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Everything posted by guangdian

  1. & I want say something to express the feeling of me.When I first go to site of trap.I 'm attractived most by the "Unlimited Parked Domain & Unlimited Addon Domain"I just go there for nothing just Coz this good service.then after half year.The parked Domain & Addon Domain Now be 18. whole added.I,, I,m so sorry abt that.I had to delete the favorite name ever used.But I wanna know why?Does the Parked & Addon Domain used more Resources of your server?I'm sorry Plz help me abt the question.
  2. Credit Card?OhI'm a poor man no money for credit card or any expensive domain service..ha.
  3. Oh GOd pool ArkOn.I just ..I'm sorry.This suspends things happend again & again for no reason as like.I think I will go to the top topic to view the TOS again & again & clearly.~ha.PS arkon, Do put some adults content on the site? or ever?I'm sorry..
  4. And if you need more you can request them at administration right?... I Evidently need more Plz Opaque,admin Here~~~~~~~~~
  5. Plz give me the forum address then you must exactyl confirm that the forum is yours.
  6. Doz Uni.cc Then support DNS ???doom145?Plz..
  7. I just buy a domain from a sellor.the domain belongs to him ever then he sold to me.I just buy it with a very low price just 2 us$but then I found I can't changed the domain registor information .so the domain registor still is him.He won't sign a testament to change the information I can only have the permission of using the domain * dns passwordIt's the worst way for you to buy or rigester a domain from Proxy.I think.
  8. I'm sorry for this ugly pollI just wanna knew if your computer is bought from diy market.how much doz it paid?If your computer is just the same standard as below:Sempreon 2400+K7256DDR400 X280G128M^128bit GraphiCardsamsung 17 DF
  9. I think the service just changed but i don't know. When I Parked a domain their say:" you can't add the more to 10 domain s.
  10. Support this THe expresiion style of him"
  11. Chat room or IMS is just full of this nasty wordz
  12. I ; m not sure I wanna asked again Do Php BB haz got the newest verison to evoid Exploit.?any one know it just reply there.
  13. Fire?Now really using it.Will Update right.Just take a look of mozilla.rog .
  14. I'm searching for it for along time I think you will be a good one I will check it just give some Techinical support after some time.
  15. It's really should been suspended Coz it haz gotta the final day of making money Aha.
  16. I wanna get bid of any Making online money or making money online that's Untrue.Just like the game.
  17. Oh, and thought I'd tell you this:NilsC told me in a PM that they disabled the warning for suspensions, due to the fake one that's been sent to a lot of members (Including me), so you won't be receiving warning messages Exactly?Hamtaro....that's funny of him. aha.
  18. About one year ago, I started building web sites. After I became more professional at building these sites, I needed a host. I looked everywhere! I found free web space, free domains that really sucked, and free hosting with tons of ads. Finally, my friend ran into Xisto.com. After I joined, I was kinda confused about how to earn credits and get hosting. I thought there might be a catch, but no ads, no small limits on space, and no spam. If I rated, which I did, Xisto, Id give it a 10. Also, signing up was so easy! All I did was state my username, e-mail, and password. Right now I only have package 1, but soon upgrading. My only recommendation to Xisto is whole swearing thing. I personally cringe when someone swears. I wish they would do a little bit more about that. But, I love it and very glad I found it. Thanks! I just the same journey of your experience I just got Xisto last autumn.a ha.
  19. Just sleep & when you gota a dream full of creative you will got your Site Name.haha.I got my site name throught it.
  20. I really did that.a haha.I 'm ever met some friends really wanna to help me but not to get my hosting go away.The friend you searched for must be a real people in your life but not a net friend!.that's for security reason.you know.
  21. By the internet speed more more quick & the disk getting bigger bigger their will be more DVD films online to show.Just After the IP V6 gotta it's reality run.
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