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Everything posted by k221405241470

  1. But if you substitute the .txt file with a php file is't better?like this <?php<?php$now=fopen("count.php","r+");while(!feof($now)){ $cont=fgets($now,2); if ($cont=="N") { $check=fgets($now,3); if($check=="V=") { $nvisit=fgets($now,4); echo $nvisit; settype($nvisit,"integer"); $posi=ftell($now); fseek($now,($posi-2)); fwrite($now,($nvisit+1)); exit; }}}fclose($now);?>and a count.php like this<?phpNV=34?>
  2. http://www2.latech.edu/~acm/HelloWorld.shtml How the world say hello world?Here a list with the different Lang sintax, Old lang too
  3. I Vote Linux, because with Suse 9.1 has the power of Kde(like Win interface) and the kernel 2.6, the only problems thata you can have with Linux is the hardware as Raid HDD or on-board device
  4. I read that the only problem with java is the speed, Java is slower than other lang and os is't use as Php or Asp, is it true?I have only tried JS and it's fast enough
  5. Linux family OS are the best server and can do everything, Asp too if you use it /docs/about-mono/ or the old Apache::ASp that allow to use Asp(.net) on a Unix Box
  6. It's a good and fast script but why do you use for?Another method is whith while-list, so you haven't to use another Varwhile(list($narr,$varr) =each ($day)){ //remember to put the same date format in the array and in the $today var...if($varr==$today) echo"<p>Happy birthday $name[$narr]!</p>";}It's shorter and without the K var, 'njoy
  7. I say performance, like Fast Reply module(On Xisto's forum too) and some PhppBB hacks that provide to cut some useles functions and reduce the number of the scripts loaded in all page of the forum...
  8. I don't know Java, but i think that JS is too simple sometimes, because with Java or other Lang you can use more functions and Options....JS is a basic lang IMHo...
  9. Do you the program like DreamWeaver ?For window DreamWever is the leader,... but kc8yff says a right thing, in fact with NOtepad you learn to write directly in html, that is the most used Lang(markup) i think
  10. Mysql.org or Mysql.com not mysql.net , and to adminstrate it try also http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Mysql ontrol center that are not a script as PhpMyAdmin but i think is more stable than phpmyadmin IMHO
  11. Php?Are you joke? Php is a server side scripiting Lang, it's free and open, Php needs and "interpreter" that you can download from Php.net, but i suggest to you to learn more on http://php.net/, the officiale php Lang site...ah Php has 2 "different" version the 4.x and the 5.x, the 5.x is a new version thata provide a best managemente with class and the OO structure
  12. Are You speak about MD5 Hashing?if not, i'm interested, how do you make it?
  13. But if you want to use it anyway just use firefox(no the 1PR version) and add this plugin http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  14. PhotoShop is the best for me, but i hate Graphics because the art isn't my job
  15. A Hacks is when you mod you code to increas perfomance, securety or you add some function that the "standard" version hasn't, to do an hack on PhpBB code or Php-Nuke in general isn't very simple, because you have to know the class and the OO in general and know a lot of function about php, but if you are lazy there are many sites that create them for you, and you have only to modify the source code of the page....but Know a lang as Php is a very good stuff for me...
  16. Yes, sorry but i didn't explain very well
  17. Try php and some Js for a better graphics, Php: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/.... Try to understand the others scripts, It's the best metod for me
  18. For you why many times we associate Perl to the hacker's world?for many exploit write in perl or for the flexibility of the Lang, what do you think about?For me, Because in perl the operation on the strings and with the socket are powerful as in c but perl is simpler to write IMHOByez & 'njoy
  19. I use FireFox http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ has a good pop up blocker and cookie manager and a lot of nice extension, also a irc client and a web devolper pannel, Ad-aware Se is very powerlful and another good Av is Nod32, the best Av thta i have ever tried on Win ;9
  20. If you use only script it's possible maybe(but i don't Use ISs6) and on apache i Think config is a bit different, but if you use the phpzip pack and not the installer isn't better?so you have to manual config and you have more controll of the Param...but why do you use apache with Mod_mono mudule?so you can use asp.net and mono on apache server, and i think thata apache is better than ISS6, almost is multi-platform
  21. I think thata the problem is only in during the landing and take-off, but the airlines dont't want to risk for me, because on the Atlantic Ocean at 35.000 Ft you can do a call? if you can tell me how, next trave I'll try and if you listen to a plane crash near greenland think to me
  22. I see every day wc3 compatible(XHTML 1.0 Basic) page that not all the browser support, IE(...) for example, and i say limitaions for ex when you can't use onchange or onfocus in form and other basic html coee...in wc3 XHtml you cannot do this, why?how many people have Netscape 4, now?
  23. I use Php Expert Editor for the pure php code, and it's have some nice stuff, loke error tracking and more, it's shareware or f30$ to register
  24. You have a Web-based mail and you'd like to download it?Now you can, with FreePops http://freepops.sourceforge.net/en/ it is release under GNU/GPL so you can also modify it, the only differenc between a on-line Pop3 servers is the config of the Client like Thunderbird or Mozilla o Outlook(..) The server is located in: localhost The port isn't the 110 but the 2000 Then put login name like this: nick@domain.xx The scripts provide different domain like @hotmail @yahoo, and if you want to create you own script extension's lang is LUA more info @ http://freepops.sourceforge.net/files/html_lua/index.html
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