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Everything posted by k221405241470

  1. On Lycos i remember you can send max 50 mails/dayon Xisto is there a max?
  2. I can't post it here because the forum don't permit img with php extensione but i have done a script that dispaly a new sign every time you load the page, in phpbb forum you can do it... Randys v1.0
  3. I can do a Standard connection but not anonymous' one also i if i do as you say, but it's not important I was only interested in the reason of that problem :)
  4. My free hosting is: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ I've done it but nothing change, I always receive 421 Impossible to set... I've tried also in passive mode and with ftp.klakice.astahost.com but nothing change what can i do?
  5. I have tried whit EMS PostGreSQL manager and i'd like to use a sock 5 or 4 is not important is that possibile?
  6. It's possibile to opne a connection to a PostegreSQl db using a proxy?Yf yes how?Thx to all in advance
  7. I use SuSE 9.1 personal and it's very powerful, but i suggest to you also Slackware 10(if you are not a Newbie ) and Debian
  8. if you want something to do, try to get a webshell and the instal on it a sms server, after you can send SMS as you want....The only problems is the webshell, but if you have already one
  9. Now i have undestrand and I say... http://www2.ea.com/nfs The site of my favorite game need for speed
  10. I think the best is IPB but isn't free, is it?PhpBB is good, but only for 3 days after that it's released, there are too many exploits
  11. me too but...http://perl.com/ is fast, simple but it has a good graphic Google.com I don't understand if you say useful graphics or only the site with the best structure
  12. I have seen that the anonymous ftp on my account is down, i can connect with username ad password but not anonymously, have you got the same problem?
  13. Internet?It'll fall only when the earth falls, I think and I hope
  14. Ok, thx and so my dream of a Bot & Bnc WebBased are impossible , Thx again
  15. Not each provider gives a Free-Sql Account , Isn't bettere to use a simple page with the number of the visitors?
  16. I have seen here fsockopen() isn't banned and it works if a try to connect to a standard 80 port to do gte..but with Irc port no, Xisto has stopped the connection to them?
  17. I have create a script that open a connection on a irc server like a BnC; when i test it on my local machine it's all ok, but here i receive every time Timed_out, and i don't know why, Someone can me explaine why?
  18. The best, I have never seen another Free Host like this, i'ts fantastic...
  19. Best...Httpd server: Apache 2.xPhp Version: Php5Db: Mysql 4.1(Beta Rulez) :)Others Program..Editor: DreamWeaver & Quanta & PhpExpert EditorForum: PhpBB2CMS: all are bad :/BnC Irc: Mine Php BnC
  20. http://dev.mysql.com/doc/ has the best documentaion, but if you are looking for a guide , use google or try this http://www.freewebmasterhelp.com/tutorials/phpmysql
  21. If you want to ecncrypt a file o a text try kremlin(http://www.kremlinencrypt.com/), there is also a little introduction to the different kind of cryptographic algorithms
  22. Somewhere between the Italy and the Iceland :)Nobody from Norway?
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