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Everything posted by rhodesian.dragon

  1. Every time I try to use my FTP account I keep geting an error: the connection attempt timed out. I get this same error every time I try to see my site also. Can anyone help me...?
  2. I agree. I looked at the screen shots for it and the funny thing is that it looks a lot like the early days of Mac OS. However, I didn't like the early Mac OS's so I doubt that I would like this one.. :)
  3. I agree but unfortunately an OS that works like Windows would be illegal and the big Microsoft Corporation would crush it before it would be widely used. Cherry OS is actually an emulator which lets you run a Mac OS on your PC. It's out now and you can download it for about $50. You can proabably find more info here. I also agree that with Majestic and Dizasta on a Google OS not being what is needed right now but if it does come out and is good then I would try it to see what it's like. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Don't bother with Cherry OS because it is nothing more then a rip off of PearPC. If you want more information about this check out the Cherry OS Post.
  4. I agree. But unfortantly some people are not creative enough to come up with orignal projects.
  5. I was just wondering if anyone knows if there are any good freeware version of Mahjong game for the Mac OS X?
  6. I agree with d'vampress... Don't bother with .tk go to this site: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/. it is much, and I mean much better... I think that this site is the best that I have used. It's free, you don't have to worry about them deactivating your domain, and no forced ads...
  7. It's interesting to watch this free email storage battle and it will also be interesting to see which one will go bankrupt first. because issuing more and more storage space means that they will need bigger and bigger servers, which means more and more money. I know these companies make money through advertisements but if they are not careful it could get to the point were the ads are not generating enough money to be profitable. Don't get me wrong I am not complaining about the bigger storage space. All I am saying is that the biggest storage space now is over 2099 MB (and still growing?), the question is how much storage can these companies give for free before they stop making a profit? And when that happens I think that it will be interesting to see what happens... Will they stop giving free email? or will only one email provider remain? or maybe they will reduce the storage until they are able to make a profit again? I don't know what will happen I guess we will just have to wait and see what will happen....
  8. That is an interesting site but you have to ask yourself is this site reliable? because you cannot believe everything that is posted on the Internet these days. Don't get me wrong there were some points of the site that I did agree with like the PageRank but there were others that I don't. But I guess everyone has that right to believe what they want to believe and say what they want to say (to a point). X-Wes you make a good point about email servers. I think that it is funny how many people think because they delete their email there emails are forever deleted never again to be read. I remember something about how someone got into trouble because of the emails that he "deleted" but I do not remember the details of the situation.
  9. I agree with Xevian... I think that it is just poinless to have a long domain name because only a few people will be able to remember it and I doubt that many people would actually tpye the URL out also... but i guess someone has a reason to do that...
  10. For those of you who care... It seems like the PowerBook G4 does not generate enough power through the USB ports to power the FireLite External Drive so that means that I have to buy a power adaptor.
  11. What do you think is the best SNES game of all time???
  12. I have used a lot of different free webspace sites and I find that most of them are really stupid. How would you rate Xisto's free webhosting? I only ask because I don't want to waste my time with all of these form posting for a crappy webhost.....
  13. If you think about everything that Google has done, and is doing, it seems like they are trying to be another "Yahoo!" If you look at the things Yahoo! has to offer Google is just taking its time to "perfect" it before going public with it. The only thing that I don't like about Google is that Gmail is by invitation only. but other then that it would not surprise me if Google offers webspace.
  14. The games sounds really interesting. Depending on the game graphics, sounds, and game features I might play this game.
  15. I think that the internet can be a boring place if you keep doing the same thing over and over. So what I try to do is change my habbits and search for new sites to look at or look for new games to play online. If I don't feel like doing that I just update my sites and blogs. And now that I found this site I will be posting to this site.
  16. Growing up I have always used a PC because I did not like the Mac OS (OS 9.0 or lower) But when Mac came out with OS X I must admit that Mac had improved the system and I think that OS X is better than Windows XP in some ways. However I still use a PC from time to time just because it is still the most used system in the world. Other then OS's Mac seem to be, me at least, more stable then Windows XP. Also it seems like there are more hardware that you can just plug in and use without loading any drivers for Mac's then for PC's. It seems like almost every PC hardware needs a driver to it and installing them seems to take a lot of time. Other than all of this I just think that Mac's overall are better than PC's. I know that some people will disagree with what I said but if you think about it ANYONE can find something that they don't like about anything is they just think about it long enough.
  17. I think that the best RPG is The Legend of Zelda.
  18. I just bought a new FireLite UBS Portable Hard Drive and I did everything that the directions told me to do: plug the USB cord in the computer and the FireLite PHD, flip the switch to USB (so that it will take power from the computer). I am using a Mac PowerBook G4 with OS X 10.3.8 I don't know if the hard drive is defective or what. I don't have this problem with other hard drives that take power from the USB port I don't know if I should but the power adaptor or not. If anyone can help me I would appreciate it.
  19. No but I have played many of the other Simcity games: Simcity (SNES) Simcity 2000 (SNES) Simcity 4 (PC) Simant (SNES) [i don't know if you would say that this game is part of the Simcity games or not] I think that is about all of the Simcity games that I have played. But I do agree with kenjvalip after a while they do get boring...
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