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Everything posted by k221405241470

  1. Finaly I have buy an Ipod IPhoto because the IRiver have a lot of useles functions, like Mic and the prices different were only 100 €, I know an Ipod is very expensive but I'll never buy onother one so, it's better to buy the best and use it than buy a good and change it after 2 or 3 years :PHowever Thanks to everyone who answers to thsi Topic 'njoy
  2. I suggest P4 because1)Stability2)Performance3)Lower Temperatures, but the AMD have a better price, their 64bit are so cheap so everyone can buy one...
  3. I Use GNu/LInux for developing of almost everything and I think that no others os(I have used SunOS, win and Mac too)are good as linux
  4. I have a DSL 2Mbit(2mbit down and 512kb up)without problems, but my neighbours have a Fibre optical net so they arrive till 10mbit(down & Up), the problem is the internal network, I'm behind the NAT's ISP ...and I can have a server only with Ipv6 connection..and It isn't very useful ....
  5. Now, I buy a Ipod Iphoto 60 Gb, It's awesome The screen is very colorful and you can connect it to each Tv(NTSC & PPAL) Itunes automaticaly load on the Ipod the cd front side(if It finds that) 60 Gb are amazing I think that the price is good for a Player like this with and old accessorie(for tthe 3rd generation) you can load the photo directly from a camera and so I haven't to to buy a larger flash card
  6. If you don't find the kernel on the web, i think on the distro's cd you can find it
  7. I have an Ipod but I haven't try yet, which distro do you have? In linux i think the most important apps not in the base pack are: Mplayer Apt-4-Rpm (i think only for SuSE) FireFox Thunderbird Superkaramba IPtables (a kernel module & the apps) Ksensors Nmap IMHO Kwrite is better than Vim, but vim requires less memory and it's not necessary X, so if you connect through SSh vim is very useful
  8. I'm interested to buy this Mp3 player http://www.iriver.com/ I've read that you can also play video(10fps) and some o ther stuff like OntoGo download of file from other device like external HDD Have you ever seen of this, tried it? I'm thankful to every one can give more info about it 'njoy the rave and HAppy 2005
  9. With a simple PHP session autentication or Cookies, you have a page where login and where you set the $session_var or the cookies, then in each protect page you check that the user have the permission and allow him to see the page
  10. On WindowsC:\Perl\bin\perl.exe file.pl (where C:\Perl is where you have installed perl, if you use it without any file you'll find all the perl command possible)on Linux# perl file.plThe same, without file.pl you'll find the possibile option'njoy
  11. if you have 3 PCs1#:OS: Win XPDB: MySQL 4.1.8PHP: PHP 5.0.3(not installed form binaries)HTTPD: Apache 2.0.522#:(Test and unstable version)OS: Win XPDB: MySQL 5.xPHP: PHP 5.0.3(the same)HTTPD: Apache 2.0.52(if you can compile it from the source)3#*nix Box, compile everything you can)OS: Linux/GPL, try Debian (Mdk is not good for server and test)or slackwareDB: MySQL 4.1.xPHP: PHP 5.0.3HTTPD: Apache 2.0.52, Open_sslon unix compile the most part of the softs because you can add more features and you can better administrate you apps
  12. So, if you need tutorials and help http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ but many apps install a "local" documentation, and if you have a problem and you can't use internet try # cmd man where cmd is the apps which you need help if you need packages(RPM on Mdk) http://www.rpmseek.com/index.html or other apps http://freecode.com/ Mdk 10.0 IMHO is a unstable distro, the kernel was one of the first 2.6.x and mdk isn't know to be very stable, try SuSE or FC, they're more stable IMHO 'njoy
  13. Freesql.org is a good service but:the servers are too loaded, sometimes unreacheable the DBs are frequently deletedbut is a free service and it's enough
  14. I have read a lot fo pages on the net and the try some tutorials and example...html can be learned in...1 week, the tags are 20-30
  15. Perl SLOW??Are you Joking?and it's NOT hard...sometimes you need to create a function because in the core package are not a lot....but with CPAN support and some extra work is better than php if you have to do local APPS, for Example, With php a IRC_BNC or Bot is very slow and the apache(or IIS) proc is to charged and the CPU load arrive near 20% only for a bot, that are to refresh every second......with perl , you have an singolar proc that produce a sys load of 2-3%......but if you have to create site I agree with you..but the main purpose of the perl is the local apps and the strings manipulation
  16. Try this https://www.oracle.com/sun/index.html if you're system is fast enough you'll see a 3dDesktop http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Some img find with google...It is very powerful... othe Linux APPS VIm - Editor Mplayer - (DIVX, AVI and more)Video Player FireFox - always and everywhere Gaim - Chat client(also for win) compatibles with many protocol Kde modded as you want.... karamba to mod KDE
  17. Bill gates steal the first project for MS-DOS froma NY company, something loike Xro o Xero, i don't remember...watch this film http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0168122/ and you'll undestand because win is "more popular" and Bill so rich 'njoy
  18. FireFox R0x(Rocks )it's Open Souce, the extenstions are many and useful, the handling of the page, with Html errors is better than IE, and pop-up, activex are controlled..Then, On Linux..IE,...LOL
  19. I think multi-core will the future but instead of build a Bi-proc sys is better to create for me a clustering network..like this http://openmosix.sourceforge.net/ I'll try in the next day, with 2 or 3 on lan PC, if someone have already tried it...I accept any advice
  20. MacOS ???? Apple is a company without scruple, they have created a Product call OSX where only the X is Unix, Mac os is based only on the graphic apps and if you open the console is like the win's one, with more apps, but they can't say..wonderful as Macpowerful as UnixMacOsX is a fake
  21. I prefer a free approach to the work..1)Target(The person who buy the project)2)Time to finish the Project(My ,all the times, enemy.)3)Coding4)Developing of new ideas at 2:am ^_^5)Teting and last updates6)Release and product selling7)Last updates and mods for the clientAverange time for a Project: 2 Month or lessAverange profit: T-shirt (arghh) or when I had work for a Company some €€ ;D, and they're better than a Stupid T-Shirt 'njoy
  22. If you prefer a script to generate imgs with text inside or put a text on each img of yours site.. <?php/************Random Signature V1,0******************//* CodeName: Randys v1.0; *//* Coder: K22 - klakice[AT]swissinfo[DOT]org; *//* Date: 16-17/10/2004; *//* License: GNU/GPL; *//***************************************************//*******Config********//*Bar x dimension*/$barx=600;/*Bar y dimension*/$bary=25;/*Font type [1..5], Default 5*/$font=5;if(file_exists("frases.txt")){$frases=fopen("frases.txt","r");$x=0;while (!feof($frases)) { $buffer[$x] = fgets($frases, 4096); $x++;}$val=rand(0,($x-1));$code=$buffer[$val];}else $code="My programmer isn't very good, He does an error in my config :(";$code=ereg_replace("\n","",$code);$code=ereg_replace("\r","",$code);$len=strlen($code);$xpos=(($barx/10)-$len);$xpos=$xpos*6+12;header("Content-type: image/jpeg");$image=imagecreatetruecolor($barx,$bary);$text_color = imagecolorallocate($image, 0, 150, 255);imagestring ($image, $font, $xpos, 4, $code, $text_color);imagejpeg($image);imagedestroy($image);?>
  23. Php is good and very useful because It's very easyPerl is better in local apps than on the web but someone uses it
  24. PhP Nuke was a SourceForge project a long time ago and when the release 7.2 or 7.1 come out they decided that the free soft is useless, so now you have to pay but i hope nobody likes to pay for something with a lot of bugs and a securety level very low.....
  25. yes, and permit to the attack to adminastrate the remote computer and the resource of it, like SETI but whit out authorization... but..if you are using an Unix sys it is too cool to open each mails the infected too
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