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Everything posted by Brian1405241474

  1. There's just nothing cool about that design. It's just circles and the colors are horrible.
  2. I know what you are saying. There really isn't a good reason to put in on the page that I can think of. It is easier, you don't have to create a .CSS file, but other than that I'd say it's better to use an external reference. Having an external style sheet makes it so you can use the same style on on all your pages and you can update formating for the whole site much faster; just change one .CSS file, not every web page. I personally use an external style sheet on my web site It's much easier in the long run.
  3. Nice list. Thanks, Chiiyo. I'm trying out Yasu, one of the applications you talked about on this page. Yes, I can link you to ImageWell. I can't believe I didn't link to ImageWell before. But here it is: Download ImageWell from Softpedia.com. Have fun with it!
  4. There have been a lot of topics here at Xisto Forums about people's favorite applications, but most of them were Windows. So I'll start a topic about our favorite Mac OS X applications. (Since we all know that OS X is the best! ) ⢠Finder: obivuous choice, make my life so much easier ⢠Safari: most used by far, a really good web browser and free ⢠Adium: best free IM client. (probably the best IM client period.) Free ⢠ffmpegX: a good movie converting app. Shareware ⢠iLife: All of the apps are just awesome, especially iMovie and GarageBand ⢠Cyberduck: good FTP client, free. ⢠ImageWell: my vote for best freeware. Makes uploading images fast, easy and has some nice editing features. Free! So what are your favorites and why?
  5. Okay, so this morning I wen to use my forums but it says the mySQL is gone. Same with my Blog and Image Gallery. I went to Cpanel and it says that I have no mySQL data bases. Whats wrong? Are they really just gone forever?
  6. You are so right! I knew that! I feel like a total idiot. Sorry, yes The title should be "A Tiger is coming" I don't know how I messed that one up... You do have to try it to really see if you like it. I don't know anyone who has actually used OS X and didn't like it. It's different. You have to give it a chance. But, yes, it is worth it, especially with the new Tiger features.
  7. Yeah, that was my plan, get a new iBook, plus free Tiger and iLife 05. Which is also looking really good.
  8. Sorry, I beat you to the post... Anyway, I'm with you, I'm very excited! I added a count down on my home page and have several topics about it at my forums and I even created an image gallery of pictures of Tiger. Thanks for mentioning all those features, I hadn't heard about some of the minor ones (like Preview 3). A friend of mine who is an Apple developer and posts at my forums has had Tiger since the first public beta and loves it. But my old Clamshell iBook G3 is so slow and doesn't have a DVD drive, so I'll likely buy a new iBook before I get Tiger.
  9. To me it doesn't make too much difference. If I got to choose, I would still use Apple's setup because that one little bar at the top acts as the Task Bar and as a menu bar at the top of each window and it updates dynamically according to what application you have on top. And since I always know which application I'm using, I know that it's the right menu bar. And if you really aren't sure you can always look at it: I know there are other personal preferences and all those people that are used to have a different menu bar for every window. Just a few thoughts.
  10. what? And how does the menu bar at the top make is less able to multitask? Should it be at the bottom like Windows Task Bar or at the top of each window like on a Windows application? I don't see what difference that makes. Can you explain that to me. I'm just wondering.
  11. Okay, I see what you are saying. I didn't realize Mac OS X's GUI is called Aqua. To answer the question from your first post, I don't believe Mac OS Cocoa applications can run in X11. (thats what you meant by X, right?) If I were you I'd just use Aqua. It is very powerful and easy to use since it's built as part of the operating system. And you should get the newest Mac OS, 10.4 Tiger, which will be available on April 29. Because if you're going to have OS X, you might as well enjoy Aqua!
  12. Mac users have reason to rejoice! Apple today announced that Mac OS X 10.4 (code named Tiger) will be available on April 29, 2005 at 6:00 PM. It has a lot of new features, possbily the best of which is the amazing search of Spotlight. But is has many other features such as Dashboard, Parental Controls, Automator, and more. All the new features can be seen at Apple.com/MacOSX. This is very big!
  13. FSB is most likely the front side bus. I'm not sure about what that cache thing is....
  14. Huh? What is Aqua and what is X. I know you could install Mac OS X with it's nifty Aqua interface, but I've never heard of just "Aqua" or "X" are you talking about X11, by chance?
  15. Without question Donkey Kong is the best SNES game ever! I love the graphics and intense game play. Most SNES games were good. I also liked Super Mario, but DK is definitely the best! (playing DK on my iBook. )
  16. The title of this topic should be different. Catholics are Christians. There are many different denomination all of which are Christians. and you really can't say anything is a "Christian Belief" because there are so many different denominations each with there own ideas and interpretations of Christianity. So you can't compare Catholic beliefs to "Christian Beliefs." But this Topic is also not about "Christian Beliefs" vs Protestant beliefs, because Linzy wanted to know how catholic beliefs differed from those of other Christians, So I think it should be called "What makes Catholics unique from other Christians?" or something like that. VisionGraffix explained Christianity best: (the the orange arrow at the bottom right of the quote to read his full post. It's really good.) So to answer the original question of this topic: You can't compare Catholic beliefs (or the beliefs of any other Christian denomination) to "Christian Beliefs" because there are so many different variations of Christianity.
  17. You can get free ipods and stuff from web sites like FreeiPod.com. It's kind of like a pyramid scheme, so I've just avoided them, but some people have been quite happy with these sites.
  18. I would like to have a Google web site, they would probably use targeted dvertising like they do with Gmail and Google searchs, but with ust small test links, thats not too bad. And as for using Gmail to store files, I know a lot of people who are doing that (some of them have 10 or more Gmail accounts) and when you fill up your 1 GB storage, Gmail sometimes upgrades your limit to 2 GB. So all those people milking Gmail for file storage are now getting even more!
  19. If i'm not mistaken .m4p is the protected format that iTunes uses. Because of the DRM, .m4p files are not supposed to be converted, so the only way to play them is with iTunes or on an iPod or if you burn them to a CD as .wav files. If you are want to play your friend's iTunes Music Store songs on your computer, you will need to authorize your computer to play them. Then you will have to put your friends iTunes Username and Password.
  20. For those of you who don't know, Panther, Apple's newest OS (Mac OS 10.4) is coming soon. Apple has said that it will be released in the first half of this year, so within 3 months. But some sources say that the release date may be announced this Friday (April Fools, so maybe it's just a joke?) and it will ship during April. I'm very excited about this new release. I've been waiting to get my new iBook until this latest OS comes out. Some Features: ⢠Dashboard (Expose for widgets) ⢠(Has to be the best computer search ever) ⢠Core Image and Core Video ⢠Automator (Has to be the best computer search ever) ⢠Core Image and Core Video ⢠Automator ⢠more! ([url="http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ the tour)
  21. My brother is always trying to record music from internet radio. (If you're not keeping the files, like you only listen to them once, it's supposed to be legal....) He uses Radio Lover. It's Mac OS X shareware. The demo's only limitation is that you can only record a certain amount of time before you have to manually restart the recording. And if you want the full version, it's only $15. It automaticly splits the songs up into individual tracks with artist/album info. It integrates well with iTunes. It's very nice. You can check it out here!
  22. I think it looks really nice! I like the wide, hi-res screen and it seems fairly compact for the nice power/screen that is has. I don't know exactly how big it is, but it doesn't look like it would be too pocketable.
  23. No, I think Google it the best out there. There are some specialty search eingines, like visual search eingines and stuff, but for just over-all general serach, Google (I would say) is the best. As far as your bad links go, Google can help you there: Go to Google.com and click on Preferences Then you can choose your level of filtering as well as some other handy preferences. Did you have filtering on? I think the default is Moderate Filtering or something like that.
  24. I recomend going with a Mac And if you're trying to go cheap, buy a Mac mini or if you want portable and cheap, buy an iBook Both are very nice and run Mac OS X "The worlds most advanced operating system" If you have some Mac questions I'd be glad to answer if I can.
  25. Adium for Mac OS X, self-proclaimed the "best IM client ever" Certainly the best one I've ever used! Amazing. (Don't forget the Adium Xtras!) Sol Free My favorite Solitare for the Palm and it's not [curses] sharware! I love freeware. FreeWarePalm.com Tons of other games also. I haven't tried any of the others.
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