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Everything posted by mamer

  1. Without a website it would be difficult to promote your business or make whatever product or service you selling accessible to your customers all over the world. It’s something like having your own little shop which is open all the time, without the effort of attending it on daily basis. You also need to have a feedback on your business by maintaining interaction with your visitors via feedback forms, questionnaires and surveys.
  2. One poet tried to answer that question: what’s love?He said something along the lines with:“I feel love, I can’t describe it. If people ask me what love is I would say: Love is what I feel right now.”I find it difficult to describe the taste of sugar to someone who never tasted it, if that person exists. Once you start define what love is you’re actually defining the way you personally feel when you’re in that condition.In other words, love means different things for different people.
  3. Fantasy in my opinion is like wine; a little of it is healthy while too much wine, you know.Life would be so dry without any fantasy. I think that in order to take the pressure off your brain you need to live in fantasy every now and then. You need to soften the hardness of realities. But how much fantasy? That’s the question
  4. Well said. In my country there's a group of religious politicians who are trying to hold all the keys to power in the government and justifying their existence as being the men of God. I’m sure they have their own protocols that they never exposed.
  5. I find it difficult to believe that a two-legged animal with the heavy weight of head and body that is much greater than the weight of its tail would be able walk around and hunt other creatures.Let’s say that the bones are not fake and they belong to some huge animal but constructing those bones and giving them the shape and the name of a dinosaur is the work of the scientists’ imagination.
  6. There are still other primitive societies and cultures that don’t kill each other, primitive societies who appreciate the environment and regard it as the source of their existence. They believe that their value is measured by how far they improve the surroundings and hence leave it in a better shape than they got it from their ancestors.People in such societies focus on their own their interests without overlooking the welfare of others. To hold a high status in those societies means to help and protect others.If humanity should be destroyed those people should survive.
  7. As a newbie who doesn’t know his way around in the forum, I started posting in some sub-forum few days ago thinking that I’m posting in the right place. I got one reply from a supportive senior member. I also got a polite directive note from the moderator telling me that there was a better place for my topic.What I would like to suggest is adding one more search option to the search menu that helps members to locate the best place(s) for their new topic. The easiest would be a search by category.A more advanced and challenging search module in terms of coding would be a command button that evaluates the text of the post and suggests the most appropriate forum according to the word frequencies in the post. I don’t know how that could be achieved or even if it’s doable. It’s just a thought.To test that idea I ran a word frequency count on the first two paragraphs of the post that you’re reading now and the result was as follow:search (4 occurrences)forum (3 occurrences)topic (2 occurrences)posting (2 occurrences)post (2 occurrences)If we ignore other frequencies of other general non-key words I think that might tell us the first two paragraphs have to do with searching the forum topics.
  8. I think we might agree that information on the internet is not all false, and it’s not all true. Take this forum site for example, of course, I can post about some topic and write a post with some false information but there are many people around here who wouldn’t take what I’m saying for granted. That kind of topic will have many replies that prove that what I wrote was nonsense. They will put that in a nice way I hope:) I think the problem is not with the internet itself as much as it’s with the way people search for information. If I’m happy with the first piece of information that’s thrown at me by the search engines then it’s my fault. Depending on how important the information that I’m looking for, I would spend more time in my research cross checking and authenticating resources. I might not be doing that if I’m looking for a cake recipe but I would definitely if I’m preparing a presentation for the board meeting.
  9. Hi, I opened the page in Chrome version 18 and there were no warnings, But the funny thing is that it displayed the page like the attached image But after I log in it's back to normal. Funny isn't it?
  10. Now we're talking. Yes, stop using it and save the designers the headache of finding solutions to its funny behaviors.In one of my websites I placed a javascript code that detects browser and stops displaying the page if the browser is IE with a message to the user that I'm sorry but I don't support IE. Might not be the best approach to web design but I kind of gave up.
  11. Opera is fast but I have some issues with multimedia specially flash.Firefox seems to be the most reasonable browser in that scene. I only hate the checking for updates, installing plugins when you start it but I think I should be able to stop it from doing that.
  12. It takes a lot of CSS design skills to make something that works well in the IE and works with other browsers as well. I think in my next web project I'll take the challenge of designing for the IE and see the outcome in other browsers.
  13. I like Google Chrome and I design most of my webpages around it. Most of the stuff that work in Chrome work also on Firefox.I like the Tools that it offers specially when it comes to view source and inspecting page element.
  14. Free hosting used to be more generous in terms of email functions and database. Now most of the free hosting services offer you some space and limited functions to use. Try Xisto
  15. I agree with what people said about ByteHost and I hear a lot of good things about Xisto. I believe you since you're still here. But is there anything that you particularly didn't like about it in terms of PHP, MySql, email or anything?
  16. Most of the time I'm trying open source php scripts to find the script that meets my needs. I tried hosting with Bytehost but I was not satisfied by the limitations of the PHP. That doesn't mean it's bad but it just doesn't suite me.I tired BlueHost for my company and I upgraded to a paid hosting there. It's better than Bytehost.
  17. I'm looking forward to start my web hosting here. So far I'm focusing on posting to this forum and reading members' contributions. The setup for posting here is great and the it's really rewarding. I learnt a lot of stuff here although I just started.I'm sure I'll get a lot of help once I start hosting, the people in this forum are very cooperative and many of them have good knowledge and IT skills.
  18. You can't have Moodle installed which tells you about the limitations of their PHP version and extensions.The PHP version is 5.3.14They offer you unlimited space and database but put limitations on upload size and script installation.
  19. That's a good example to teach people what not to do with their websites. I shut it down before I know what it was about.The sound in my pc is not working but I'd assume that the designer didn't forget to add some annoying sounds just to make it worse.
  20. Don't laugh at me because that is not a recent movie. I watched The Book of Eli.Without telling you the story that movie made me feel thankful for every drop of water and every piece of bread I enjoy in my life.Although the message is so religious but it's not imposed on the movie.
  21. That's an excellent movie. You need to see it more than once as you could easily get lost in the levels of dreams not knowing where you are.The visual effects are great and the story line is rich with characters and events.I haven't noticed that 50's style of DiCaprio, that's interesting. That was the same style in Shutter Island?
  22. It's fantastic. I liked the idea that brain is the source of all power if I understood the message right.I specially liked the acting of the main character and how he changes to look smart with the least make up.
  23. The others is a great movie. It doesn't make effort to scare you, it's just the story from the stand point of the other side and that's the beauty of it. Most cultures believe that we and they live in the same place. The movie for a short moment makes you think in which side you are living.
  24. I think I'm going to watch that movie again. The first time it took me the first 15 minutes before I had a clue of what was going on. Even after that the concept was confusing to me and I found it really challenging to connect the events.It's a good idea to watch a movie after you read some good review that prepares you for the experience.
  25. Maybe you can post another one about women. The funny thing is that I'm almost half of what your joke described. I have too many versions of the same tool, I do lables all the time and forget what they refer to.
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