you said I would work on the body a little more. Give the baby some fingers and toes it just look funny without them. I really like how you have a reflection of the baby under it. I agree with mimi_m don't change the eyebrows, I think that they fit with the "style" of the baby. Maybe add some hair like hihihihi88 suggested.Another thing is if you are going to put your signature in your picture (in the larger version) I would put it in a place where it would not be easy to remove. Because where it is now I can easily use Photoshop (or something else since you hate Photoshop) to crop your signature out of the picture without losing anything. But I guess if someone really wanted to remove your signature they can do it no matter what.
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