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Everything posted by grnjd

  1. I don't like it a lot. Can't get through some of the tougher levels, like the one you have to find this dude and kill him. Im pretty sure it was like stage 10, anywayz, i was stuck there for like 30 mins running around in circles trying to use force on everything. Then i was like F this, I'm going online to find some cheats.
  2. I don't want to believe in ghosts. But everytime I look in the mirror at night, i see my own creepy face, i think ghost. Im afraid of the dark sometimes so I kind of believe in them. It's scary if you're alone at home and you hear a loud noise, every time that happens I think, Dead People
  3. hey eveybody, i have a problem with file sharing. i want to know how to share files between my laptop and my desktop. my desktop is connected to my laptop with a wireless network. i can also connect it with a ethernet cable. so i just want to know how to share files. i made a network place call \\mycomputer\c\networkplace on my laptop. now i want my desktop to see this "networkplace" folder so i transfer files from my laptop to my desktop. my desktop can't see the folder for some reason. it worked like a week ago, but doesn't work anymore. and does anyone know how to share printers?
  4. you can always uninstall it. how everyone if that doesn't work, install something like opera or avant browser. Or you can go to the extreme and format your computer. There may be something wrong with your windows folder also
  5. the best way is to google it. You'll come up with thousands of template site, put in free and volia, you got free template site. But be careful not to download .rar file from homemade sites. they might contain some viruses
  6. try to just highlight it and then press control u for underline. Control b for bold and control i for italtic. If that doesn't work, try restarting your computer
  7. if you don't like dreamweaver, then use frontpage since it more user friendly. Its also helpful if you get a guide book on how you use these software. Take more graphing/imaging/webbuilder class in highschool.
  8. I am years old, and i got a mpx200, its one of the worst phones ever!! its slow, the games are slow and the signal is bad. never get it. now im saving up for a razr. Also there are many freshmens in my schools with phones, and some people in middle school also has them
  9. Thank you! that was what i am talking about, i always thought that desktop had bigger graphic cards then the notebook. Btw i am not planning on upgrading it myself. ill just bring it to a store and see if they can upgrade it for me
  10. like 2 or 3 years old. its has like ATI MOBILITY RADEON AGP 4X. or something close to that
  11. its not allowed in the usa. Programs like napster and kazaa were sued by music companies because their users stole so much music which cost them millions. My advice, just something like itunes or go on ebay to buy music for like 99 cent apiece. or you can download limewire and such
  12. i only have 4. one 126 for my mpx200, another 126 for data transfering, one 512 for my camera, and another 512 for nothing. It was buy one get one 50%
  13. Hey everyone, i have a sucky graphic card that originally come with my compaq presario 2100 notebook. But i want to upgrade my notebook with a better one. Can i use something like geforce 4? does it even fit in a notebook graphic card slot? if it doesn't what are some good notebook graphic cards and how do i find out what kind of graphic card i have? i know that my card sucks because when i play games like nba live, the graphic sucks compare to everyone else and its slow. thx
  14. Yes, you have to manually start the service, or you can just pull out your wireless adapter and plug it in again. If that doesnt work, then go to network then right click your wireless connector and do repair. If that still doesn't work, then go to connections and there should be a tip on how to repair it
  15. Girls don't want to do it because they might get pregnant. And some don't want to be called a s*** or w****. Notice from mayank: Please refrain yourselves from using foul language.Replaced some letters with asterisks.
  16. From what i learned in biology class, in order for something to be living, it has to maintain homeostasis, grow, evolve, repair tissues, responding to stimuli, reproduce, and some other things. Thats life, but thats a debate if viruses are living or not.
  17. Amd is better because my notebook has it So im bias, but it is truly better since its more stable, has more power, but its sad that its not that compatible. Intel is like the internet explorer of processers, while amd is like mozilla
  18. I would be fun eating the cd, i wonder what it'll taste like. And of course, if you have sensitive data on the disc, you can eat and it'll be destoryed completely. Unless someone goes through your toliet. But then itll be digested already
  19. To be honest with you, it doesn't really look that professional. I think you should have some real life picture of atletes on your frontpage. And the color scheme is kind of "dull." Also, you might want to make the cartoon a little more realistic, it looks like my kid sister drew it. The font under the navigation can also use some work. Most sports pages have high quality graphics and such, you can ask around and see if anyone can make it for you. You make also want to put some articles or news headlines on your homepage. Overall, its a great site for your first try. Btw the forums are kind of hard to read, you want consider changing that too.
  20. you should change the background into like black or something. It doesn't look right that way. But overall, it a great picture.
  21. a lot of my catholic and chris friends dress up and go trick or treating, even though their like 18. But most of just walk around and throw eggs. Only some catholics think they shouldn't have halloween, but most enjoy it. If the people who don't want to celabrate, then just post a keep out sign dont open your door and that day
  22. If you really like her and she likes you bad, maybe ask around and see if she does like you. Or you can check you breath and just go up to her and ask her out. Or you can be "bump" into her and let it go from there
  23. I play the trumpet, drums, and keyboard for my school band. I'm not really good at it though because I'm like 3rd chair, first being the best of course. And ive never made it to county, unlike the rest of my bandmates. its sad but true
  24. I would take the Xbox 360 because it comes out earlier and already has games. while the ps2 come out in like another year. also, the xbox sounds more advance, not the name. And it was one of the first console that you can actually play with other people on the net
  25. think ebay, its not illegal to sell there. just be careful, because that are a lot of scammer trying to take your money. Starting a website might be good, or you can sell it on ebay and see how much people think your handmade purse and wallets are worth. then maybe you can start a site and have a fixed price. better yet, email your ebay customers and tell them about your site. Or you can post your site in a town website or your school's website, that'll have some interested people. Make sure to take good photos of your stuff too
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