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Everything posted by xboxrulz1405241485

  1. Update from Toronto: we finally got snow here after the West got blasted with snow a week or two back.Now winter is still above normal during January, but I'm happy to see snow and ice at least.@Wellingtonboots: I think those scientists may be right, at the same time, I believe that we might be helping on speeding up the process :Sxboxrulz
  2. Yup, they closed it because Vista RTM already went to the big companies as a jump start on the transition. The general public will get it on January 31, 2007.deltatux
  3. iTunes worked with my machine. I think you just need more RAM. Here's a screeny of my OS X installation: xboxrulz
  4. I think BuffaloHELP may be correct 'cuz definitely not a cable error, 'cuz I don't experience that "loose cable effect" nor does my external plug going haywire since I connect my school's projector to it and it works.Thanks for your help, at least I know what's going on. I think I'll just wait until I can get a new laptop instead, since this is an old one, and apparently it's starting to go out.xboxrulz
  5. odd, apparently Microsoft just redid its booting sequence :sxboxrulz
  6. Hey all! I have a Samsung NV5000 laptop, and it's been in operation for around 7 years (you've read it correctly, if u dun believe ur eyes, read it again.) However, something strange happens to my LCD screen whenever the screen sleeps and then wakes up. Suddenly it just reddens up :s, then a few seconds later, it turns back to normal colours. However, when compared to other laptops (a little newer ones), it's fairly dimmer (even on brightest setting). Does anyone know what's causing this? and is this a bad thing? (and no, I didn't photoshop my laptop like this. Also my camera's lens is fine.) Thanks, xboxrulz
  7. yup, of course it works , those specs are great too!It works on my Pentium 4 too, but since I don't have SSE3, it was slow >.<!xboxrulz
  8. Linux is pretty much Minix with all the useless stuff taken away. Linux was originally used to mimic Minix.Minix is obsolete to today's standards (Except Minix 3).xboxrulz
  9. too bad I already got rid of Windows Vista due to some very annoying glitches I ran into.Couldn't you edit boot.ini yourself?xboxrulz
  10. lol, that's a first for knowing someone is entertained by the Windows setup (although, I have nothing against it). I rather go through YaST2 than using Windows Setup.xboxrulz
  11. hmmm... apparently from other posts your laptop is falling apart. I think it's time to replace your laptop. (I wish mine fell apart faster, I need a new one )xboxrulz
  12. I dunno, I think so. I don't have a PS2, so I don't know. xboxrulz
  13. or just call it iParle (from French for talk) or iVoco (latin for call)xboxrulz
  14. I do not like MySpace due to its inefficiency too, there's just too many ads in the website. As people already compared it to Facebook, Facebook doesn't have huge ad banners, and it doesn't try to be the next Google for social networking sites.Facebook, HI5, Facebox and even Orkut is better designed than MySpace.These social networking sites aren't just a fad, it is here to stay actually, as a teenager myself, these websites are actually fun, you can keep up with what's your friends are up to, these sites also allow you to create plans together, get to share things, write whatever you want (like a blog), message others, leave comments, join groups which you are interested in and etc. These sites have their purposes, but people exploit them though.xboxrulz
  15. OpenOffice comes without some good features, but it is usable by most people in its current state. I, myself run OpenOffice everyday.As for 128mb of RAM, it would work, but as I said, it will lag, especially if you a full fledge desktop environmentFor example, my laptop has 192MB RAM and it's running a full fledge desktop environment and it still lags like crap.xboxrulz
  16. try this: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HDD_Utility_Disc xboxrulz
  17. Ya, the X server is going to have some problems running on 128mb or RAM. I tried that before, it lagged right out.4GB of HDD space is barely enough to get a full-fledge desktop going.xboxrulz
  18. MMS? hmmm... i unno. I don't use MMS at all, too expensive.Can I see some screens of Opera?Thanks,xboxrulz
  19. Breakthrough? in what way? I have a Qtek9090 smartphone now for almost TWO years - I can surf the net via EDGE and or WIFI - I use the most advanced web browser for a phone already!! its OPERA not Safari.I have never had any troubles syncing my mail or to think about it my bookmarks from my pc, Active Sync or 3rd party apps take care of this. I have a great button on my phone like a joypad that I can use to scroll up and down webpages with so you don't have to keep tapping the screen to scroll.. My phone is FULLY multi-tasking too!! I can watch DIVX movies and take calls..I can listen to Mp3s have a half played game and an SMS/Email open all at the same time no probs at all..not that I do that but when I first got the phone I used to forget and leave lots of apps open all the time. Wait, time-out, I just looked at that Qtek9090 smartphone, I don't see a rich email client and full web-browser, Opera's engine is missing some components in its core, especially for full GMail access, which was the hype. All Blackberry-type phones do support WIFI and EDGE for years. xboxrulz
  20. What type of laptop do you have because some laptops have hardware problem with Linux.xboxrulz
  21. MySpace is not my favourite, however, I keep it due to several groups I am part of only use MySpace.I mainly use Facebook and it's way better than MySpace, my whole highschool is connected via Facebook.xboxrulz
  22. For Adobe apps, if you have Photoshop 7 or lower, it will work under WINE almost perfectly.xboxrulz
  23. I'm dying to get an iPhone, definitely innovation, haven't seen anything like it. I'm heavily against vendor lock-in, however, the iPhone is a perfectly acceptable competitor.xboxrulz
  24. First of all, why would you want a Compaq for gaming?!?! Compaqs were designed for Business users. If you want gaming, get the Acer Ferrari 5000: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ xboxrulz
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