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Everything posted by manuleka

  1. alot of the FREE stuff advertised can be just another scam or spam... but them some offer limited FREE promotional products...
  2. really? now why would they vary the fee like that?
  3. sorry, you read my mind lol .NET i use to do PC technician work for this place that uses EPISERVER for it's products
  4. they certainly are one of the most popular CMS on the planet... the great thing about them is that they are easily implemented into (in most cases they are readily available with) Linux Hosting Services... makes me wonder what FREE CMS usually comes with Windows Hostings?
  5. yes tables... and @ yordan, yes it isn't simple from a newbies perspective! although when i started learning SQL it seem quite simple (the basics) at first which can be quite straight forward until you get to do more complex queries... i suggest googling for some free introductory e-books on SQL or even online Tutorials... should give you some brief idea about SQL... good place to start is w3schools http://www.w3schools.com/sql/default.asp
  6. pardon posting agian - here's more info on the item: http://www.sella.co.nz/closed.html
  7. thanks yordan, i'm googling for informations on how to open the adaptor box... the two adaptors hav same power ratings... same brand
  8. welcome and hope you will enjoy the great free asta-services...
  9. i've got a laptop adaptor which doesn't do it's Job (Broken)... i also have a similar one with a broken tip (that goes into laptop).. so i was thinking maybe i can grab the cord (with tip) of the broken one and fit it into the work (but with broken tip) one...anyone here know of any sites that might give me some guidelines on how to tackle this? i'm thinking of opening up the adaptor container (or box) so i won't have to make cuts on the cords
  10. i agree... wireless will save you a lot of cabling obstacles... with wireless N you are assured great speed and distance
  11. ADDICTION - like Casino for Gamblers... or Weed for Fish smokers... and to be honest gaming addiction is growing and it will keep growing... Mobile phone addiction is a norm now a days, every-time I'm on transit to work i see more than 1 in every three or four people using their mobile devices...
  12. it's more to do with convenience really, just a suggestion...
  13. CMS is the way to go ofcourse! That's why i always recommend wordpress for beginners... and i find it's layouts simple enough for newbies to work with... eventhough Wordpress can do a whole lot more complicated sites and can handle a lot more just like Joomla and Drupal... What do you mean people should never trust installers?
  14. at the moment if i'm a guest and wanting to log in... i'll have to click on the Login Link, which will load login page, then fill in entries and then login and successful page loads up then sends me back to the page i was in before login in... thats a whole lot of page loading... why not just have the login entries available at the top (not a pop-up)... so i can just type in my access details (Username/Password) then the page refreshes/reloads with me being logged in
  15. or even login entries boxes (username & password) along top with My Controls · View New Posts · My Assistant · My Friends · 0 New Messages options
  16. wow... so who gets the profit? the wardens? hehe government i suppose...
  17. I've been using WordWeb on Windows for about 5 or so years now... and when i started using Linux i didn't like the default Dictionary that comes with it because it requires internet connection for it's search... and after a bit of online research i come across this Linux alternative (although i use to install WINE just for WordWeb) called Artha https://sourceforge.net/projects/artha/ really handy little Dict
  18. for a basic website all it requires is a bit of time and patience... but then to some they just don't have the time for it... it's like any other trade, it's easy but it's the initiation part that needs patience! i use to think creating a website and putting it online was a really tough and complicated job to do... now to put up a site only takes a few or so clicks
  19. i'm hoping to get a Galaxy S II for Christmas, i know it's far away but I have been doing some review research and it seems to be a very very good phone... then i stumbled over this on engadget and i was like WOW... https://www.engadget.com/
  20. yes keep misusing the word portable for (cellphones)... its a general term to a lot of things on my BlackBerry i'm limited to certain video codecs which sucks... a VLC for BlackBerry would be awesome hehe
  21. i guess disasters seems more extreme now due to more people getting involved in it as population and inhabitation rises and spreads rapidlyi also think that some of these disasters are directly or indirectly due to how human civilization shapes and alter the surface of the earth
  22. i wonder when will they have Portable VLC available... save the trouble of converting video formats and compatibility issues...
  23. ah huh getting somewhere now, thanks yordan sir it was stored in the .Trash folder of the drive that i deleted the VM backup from
  24. small detail but with significant effect... we've walk the earth in a very short period yet we seem to exploit it's natural balances exponentially
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