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Everything posted by rhodesian.dragon

  1. I agree that site looks a little messy and confusing only because they are trying to put too much information onto one page. You are right it is a popular classified ads websites but that does not mean that you cannot misuse this site and post an ad for your website.................................................................... Right? but that may or may not be very effective........................................................................................
  2. That would be a great idea. That would make this forum a little more organized. Even though this forum is good I think that it can be a little more organized but that is just my thought................................................................................ However I would have to agree with FearfullyMade: But then again one could argue and say that by doing this it would make the forum more appealing and draw more people to use this forum? But that is just my opinion.... Which I guess does not mean much for this topic..........
  3. I do not know about you but I keep getting these email and seeing these banner ads promoting sites like FreeiPods.com, Free360xbox.com, Freegiftworld.com , Mychoicerewards.com and so on and so on... Offering things like free iPods, free GPS navigation systems, free X Boxes, free computers, so on and so on... My question is are these real or just a scam?? Has anyone really got a free thing by completing there offer? Personally I think that they are a little too good to be true. What do you think?
  4. That's strange why would Mozilla allow people to change the logo based on the theme used? I think that is just stupid...
  5. I was playing around with firefox today and I noticed that Firefox has a funning looking new logo type image when you go to HELP > ABOUT MOZILLA FIREFOX Here is a screen shot of it What do you think of this?
  6. Actually firefox is now up to version 1.0.4 I was having the same problems and when I downloaded the plug in directly from the creaters websites I had no problems...
  7. This is the result of people having too much time on there hands and nothing better to do...Personally I think sites like these are a waste of space but that is just my opinion. (a lot of people will probably disagree with me and argue with me)
  8. I use spybot and it works just fine for my PC The only problem I have with Hackthis is that you have to know what to delete and what not to and that can be tricky even with searching for infor about it...
  9. I agree with them I think that this "new" table is a not so good idea. I also like tables and lines (I think that the old table showed a pattern as well) I think that this will confuse students more then the old one. But I guess that is just my opinion...
  10. Yahoo! has come out with a new Beta version of their toolbar for Windows IE. [click here to download] However this version does not have that many new features: - My Web button - Highlight button - Yahoo! Shortcuts I have just downloaded this beta and have been using for a little while now. I find the highlight button to be useful to highlight text within a page. I find the My Web button to be useful only if you use My Web. However I find the Yahoo! Shortcuts to be a little annoying. That is my opinion but what do you think?
  11. I really liked it. It is a little heavy handed and clumsy but as not as much as you probably think. I agree I think that a little bit a grey is needed to pop it out a little.
  12. I am not a designer but I do use Photoshop a lot because I do a lot of image manipulations. I think that Photoshop is a lot better then paintshop pro... But that is just my opinion...
  13. that sounds like a great thing... I think that it is funny how they will be spaming each other but that's only if it really works??
  14. I would have to say that gmail is the best so far... we will just have to wait and see if there will be anything better coming...
  15. If you are going to use a dark colored background then use a light color for the text so that it pops out. If you are going to use a light colored backgound then use a dark colored text.
  16. Well Google knew what links you clicked on in your search before this new function... I agree it is kinda creepy...
  17. I have 4 blogs: one hosting at blogger one hosted at Xisto [my Xisto blog] one hosted at blot.com [my blot blog] This one is not being updated that much one hosted at studentcenter [my studentcenter blog] This one does not look as good as the others
  18. I have never heard of Longhorn but I would be interested in knowing more when I can find it...
  19. I agree I think that it's good but add more 3D effects. I think that the content part should have a border like the navigation. Also try to make the "homepage" text stand out from the background a little more, and I personally don't think the fonts for the "yourdomain.com" and "welcome" text fits with the theme of the template. But that is my opinion...
  20. Yahoo! just recently started a service called My Web which allows users to publicly publish there Yahoo! Bookmarks and Saved Searches. I was wondering what was everyone's opinion about the service? Do you think that it is good or bad?
  21. I have noticed that both Google and Yahoo! are allowing users to save their searches. I was wondering what was everyone's opinion on the matter? Do you think it's a good thing or bad? Also what possible side effects do you think can occur?
  22. I want the mah jiang as in the tile game from China. If this is possible?
  23. If Google were smart they would release at least a beta version of the Google bar for Firefox to compete with the Yahoo! Firefox beta
  24. I think that it is ridiculous how some people use the power of the Internet for things that it was not designed to be used for. But I guess that will never stop anyone from trying to do anything online… But this is a different topic… As for the hidden fees of online gambling, they don't want people to know that because that's how they get most of their money. I agree that gambling face to face if safer, and it requires more skill (especially with poker) then playing in front of a computer.
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