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Everything posted by k221405241470

  1. Music on the web is a very unpolite thing, if you have a GPRS connection and you pay the number of Bytes downloaded, If you put Music on a web site many person with this problems won't came again to yours site...
  2. A log time ago I programed a game in Pascal, just kill asteroids but it was nice, it was the first and the last game that i have done....
  3. I think Xbox have a 800mhz CPU...and PS2 has 600Mhz about, I'm not sure...I'll try to find a comparision table..
  4. How have you learned HTML?With tutorials?have you seen others' pages? If you don't permit to see you code, it isn't possible for a NewBie to learn something more, if he likes something in yours pages he can't learn and I Think the 1° right of everybody is to learn....it's possibile he'll use again yours code, but he's only a NewBie and you the "guru"
  5. I think Invision work and you haven't to edit the php files, but I suggest you to unistall the db(after done a Backup) and then unistall the IPB...then reinstall it, and use phpmyadmin to use the old BackUp
  6. I don't understand this topic, what were you trying to say? I hope Mod(erators) will find the reason of that....'njoy
  7. i use and "old"(antique) GForce 4200 Ti NVidia and i still use medium dettails in Doom 3 :PNVidia is better supported by linux too...
  8. Free or Open? Try here http://freecode.com/ For Linux's RPM and Deb packages http://www.rpmseek.com/index.html
  9. I'd like to buy an IPod but it's too expensive and the accesories too, I'll wait to configure my Laptop for the car's ""stereo""
  10. Fantastic :DD http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ I have Ipv6 and it's amazing ;D
  11. For the installation I remember there was something in the compressed file, but try this too http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ for the mantain it depends on what you have to do, if you need help(Xoops i very easy i think no )) ask and if someone will help you
  12. Frontpage? Try Quanta DreamWeaver Try Quanta and Wine, with wine you can run window programm under *unix, games too..
  13. -.-, I don't know how this ****** born, Who are so stupid to create and spam a message like this?I haven't received this mail (yet) but every time the same problems, Virus, Dangerous scripts. why a persone create this ""stupid"" MAIL? :/ does someone know the answer?
  14. If you'd like to protect you doc without the standard program and algorithms you'll fide it useful, Now the only big problem is the ARRAY pased to the subs, in fact I can't pass 2 @ at the same Sub so I have to use a global array(@plus) in the subroutines, SomeOne knows if is it possibile to pass 2 @ to a sub? if yes how? #!/usr/bin/perl#************Random Signature V1,0******************##* CodeName: Crypto v1.7 alpha *##* Coder: K22 - http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ ; *##* Date: 07/11/2004; *##* License: GNU/GPL; *##***************************************************#sub keygen { #Generate a code from a char, not just a simple ASCII#my (@togen,@plus)=@_;my @plus=@plus;my @togen=@_;my $i=0;#print $plus[0]."-0-".$plus[1]."-1-".$plus[2]."-2-".$plus[3]."-3-\n";foreach $chr(@togen) {$ascii=ord($chr);$togen[$i]=$ascii+$#togen+ord($#togen)+$plus[0]-$plus[1]-(($plus[2]-$plus[3])*2)+$#plus-ord($#plus);$i++;} return (@togen);}sub degen { #Degenerate the coede made by the keygen function#my (@tode,@plus)=@_;my @plus=@plus;my @tode=@_;my $i=0;#print $plus[0]."-0-".$plus[1]."-1-".$plus[2]."-2-".$plus[3]."-3-\n";foreach $chrz(@tode) {$ascii=$chrz-$#tode-ord($#tode)-$plus[0]+$plus[1]+(($plus[2]-$plus[3])*2)-$#plus+ord($#plus);$tode[$i]=chr($ascii);$i++;} return (@tode);}sub alphagen { #Alpha generator, it's a new function, I'll use ti for modify the lenght of the output$let="a";for($i=1;$i<=26;$i++){push(@alpha,$let);$let++;}return (@alpha);}sub relpos { #Calculations of valide array positionsmy ($y,$limit,@refarr)=@_;my $p=0;my @val;for($p=0;$p<=$limit;$p++){$y=$_[0]+$p;while(!exists($refarr[$y])){$val[4].= $#refarr."s-$p\n";$y=$y-$#refarr-1;$val[4].= $y."p-$p\n";}$val[$p]=$y;}return(@val);}sub divi(@){ #Generator of passwd numbermy @whr=@_;my $temp;$temp=$secpass[$whr[0]]*$secpass[$whr[1]];$temp=$temp*($secpass[$whr[0]]+$secpass[$whr[1]]-$secpass[$whr[2]]);return($temp);}sub ende { #Core of the algorithmsmy ($cho,@toende)=@_;my $x=0;my $temp;my @crypto;my $eli;foreach $eli(@toende) {@pos=relpos($x,2,@secpass);$temp=divi(@pos);if($cho==1) {$cc=$eli-$temp;}elsif($cho==0) {$cc=$eli+$temp;}$crypto[$x]=$cc;$x++;}return(@crypto);}sub timerize { #Function to determinate how long the message can be readprint "Select the time of the message default:1 m(Until the end of the month)\n";print "M=End of the month\n";print "D=End of the day\n";print "H=End of the hour\n";$lim=<>;chomp($lim);my ($sec,$min,$h,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst)=localtime();$mon+=1;$year+=1900;my @crdate=($year,$mon);if($lim =~ m/d/i){push(@crdate,$mday);print "Limit set to a day\n";}elsif($lim =~ m/h/i){push(@crdate,$mday,$h);print "Limit set to a hour\n";}else{print "Limit set to a month";}return(@crdate)}#Main, if you love calling it so...while(!($pass) || !($text)){print "Insert Pass:\n";$pass=<>;print "Insert Text:\n";$text=<>;print "To decrypt DECA\n";print "To hashing the string HASH(NOT YET)\n";print "To decrypt o crypt a text with a time limit [DECA] TIME\n";$opt=<>;chomp ($pass,$text,$opt);}@chrpass= split(//,$pass);if($opt =~ m/deca/i) {$cho=1;if($opt=~ m/time/i) {@plus=timerize();}print $plus[0]."-0-".$plus[1]."-1-".$plus[2]."-2-".$plus[3]."-3-\n";#@secpass=keygen(@chrpass,@plus);@secpass=keygen(@chrpass);@decry=split(/\|/,$text);@crypto=ende(1,@decry);#@crypto=degen(@crypto,@plus);@crypto=degen(@crypto);}else {if($opt =~ m/hash/i) {#@plus=hashing(@chrpass);$cho=2;}elsif($opt =~ m/time/i) {@plus=timerize();$cho=3;}else{@plus=();$cho=0;}#print $plus[0]."-0-".$plus[1]."-1-".$plus[2]."-2-".$plus[3]."-3-\n";#@secpass=keygen(@chrpass,@plus);@secpass=keygen(@chrpass);@chrtext= split(//,$text);#@sectext=keygen(@chrtext,@plus);@sectext=keygen(@chrtext);@crypto=ende(0,@sectext);}foreach (@crypto){ $tofile .= $crypto[$x]."|"; print $crypto[$x]."|"; $x++;}if(@crypto){print "\n\nLeaving...The message has been write in out.txt\n\n 'njoy\n\n";open(OUT, ">out.txt");print OUT $tofile;close(OUT);}
  15. I use Linux for everything(programing, PHP; Perl, Pascal, Graphic sometime)....Win to play GTA
  16. Quanta 3.3 or Kwrite (on Unix) is the best IMHO,It depends on WIN if code only PHP and HTML you can use PHP Expert Editor but if you need a complete program, JS, JAVA, PHP, DreamWeaver MX is the best
  17. https://kimmo.suominen.com/docs/ssh/ http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ SSH is a protocol that permit to connect using TCP/IP with the support of a "secure" connection, with SSH(ofte use for remote login on linux machine) you'll have all the bytes sent to the server encrypts with a "secure" algorithms
  18. It's not a good profspective but me too i think in the futur we have to do war, because the human kind is to stupid to stay in pace...We'll fight until we'll be destroy by somthing....
  19. I think every distro is easy if you oike it, you have only to find the best for you...i use SuSE 9.1 personal(without gcc and bintuils by default ) and it isn't to easy as you say...certanly if you install only rpm for suse.de It's easy but if you try to compile the same package you have to work much than slack, because the structure of SuSE is a little bit different between the other Linux distros and so also configure to start at boot HTTPD became difficult... :)On every distro it's possible to do hack, just have the knowlodges
  20. Metal(Gothic-industrial-power-Speed)Elettronic-Reggae(like Asian Dub Foundation)Hard RockWhat does it mean alternative?Likes which band?
  21. Are you searching for pre-made scritps or which lang is better to develop it yourselves?1)I think in cpanel premade script there is something likes that in CGI and php2)php.net( Me to i suggest you php5)
  22. i'm not american too but...i Think that my dog too is better than bush ...
  23. I only use Macromedia Flash 2004 MX and i think is good although I don't like flash apps
  24. Php is open source...Asp no, it's enough I think..
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