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Everything posted by rhodesian.dragon

  1. The problem with this setup is that you don't actually own the domain name, it's the company of who ever is "giving" it to you for free and they can shut it down for what ever reason they want to and without telling you or even shut you out and have your domain name redirect to another site. I have heard of some people who got one of these "free" domain names and there site became popular so what the company did was locked the "owner" out and had there domain redirect to one of the companies websites. So all I am saying is be careful what you get into and read all of the "fine print". Also don't think because these companies are allowing you access to a free domain that you are the one who owns it...
  2. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ You can try this one but there are some settings that you may want to turn off like: - pop-up ads - Site Toolbar The only thing that I don't like about this site is that part of it is in English but part of it is in German (which is the default language) But other then that it's great...
  3. I have not tried it yet but from the looks of it Tiger seems to be more of an update then anything else and I don't think that they should be charging $129 for it.
  4. It looks really nice and I had no clue about it until i read this thread. I am also want to know why Google took it down. Was it because so many other people were changing it or what??
  5. This topic was brought to my attention last Thursday at school and I just wanted to know what was everyone's opinion about Adobe buying out Macromedia? There will be good and bad things about this merger. Like for example with less companies competing with Adobe, this may mean that Adobe products will rise in prices , and become less innovative . However on the other hand this could mean that some standards could be developed for products like HTML editing and stuff like that. So what is everyone else's opinion on this topic? Click here to read some information about the merger.
  6. Good to know... Good point about the beta version of their products. But they probably do "betas" just to cover themselves in case of random bugs. Because people are less likely to get made with a product when it is a beta. Either that or they are testing it out to see if people actually like the new features or not and then make changes based on feedback before they make it a non-beta. But I do not know I am just guessing...
  7. I have been using the Google toolbar for some time also but for some reason the toolbar only works with IE for windows... but that's another topic all together... The only question I have about the new spell check feature is how reliable is it? But we should not be too picky with this new feature because it is still a beta version.
  8. I know that this was pasted a long time ago but actually Apple is both a software company and hardware company. iPhoto, iMovie, iCal, iTunes, QuickTime, Safari... these softwares are created by Apple or at least a company that is owned by Apple.
  9. I do not usually use any of the news sites or organizations to get my news because they ALL spin the truth to make the story entertaining so that they get more and more people to view it. No matter how hard they try to hide it none of them are unbiased. I could go on and on about this topic but I will spare you all form a long post and stop now.
  10. I am having the same problem and I saw this post that might be able to help and if it does not then I am sorry. Cannot log into cPanel
  11. I am having the same problem. I am trying to log into my cPanel so that I can do somethings for my website but everytime I try to log in it says that my password is not correct. What is going on??? (Before anyone asks, I know that my password is correct)
  12. Nice site I will try it out the next time I use flash in my site. If this site is not the best then which one is?
  13. This poll is an extention to the one I asked about if you own a blog.
  14. I am asking this question to see how popular blogs really are... because I am studying blogs in a class right now and I am wondering if what my professor said about blogs growing in popularity is true or not...
  15. Thanks for the input everyone... I am now using the hosting and It is awesome... Lots and LOTS of features (A LOT more then I will probably use)... But I did have a problem installing Movabletype. Fortunately I was able to fix the problem and I am using Movabletype with no problems now...
  16. That is true sometimes businesses offer free things as a way to get people "addicted" to their products, but, these "FREE" things usually have limits and the companies then offer a pay version of the same product so that the limits are removed. However sometimes businesses offer free things because they are too small to compete with bigger companies if they charge a fee for the product. Take for example Firefox and Internet Explorer. If Firefox was not a free browser then I don't think that it would be as widely used as it is today, don't get me wrong I am not saying that Firefox is the most used web browser but I am saying that it would be used by less people if it was not free. That's because Microsoft is a BIG company that is very hard to compete with. Then there are companies that believe that there should be at least one free version of a product for people who don't have the money to use. There are also some companies that believe that some products should be free and not charged a fee for. What I am trying to say is that depending on what the product is and who the company is there are an unlimited number of answers to way some companies give away free stuff.
  17. Which Zelda game do you like the most. Personally my favorite Zelda game is Link to The Past. I know that the graphics for that game are not as good as today’s, but I think that Link to The Past has the best story line so far... What do you all think?
  18. Maybe you could tell me which instrictions you used to get MT to work and I can try that.?
  19. I know Gmail keeps getting bigger and bigger... I don't know when they plan to stop right now there at 2119 megabytes. I understand what you are saying about not needing the big storage space, but some people are now using there inboxes as an online storage space, so maybe that's why the storage space is at the limits that it is now (and keeps getting bigger)
  20. I followed the instructions as you suggested but when I try to load MT I keep geting the following error: Unsupported driver MT::ObjectDriver::DBM: Can't locate DB_File.pm in @INC (@INC contains: ./extlib ./lib /usr/lib/perl5/5.8.0/i386-linux-thread-multi /usr/lib/perl5/5.8.0 /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.0/i386-linux-thread-multi /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.0 /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.8.0/i386-linux-thread-multi /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.8.0 /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl /usr/lib/perl5/5.8.0/i386-linux-thread-multi /usr/lib/perl5/5.8.0 .) at lib/MT/ObjectDriver/DBM.pm line 9. BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at lib/MT/ObjectDriver/DBM.pm line 9. Compilation failed in require at (eval 4) line 1. BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at (eval 4) line 1. Does anyone know what this mean and how can I fix the error so that I can load MT?
  21. It's been almost a week with no response does this mean that there are no good freeware version of Mahjong game for the Mac OS X?
  22. Is it possible to install Movabeltpye onto my site?
  23. It has been almost 12 hours of downtime now. My question is will we be "charged" hosting credits for the site being down? and if we are then I don't think that it is fair b/c it's not our fault that the site went down...
  24. I know how that feels like... this kind of sounds like something that I would write but I guess you don't care... Again sounds alot like me. Just know that no matter what happens always find a way to alleviate a little pressure. because if you let the pressure bild up too much there's not telling what you might do. Even though I hate it when people tell me things about relationships, but you never will know until you try. But if you are like me, it sounds like you are, you will not try and that's ok. Just remember do not let anyone pressure you into anything. and it's true what rkage said:
  25. My site is down also... Not more then a couple of hours? My site was down since 10:00 am it's now 4:30 pm and my site is still down... that seems to me more then a couple of hours... I just hope that this is not a typical thing for this host or I will be looking for another...
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