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Everything posted by Jguy101

  1. Ugh. Apple's made great stuff in the past, but lately they've been making really bad ones...like this. Is Steve Jobs being exposed to lead or something that he's getting this dumb?
  2. Firefox 1.0.7. I love it. It's way more secure than Internet Explorer...........and besides, the Brushed theme pwnz.
  3. I'm really interested in skinning Windows XP, but all I've found so far require software to use them, and I don't want to slow down my PC. So, does anyone know of sites where I can download .Theme files for XP?
  4. Well, I had it on my blog for a couple minutes...but I noticed that for some reason, some text had changed fonts. I removed it from my stylesheet, and it changed back to the particular font...weird.
  5. Yeah, I really don't get it...do that many people really believe fortune cookie fortunes tell the future or something?
  6. Ooh, that Linux From Scratch site looks like it'd help a lot...thanks, Qwijibow!
  7. I''ve been wondering lately, what language is Linux written in? I'm interested in this, because my friend and I are considering writing our own distro. I know, it sounds like a bit of a feat, but one guy wrote MEPIS by playing with the Debian source code. I think the two of us could do something similar.
  8. Well, I think this was already known amongst the Linux and BSD communities...it's just that now, Microsoft has proved it.
  9. Definately 64. I have an AMD Athlon 64 1800+ in my PC, and it runs very well with Windows XP.
  10. Definately laptops. You can cram some nice chips, a decent hard drive, and lots of RAM into one...although it'd be best to have a thick, heavy one.
  11. Oh my gosh....where the heck did you hear THAT? There are a bunch of games available for Macs. Most FPSs or TPSs are ported from Windows versions, but some are made just for Macs, especially shareware games. You really need to get yourself into an Apple Store.
  12. Um, no offense, but it's a fortune cookie. And a virtual one at that. You seriously think that these things actually tell the future?
  13. Well, I'd say computer...but then again, you could just get a regular XBox or PS2, and install Linux on it. I find the idea extremely tempting....they may be $150 now, but I have a feeling they'll go down when the new ones some out.
  14. I really don't get all these negative opinions about it from the comments on the site. I mean, some geeks decided to create a site where the only fortunes you get are bad...so what? It's not like it's real. If someone REALLY committed suicide because of this site, then I'm sorry, but I'd have to say they weren't very bright.
  15. Both, actually. My main computer (Bubba, as I like to call him) is an Enpower Nitro I got a year ago at PC Club, with an AMD Athlon 64 1800, 80 gigabyte hard drive, a half a gig of RAM, and running Windows XP Home SP2. I also have a three-year-old iMac G3, Maclena, running Mac OS X 10.2 Jaguar, but sadly, her display fried recently, and I have to take her in for repairs.
  16. Yeah, I've been using Firefox on my PC for more than a year now, and I love it. I'm using the Brushed theme. Actually, I did have it before I got my PC...I got it for my iMac when Internet Explorer 5.0 for Mac suddenly wouldn't let me view some forums below the "My Controls - View New Posts - My Assistant - Inbox" line. Yay for Firefox!
  17. If you want style, I say the iPod is best. It's obvious they look the coolest. But they're so easy to scratch...my gosh. If you want the most for your money, I'd say go with a Creative. The Zen Micro is the same price as a 2 gig iPod Nano, but has a 6 gigabyte drive. Although, the Creative players are now have the Windows Audio PlaysForSure thingamabob/whatchamacallit, so I dunno if it'd work with Linux.....but Ipods should.
  18. OS 9 requiring a G4? No way! I had it on my 600 megahertz G3 iMac before her display fried...and it also came on iMacs that have much slower processor speed, like 350 or 400 megahertz. Heck, OS X runs fine on G3s...just not as well with the slower chips.
  19. A day or two ago, my hosting credits fell below, so my hosting account was suspended. I posted again, so it should be back up to snuff...but it isn't. Any reasons why?
  20. Hmm...I dunno. I know someone was offering something that would let you install OS X on ancient Macs...but I dunno if yours would count as ancient. Are you sure you couldn't install OS 9?
  21. Yeah, heard about this on the news a couple of hours ago. Even though they've released a patch, the whole thing is stupid; people intent on piracy are still going to find a way, so it's really just not letting people who won't pirate create many multiple copies for their personal use. My dad did that with tapes; he'd make copies of the original so he didn't have to buy a new tape if the one he used got broken, and just have to make a new copy.
  22. Jguy101

    Best Forum System

    I've fallen in love with MyTopix from Jaia Interactive. Fast, nice skin, and new build coming out within few months.....
  23. Just curious to see what the statistics were... I have Jaguar on my iMac, but sadly, her display fried a couple months ago.
  24. Ugh...the whole thing is just stupid. Cacheing cookies? Such a security threat...
  25. Yeah, heard of DSM...actually, I found a version of MEPIS called MEPISLite, that's been modified a bit for use on older machines.
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