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Everything posted by moonwitch1405241479

  1. Well this is officially my 500th post on Xisto, and I am proud. I had never thought I'd get there LOL ..
  2. Not only has it been sold, packages combining Macromedia products and Adobe prodcuts are already being sold. Check here http://www.adobe.com/products/catalog.html And for the exclusive bundle for webdesign *drooling here* http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ So Yes, this is old news, but I am glad to see that my initial fear that Adobe would cancel Fireworks and Dreamweaver was unjust. I am extatic to see that both Adobe Creative Suite AND Studio 8 are being sold still and even bundled. Because Fireworks IS an excellent image tool, yet it is different than Photoshop - I feel you can't compare both because their goals are different. And well you can beat me, but Adobe GoLive and Dreamweaver are of different worlds, I swear by dreamweaver Isn't that Web Bundle the wet dream of any designer? And can I at this point stress how much easier it is to get a Student License from Adobe than it is to obtain it from former Macromedia? I checked for myself and I can get Adobe Creative Suite cs2 premium!! for just over 500⏠with a student license, whereas the normal price is 1600⏠- of course they ask for proof that you are a student and your school has to be willing to provide such proof. There is only one restriction - can't recall if it's from Macromedia or Adobe - you can't use the software to create commercial products with it. Though I wonder how they check that?
  3. m^e, I honestly take offense in you saying there's no graphic derth on AntiLost. And what if someone gets it who doesn't need the credits?
  4. I have to admit, my spelling is far from flawless; as is my use of punctuation. This is mainly due to the fact that I am not a native speaker, and that in my native tongue, Dutch/Flemish, the punctuation is used differently than in English. To add to it, in most English courses, punctuation is hardly ever covered. At one point I even asked my English teacher about the correct use of the comma and semi-colon and he bluntly answered me that it doesn't matter since the topic wasn't covered in the course.If you ask me whether or not I agree with Twitch, my answer is simple. I agree wholeheartedly. I know how annoyed I can get when reading through a text where no punctuation is used, and I know how aggrivated I get when I am forced to read through the most atrocious spelling errors in my own native tongue.Now, I will hush because I don't wish to be hurt by Twitch for butchering HIS native language in this post. (Bear in mind, when I am very conscious of my spelling and grammar, I will most likely mess up more.)
  5. Hey Abhiram, I'll install GIMP again (or just linux all together LOL) and see if I can find the plastic wrap like, there should be something like it I think you did an awesome job at it though, so don't sell yourself short here :PYou could always write a tutorial on this in GIMP Just a thought of course
  6. The easiest method, to avoid the pixelated look would have exceeded the level of this tutorial, I personally use the Pen Tool to draw the triangle. Then I rightclick, fill path with foreground (while black is my forground color), then I make a new layer, right click - fill path with color FCFCFC (or just ANY color you pick). Then you Ctrl + Click on the top layer, which is the not black filled triangle and apply a guassian blur, you really can choose how much, just be sure to have it set so you see some of the black through (it acts as your shadowing). Then you deselect (Ctrl + D) and do the rest of the tutorial without jagged edges. But as I said, this covers more than what I planned for this tutorial, one on using the pen tool will be explained later on.
  7. I've always been a Fedora Gal, though I've tried Mandriva, Ubuntu and will soon try Mepis. I like Fedora don't get me wrong, but after trying for days, my mp3's still did not work, while in Fedora Core 3 this took me 3 minutes. Also Skype under Fedora nope, won't use the mic at all.
  8. Well, after being away for so long, I figured it's time for me to write another tutorial. This time I have settled for those plastic tentacles you see all over the web; in interfaces, in signatures even. I, myself did several tutorials on this subject, and then I finally found a very simple way to achieve the same result. For this tutorial you will need : Photoshop CS2 (I don't know about earlier versions as I don't have those. - If CS or 7 have the Artistic Filter Plastic Wrap then those work too) Patience A smile and maybe some good tunes Of course the requirements are not that hard, most of these tentacle tutorials will teach you to highlight and add shadowing with an airbrush, since that is not my forte; I use layers and gaussian blur. Fire up your Photoshop, and open a document with dimensions of your choice; I opted for 400x400. The background can be transparent, but it's not necesary, infact it is more visible if you choice white or any other color (best not black though). Mine is #9FAABE With the Polygon Selection tool, select a triangle, fairly long and narrow. Make a new layer, and fill your selection with black. Do not deselect. Now make a new layer again, with your selection still active, and fill the selection on this new layer with #FCFCFC (which is an off white). Your image should now look like this. ANd you should have 3 layers, the background layer - which you filled with a color of your own choice, the black triangle layer and the off-white triangle layer. Here comes the fun part, where most tutorials start to include the hard stuff. Now with your selection still selected, go to Filters > Blur > Gaussian Blur and apply a blur of 4.0. That should make your image have that shadow - smoothness going You can deselect now (Ctrl+D) and then you press the lil eye icon on the background layer (the one filled with your color) so it becomes invisible, then make sure you have the white or black triangle selected and merge the visible layers (Layers > Merge Visible) or hit Shift+Ctrl+E. We're not quite there yet, however, we're getting pretty close. A few more steps and you have a brilliant looking tentacle Now, with the tentacle layer highlighted, go to Filters > Distort > Shear. You can play with the settings yourself a bit so it looks like you wanted it to. Here's the settings I used, and then a shot of how the image looks by now A step closer to completion Now we're going to add the plastic look to our tentacle. The creators of Photoshop must have forseen this, because they made a little filter called Plastic Wrap, now I still wonder why it's done with manually editting the highlights and shadows, since this is so much easier. Anyhow, with the tentacle layer highlighted, you go to Filter > Artistic > Plastic Wrap. I am still amazed that no one told me about this Also I am not sure if this filter is included in Photoshop versions lower than CS, so if you know, let me know.Plastic Wrap Settings : Highlight Strenght 9 - Detail 12 - Smoothness 2. Highlight strength does exactly what it says, the higher the strength the more visible it will be, so you can toy with the setting as much as you like. Detail is best kept high, of course it depends on the look you want to achieve, and the higher the smoothness the duller the surface of the tentacle will look as it seems to apply a blur on the highlight. One thing I noticed with this Plastic Wrap is that when you curl the tentacle too much it will leave you with a jagged highlight, so of course this method has disadvantages, however it's a nice solution for those - like me - who are not that great with shadowing and highlighting. So make sure you use the preview option with care, it is possible that you need to adjust the smoothness to avoid the jaggedness. Now that's it, you could add a Drop Shadow to it, which will make it look better. Do this by right-clicking on the layer and selecting Blending Options. Or you can use the lil F button on the lower left of the Layer Palette. I hope you enjoyed this tutorial and found it usefull. Most likely this will be "mirrored" on my site.
  9. Well, to everyone that is not a coder, I am not one either, though I am there :PSee we don't need just coders, people who are good in designing lay-outs, graphics for programs, skins even are welcomed just as much. Or people who can help with the manuals of the programs, with documentation... Everybody is welcome, even if your only forte is to talk calmly to get some sense into someone who's about to lose it And you can also learn there THat's why it's a good idea to have a nice community there. Also, you can help spread the word
  10. Lately I've been wondering about the scratch disk option in Photoshop, while the topic is more of less software related; I've always been told that a scratch disk is best made a SCSI hard drive. Would it be beneficial for my system? Or is it just a pricy option? Here are my current comp specs:AMD Athlon 64 3400+Maxtor 120GB @ 7200RPM1024MB RAM DDR400MSI K8N Platinum motherboardATi Radeon 9250 with 128MBCan someone shed some light onto this issue? I have been thinking about upgrading my graphics card, or RAM or both. LOL (2GB RAM should be nice )
  11. And I will keep the comment easy.SM please dude, use graphics that lean less close to not being allowed due to the ages of folks here.
  12. As I said then, I will say the same now.I am not much of a coder, though I learned some PHP. My main focus right now I ActionScript2.0, XML (Flash as well ) and graphics. My CSS knowledge is pretty much ok, though with CSS2 and 3 I need to brush it up again, but even the best of us use google every now and then. I think my best shot at contributing would be a user manual, the graphical interface and that's about it. Sorry M^e, I am just not that great at coding (YET- which is the imperative word here.) Also, I seem to seriously lack time to be here and be very present, so I don't know how that will work out. I have a few things on my plate waiting for me to finish them (eg. school LOL)
  13. THREAD CLOSEDIn case you can't tell why, I don't like the start of flaming wars nor do I like insulting people. So the thread is now closed.
  14. I honestly do not know ... I know OPaQue can do it.. but I don't know how he does it. The only means I have is that script.
  15. Personally, if I notice a slight typo in the word quote, I just edit the post and that is it. And the credit maximum per post works like this : If your credits are below 30 (positive 30) the maximum is 30 credits for one post. If you are above +30 credits, you can max get 10 credits.The script however, does penalize, for example, if you check the link to a post made by Cube Domain, for that post I believe he lost almost 50 credits. So yes, the script does penalize, I - just like Vizsky - don't know how the script works or how it was coded, as said it's a private code doodleflicky by OpaQue. CubeDomain had 18 credits when the script to deduct credits was run, and after that he had -33 or so. So the hour thereafter his site got deleted.
  16. No, actually this one did it. http://forums.xisto.com/topic/87140-topic/?findpost= And it was me who adjusted the credits, using the script. I do not control the amount of credits it deducts, nor can I counteract it once I see it takes you below -30. I can assure you I didn't even know your site was religious, in fact I never even visitted your site. So no, that had nothing to do with it. It was simply for the text you copied, even if you quoted part of it. I put the quotes on the second half, where you had pasted the original copy with some text of yourself. Actually you quote pretty much long articles in a lot of your posts.
  17. One, I love Julian's work... and secondly... He's from Belgium I loved this one http://users.skynet.be/J.Beever/boat.htm Mainly because of the water ripples and the reflections used. And I can not help but stare in awe and then wonder how the heck he does these things. Maybe I should email him and ask him
  18. First of all, I ALWAYS log in as invisible, only mods and admins can see my name down there And m^e does the same LOL... I am still here, I just don't post often. I spent the little time I still have left between school and work on here, you just don't see it, because you don't see the posts I read or delete. It never was a requirement to be on 24/7 to be a mod or admin, it's about doing the job and doing it right. Granted I have been slacking, but I still ban folks (mainly those spamming or posting warez stuff) Klass was demodded because he asked to be, I did that. He asked me, because he is just too busy to invest the time asta deserves. He's got a full time job, a family... so he's pretty busy. Does that cover it? As far as life-sapping things, I signed up for NaNoWriMo (http://nanowrimo.org/) which is a writing contest, sorta. You are to start writing at Nov 1st 12.01AM and stop at Nov 30th 11.59PM - in that time your goal is to reach writing a novel of 50.000 words. That's 1667 words per day. And I play a PBEM RPG called USI (http://www.usi-rpg.com/wiki/index.php/Main_Page) which is fairly time-consuming as well, since I tend to post long and much.
  19. Next time, please type a bit more than 2 short sentences when you copy entire articles. I have reduced credits for this one, solely because YOU didn't contribute, you just copied from other sites. You didn't even comment on what you quoted. Now onto the actual topic First, color choices. I can not stress this enough, I have seen websites with bright red text on bright blue background. It instantly gave me a killer migraine. So choose your color scheme wisely. Personally I use http://www.colorschemer.com/ - yep people I paid for a color schemer program, it helped me tremendously and saved me a lot of time of testing colors. Secondly, I can't begin to count the times where I found people completely amazed by the fact that if you use a font called "I_like_fonts" on your site for let's say the entire site, that people without that font installed can't see the site as you intended. Actually skip using special fonts all together, use font families declared in CSS and stick with the standard ones. That way you can be sure that all systems will see the font as intended (Win, linux and mac) Also, I have seen several sites that use a solid color image as background, just using the hex code as background color will save a lot of bandwidth. Personally, I do use background images, but I keep them very small and tileable, they only have to downloaded once and that's it, so it's still fast. (am talking about 5kb max as size here) I think that's enough rant for now
  20. Marco - it's the HOSTED MEMBERS SUPPORT, so that hosting is here. THat's one and two, read OpaQue's reply... The only reason it's all unli;ited is because the FIXQUOTA script hasn't run yet
  21. Uzumaki, give up your search then. You won't find that... I can garantee you, unless you're looking to be ripped off of course. But no...
  22. I tend to be weary of these things, so needles to say I did a whois. What strikes me as odd, is microsoft owns all servers related to MSN, Microsoft services, even in the whois. But the URL you gave us... has this.
  23. Easy, you upload your art to a free photo service, photobucket, imageshack or so. ANd then insert it in your post with [IMG]http://URL TO IMAGE[/IMG]
  24. Mandriva 10.2 64 Bit - Powerpack - Limited Edition 2005 (DVD Download)In case anyone needs to know - Comp Specs to test :AMD Athlon 64 3400+MSI K8N8 Neo PlatinumMaxtor 120GB @ 7200RPM1024MB RAMATi Radeon 9250 128MBThe installer itself is simply beautiful, I was astonished by it, mind you I am used to Fedora Core, Red Hat, Ubuntu (ugliest install I've ever seen) and then yes, Windows XP Pro (and Win 2K Pro). What first struck me as intuition, the installer nicely asked me if I wanted to upgrade my Fedora Core 4 install. Since I had decided to dive in with a clean install to see how the customization worked out, I opted for the fresh install and not the upgrade. Then I had to partition, or at least note which partition could be reformatted The partitioning went smooth, as always in Linux. I know some have encountered issues with this aspect of Linux, but honestly I never have had any problems and I usually have a dual boot. Though I must admit, back in the high school days, I did run Red Hat 7.3 exclusively and I spent even more time on the partitioning (I gave every directory - swap, /, bin, var, tmp, ... its own partition). I think I could have let my n00b mom (who has no idea on how to send emails) do the partitioning and it would have gone smooth. Where Fedora only lets you know the partition labels and the filesystem, Mandriva actually gave a bit more information and I loved it.With me being the über configuration and zillions of programs chick, I always go for individual packages, instead of just selecting Work Station. (I am very picky LOL) It's very nice, you first get a screen where you select the categories, after which you do switch to individual packages, which again are classified in categories. It's pretty much the same as Fedora, yet the lay-out of the package selector is quite different. The explanations given for each package is the same as it is in Fedora, not much new or innovating there. What strikes me as a big plus, is the method of package selecting itself (the look). One big minus for me personally, is the expanding feature for the categories, it makes you scroll all the way back to where you were, and even though scrolling is a part of life nowadays, it was very annoying for me. I also missed the "Expand All" button. Now on to the install itself, as most know this is the most boring feature in any OS installation. So I didn't really write down that much The install time displayed is accurate, which is more than I can say from Fedora installs (maybe it's just me of course). Now, the biggest difference (and I am not sure whether I like it or not) but in Fedora you can see which package is installing during the install, Mandriva doesn't bother with this feature, they do use very nice "to read" images during the process, even though a lot of those images were in fact advertisements for their stores, their training, their tech support etc (all paid features), however one "ad" was nice. LPI.org... A few other things I was glad to see in Mandriva, was KDevelop (which I believe is an extra on Fedora), it's a beautiful all-round development environment. I found the internet setup - post install config - to be very confusing. It asks for a few pieces of data that most will not know by heart ( DNS 1&2, login, password, gateway etc) In the end it turned out PPP had to be set up because I did select my ISP from the list (ADSL) and that was wrong LOL.Updating also goes through the installerm which I felt was a wonderful touch. The boot-up sequence worked like a charm. (though PPPo failed - obviously as it was wrong)Mandriva 10.2 has KDE3.3 and Gnome 2.8, which is nice to know. I was sad to learn that to install my ethernet internet, I needed the install DVD - which for some reason had to be placed in my CD - Writer and not my DVD writer. Mandriva would NOT have it any other way. (mind you, it asks for the installer DVD and opens the CD writer, after which the tray would NOT close. I close it with the button and the bloody thing opens again - quite frustrating)A lot of settings and config screens just froze up, though my system could easily handle Mandriva. I couldn't get the hardware browser to actually work in order to change the drives DVD and CD, which seemed to be wrong.Then I decided to give up and go to bed, I shut down the machine, and boot it up the next day, straight into Mandriva. KERNEL PANIC! Not Syncing : CPU Context corrupt.At that pointm nothing I tried helped, rebooting just gave the same error, so I loaded FC4 again.
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