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Everything posted by k221405241470

  1. Need For Speed Underground 2 is the best game of the 2004 IMHOI tunned all the cars and I wasn't satisfatied yet, it's so amazing that if I connect the 8.1 dolby sound system you think the cars are out of your doors...the soundtrack is awesome, the dettails and the graphic is well done and then who doesn't want to tunned up a car??????????The only problem come when you've to return to your car...and it's...so...small.and with out any colours. any weird engine...so...NORMAL..... :)
  2. I use a silk cloths and it works fine, sometime i used it wet but i don't want to break my screen so a dry silk cloths is enough
  3. Yeah, but in Australia i heard that a man got patent for an object round that permit to do less effort when you've to move... -.- The MS has a patent for everything...the mouse too is under license...i think
  4. I use DirectConnect(dc++ DCGUI) or BitTorrent, but on DC i find more file and there isn't queue, you must just have a share size of 5 gb or 15 gb and you'll enter in all the hubs and you find everything..
  5. hahah, all the stars contacts had been stolen...lol, i think that it's a good lesson for the securety of the hotels, everytime our informations can be stolen and we'll never know....
  6. I like buttons on the left or in the header part of the page, i hate buttons at bottom they're so useless, i think that a person reads a page like a book so, we start from the top-left corner..
  7. Do you think there is still someone who believes in those mails?I hope that people have understood....like the mails that annunce to make you earn 100$ only sending it to all you adressbook.....kids games...
  8. I use SuSE at home and if you're a NewBie try it for personal use, I use it also for work but you have to work a while, after using SuSE is realy impossibile to use another distro 'njoy
  9. Cool processor...I have an open case and during summer fans and fresh air from my home cooler...in general the temperature nevers goes up 50°c also if i'm overcloking it, then the program that say to "cool" the cpu are useless, to put a cpu in suspend mode or reduce the clock can be used only if you're not at computer otherwise if you only move the mouse the cpu must work....so...this program are a trick....
  10. Mysql CC is very good, phpmyadmin too but as they said it's better to use the console, you've the realy control of the database and then why do you want to use a gui that need a lot of resources when the console need only some kb of ram and almost nothing of cpu?Php scripts are useful too, you've to create a scripts to insert directly SQL string in the db
  11. if you know italian http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ http://www.openlabs.it/ http://www.kuht.it/ the first one give space and support the second one space, but it's not so easy to get it the third is a very famous community that give a lot of help and support to GPl project Your project MUSt be open source
  12. I use NOD32 on WIndow, it's very powerful and till now I'haven't had any problems, the resources used are not so high and then the program is divided in modules so when you update the db of the virus sometime you find a new module installed, to check office document or internet connections, it's very useful and i think is still free to download and you have to "pay" only the update license....
  13. I use 6.2 and MSN 7.0 is a BETA version so it's almost sure that there are some imperfections and bugs, IMHO the version 6,2 is still better than the 7.0I know that with 7.0 it's easily to find space-blog of a user but i don't think is a realy preview of new functions.....only some lines of code added and (not corrected) to the previous one...
  14. -.- SuSE 9.2 is only a ).1 with some news Pkgs and a newer kernel.. I haven't SuSE's T-Shirt but Patches are useful, why I need to download a newer version or recompile all ? Patch Patch and everything is done But You're right, if you use SuSE like use Win.... Don't let me speak.... But SuSE is a Linux Sysem as the other if you remove Yast and the Configuration during the install
  15. So, mineAudioSlaveAsian Dub FoundationDaft PunkDon Davis(the "DJ" who makes the matrix's soundtracks)Hans Zimmer(yep, the one of the soundtracks)Lacuna CoilLinkin ParkMuseNightwishThe ProdigySonata ArcticaStory of the YearThatre of TragedyTristaniaUnkle
  16. NightWish R0x , Now I don't listen to them a lot but They remain one of my favourites bands
  17. I vote SuSE, It's powerfulhave you ever heard about YaST(I hate it but the it's awesome when you don't what you can do)you can use Apt4rpm, and apt porting for SuSE's rpmYou hev the power and the flexibilityof Unix without the need to spend a lot of time in the configuration...:)Try SuSE, it's for life...also if you don't want it ...
  18. Are you sure? http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ it can decompile every flash sites....The only way to "protect"(why should you do it?) that I know is PHP GD or Js, yep, Javascript is runned by the client and some anti-spam system create a little js that the client sees like a mail addres when he opens that http://www.kenric.com/AntiSpambotMailto.html 'njoy IMHO there is no-reason to protect the code..the code must be free..like internet IMHO
  19. If you don't knwo any language like php asp or perl(html isn't enough and isn't a language) I suggest to use PhP nuke or any engine like this(Post-Nuke or a Blog engine)But the Nuke aren't very secure so it's better to learn a language and write some codes.... https://sourceforge.net/projects/sphpblog/ (Php blog that doesn't need Database) https://www.phpnuke.org/ (The most famouse website engine) http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ (A less famouse nuke) 'njoy
  20. I listen to Alternitive Rock: Muse, AudioSlave, _Rammstein_, System of a Down(cross-over)Unkle too has done some interesting rock songs
  21. Everything can be intercepted and you'll never know if it happens, I've also read somewhere about a project called TIA(Total Information Awareness), I think that now ,only with a click, everyone can be spied, Let only think about internet's _dorsal_, if you set a listener server on this dorsal, and it has a good elaboration power..you can know almost everything...and the Short messages(SMS)? in my country(somewhere in europe ) we have only 4 big servers to controll this traffic, and if you have acces to it...theoricaly you read all the sms of this country....it's amazing and terrible at the same time...
  22. I think everyone is buying Ipods cause of the Ipod is a product with a future , I have seen creative Zen Micro and it's very cool but Has it a future?How often will come out the upgrades? and then the Ipod Addons and Mod are more than any other Mp3Player, On Ipod when it'll become old you can install Linux and do some experiments, IMHo it's sound good
  23. Rich? If you talk about GUI, yep Linux is not based on the appearance like Mac or WIn, but with Bash scripting you can easily create a script to administrate everything you need, it's not graphic but useful..and then have you ever tried to program a Gui apps under Win or mac?I'm not, but using KDe with Superkaramba you can display everything on the desktop and with perl or python scripting it's possibile to have a very "alternative" and unique desktop Is that possible with Win?if you use Style Xp yes, but it's not the same... 'njoy
  24. IS it an HoneyNet or something like this?I agree with you, but...If you use GPL/Linux you can set a firewall(Iptables) that it's better than 2 win firewall used togethere...it works directly from the kernel and in win you cannot do that
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