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Everything posted by Brian1405241474

  1. What!? Google is going to charge for POP? Oh, man! Thats too bad. I thought they were the perfect email provider..... But there is always Gawab Email!
  2. I think jipman is right. what, is GIM going to have a nifty search so you can instantly search thought all you IM archives and find your chat about "eating lasagna and talking to fred"? (don't forget the targeted advertising so you get get ads about the best deals on "LOL" and "TTFN" on eBay.) I think if Google did make an IM client it would use MSN or AIM protocol anyway rather than create it's own "GIM Protocol."
  3. All I can see is 1001 MB email: But for those of you who are worried about Gawab being new and unreliable, don't worry too much. I've been using Gawab as my main personal email for over a year and haven't had any problems. They are fast, reliable, and free. I highly recommend them. (definitely better than hotmail, in my opinion! )
  4. Google is very successful and well known and I think they could do it, but I really don't think they will be making an OS anytime soon. Some possible problems: • It would probably be PC compatible. • All OS's (except Windows) are supposed to be safe from viruses, but people still find ways. • Are you saying it would run software for any other OS? Not very easy to do... • What would be the motivation to switch to it? Linux people might not change (if it cost anything) because they like free stuff. Mac users just like Mac OS. And windows people just follow the crowd. (sorry for the over-generalizations, just trying to make a point.) Just some things to think about. I could happen.
  5. I think it looks pretty good. The first one is a little boring, but not bad. The Falsh site looks good, but I don't really like flash sights or sound on a web site.
  6. I voted Mario Cart. I like the nifty [?] boxes. I would have voted Project Gotham 2, but it wasn't on there. I tried Grand Turismo along time ago and really liked it, but I'm not sure how it compares anymore since it's been so long since I played it. Project Gotham is a cool game. I play it on the xboox.
  7. While I'm not sure if I completely believe Darwin's theory of Natural Selection, I think it's the best explanation we have for why things are the way they are and has the most evidence supporting it.(on the other hand, if we believe Creationism, that would explain everything, because a supreme being could do anything and therefore Creationism could explain anything, but we seem to have little proof for Creationism)
  8. I like that! lol.... thats was nice of you to warn Chansard, but... I sure hope thats not an "illeagal" post. I thought it was quite funny and started an interesting conversation. I also hope this forum doesn't get too controlling over peoples posts or else it's doesn't make for a very good forum. Thats just my opinion.
  9. I haven't played Halo, yet, but I must say they sure no how to make some money off of it.
  10. Ah, yes. You're right. I should have mentioned that. For my purposes, Dreamweaver is way too much, but yes, if you were using it to manage an entire website, it has it's place. I like the integrated FTP, thats very nice. For my small website, it's not worth starting up the whole application just so I can do a little tweaking to my site. Thanks for the clarification there, Frog.
  11. I never even heard of that format. Couldn't you just convert it to mp3 or AAC or something?
  12. hmmm... I'm sorry. That must be why I never used IRC. You could try using Jabber protocol with Adium, because Jabber might be able to use IRC. I tried Fire, but didn't like it as much. It's better than some or IM apps, but Adium is still my favorite. But do you know if you can do IRC with Jabber protocol? You use a Mac?
  13. I think the reputation thing could come in handy to newbies, IF it is used by the members (and it doesn't seem like it has been used a lot so far) And if the people are accurate. It doesn't take too much for someone to ruin someone's reputation. I think for now it's pretty good!(you can increase my rep now! jk )
  14. I don't like anything to do with M$N (I do use AIM and M$N for IM, only because I have a few friends who only use M$N, but I prefer AIM) or Mico$oft. I also don't use M$N search engine because I use Google instead. I love Google. My favorite thing about Google is how simple it's pages are. They don't load a bunch of other images and stuff so they load a lot faster.
  15. I never heard of it either. That's really cool! I don't think It's worth the time to try it for myself, but wo those who: Keep it up, we all need some strange, weird entertainment every once in awhile!
  16. I think Google would pay, they are too big for any major scamming, you just have to have A LOT of traffic to get enough clicks, to make enough money for Google, so that they can pay you. I definitely agree with what TreeFrog said. I would use Google ads, but I don't have a site with that much traffic yet. but when I do... I'll be rich! (not quite, but thats okay. )
  17. the iPod mini has 4 GB of storage space. I also like the iPod minis!
  18. I don't have one at the moment, but I would like to get an iPod, probably the 20 GB one. I like them, the way they look, the size, and the cool wheel. I really like the new ones with the color monitors that you can store your pictures on, but I don't have that much money right now, so I'll probably just get the $299 one.
  19. OS: Mac OS X (10.3.7)Computer: iBook, clamshellMonitor: 12" 800x600Processor: G3 366 mhzHD: 10 GBIt's an old computer (1997-ish) I hope to get a new one soon, but it works for now.
  20. I play the harmonica and piano, but am not very good at either. I also like to create music on the computer. I use Garage Band to make some songs on my computer. But for the most part I listen to music I buy online from the iTunes Music Store.
  21. I tried Dreamweaver, but I didn't like it. I see HTML as being really easy and simple and Dreamweaver just seems to make it too complicated and it's big, slow (relative to other apps) application, just to create HTML. I just use a plain, old text editor, then preview with a web browser (Safari, to be exact). I don't think it worth having an application to make it "easier."
  22. I think your first one looks good, but I don't like too much flash. It takes too long to load and slow things down. Also, music isn't good either. slows it down and can be annoying. I think it looks great though! Very good. I like PHP myslef. I'll check out that other link you posted next.
  23. I can't read what it says, but as long as someone can... I think it's pretty good not too complicated, but that can be a good thing. A lot of sites out there are too complicated. I took pretty long to load the page, but that could be because my computers a little slow today. I like it! (are any of though pictures of you, by chance? )
  24. Well, I can't say I know much about IRC clients. I don't know anyone who uses IRC. (I use AIM and MSN) But there is an awesome Mac OS X app, Adium that does, I think, all or at least most IM protocols, and might include IRC. It is freeware and very high quality. I use it for my MSN and AIM chats. For the pure beauty of it: Adium explained:
  25. I started learning this summer by just modify some pages. I use HTML code tutorial for a reference when I need it. I started using CSS last week and I like it a lot. It's very different then plain old HTML, but can be really handy and save tons of time if you do it right.
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