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Everything posted by DreamCore

  1. I have Norton 2005 and It works great with evry thing Spyware remover, Virus Remover, Hack Blocker, Spam Blocker, Firewall and may optinion is that you get Norton Internet Security 2005 or 2006 to protect your computer fully from all kinds of threaths. :P
  2. I have tryed many free hostings but nothing is compare with Xisto. Im lucky that I have found it beacuse I ha_te the adds and the poor Upload Limit 300 kb. And bad file extensions and no data bases. So Im very impressed that I found this, beacuse I dident knew that someone can get a free hosting that almost looks exactley as a paid hosting and the only thing that you have yo do here is to keep up your hosting credits. To keep your website alive . And one thing too that Im very impressed is that this has an profession C-panel and it is the latest version. So Xisto is the only and the best hosting that I have now, but currentley beacuse I have much work to do Im thinking of get paid hosting in Xisto - Web Hosting. And Xisto - Web Hosting is the best paid hosting that I have ever seen, its soo cheap. That way I may get paid hosting soon but this is a great communnity and I will post more here, just for funn beacuse the pepole is nice here at this forum. And of course I wish evryone here A Happy New year and Happy Christmas beacuse I may forgett to say it later, heh .
  3. Noone have Windows Vista or Windows Longhorn, what ever you call it is currently in testing part. And its not relesed yet. And Microsoft havvent decided when to release it I think. And I have heard that they are testing it in china. Beacuse when it comes out it will be the most powerfull OS ever. One friend sayd to me that it would take 32GB to have it installed and 1500mb RAM. It will be the bigest OS ever.
  4. Lol, nice and funny tutorial. And I got some things to learn too.
  5. I think that you shuld try to chang spyware software instead. Beacuse I doesent looks like that it have removed the source from you computer. So that my soulition and I think you shuld try it.
  6. Yea, my site was down too and now its up again. And I glad to see that the froum is upp too. Beacuse yesterday as you i got the sql eroor too.
  7. You shuld try one of the proffesional editors like DreamWeawer and Frontpage. I currently use Frontpage and I like it, its pretty good!
  8. My worst game would be the first Thomb raider for PC in poor 3D. You dont know what to do, the story make no sence, very bad graphic. And much more things that I dont like! So my worst game would be Thomb Raider[/color] >> The first thomb raider for pc
  9. Nice, thanks I may try it. But have you heard about freedomains.co.nr, they are offering free domain names with no pop-ups and banners or advirsterment.I registered my domain name on co.nr, the only thing you have to do is to put a link buttion somewhere on your homepage. Hope you guys try it too, its very nice!
  10. lol ident knew that It could overheat only beacuse of the design. But anyway I think that the sue is too much. LOL Hes sueing one of the worlds largest companys. I think that the user is stupid...
  11. My e-mail provider is chello wich is my Internet provider too. ;)I have got whole 50MB Mail space and 50MB Homepage Space with unlimited bandwith. And that is very very nice.
  12. Yeah I agree with youn all its very nice and usefull for new members. And they get to know how it looks like too. And the C-panel version looks to be 10.XX.XX something.Nice done!
  13. Well its true it issent hard to post and It was never... But for me its hard to find something to post about and thats where I loosing most of my time. But this forum is very fun and interactive and I like it very much. Hope that I find something more to post about after this. lol
  14. Well this is for me Interesting beacuse I have never heard this before. But anyway, what does the software do to call it a virus?
  15. Well I agree with you all, thats just crap. But anyway I have never got any emails that are trying scre, joke or anything else. Beacuse Im careful with who I give my e-mail to. Anyway I hope that I dont recive that kind of mails. Hehehe, Im safe right now from these jokers...
  16. Well thats not impossible beacuse they discover new things evry day and evry thing is beeing better and better. And I hope that it will last so... But one thing that I wonder is why did Xbox 360 and PS3 and the new gamecobe had their release almost together, I realy wonder that. Did they copy from each other and do small diffrent changes beacuse it looks like that. But anyway I dont think tha PS4 is impossible, remember evrything is possible. And I think that it will come a new version that will be PS4 but it wont have the name PS4. I think that it will have an other name like Sony Thunder or something.
  17. Well There is nothing that I like In that game anyway..Bad graphic, adn when fighting you and your enemy are hitting each other evry second like robots. And thats realy bad. Just that you know that I have played runescape with my character to level 16 and the I got pissed of, of the hole game. So I dont want to play it anymore... But much kids are playing it and they think that it is fun. I think those games is for those who cant afford for paying real multiplayer games but ofcorse is not just for them.
  18. Im deffenintley against the F_king war that Bush started. First what has he of kind of problems to get involved in other countries problems. And the second Bush is a F____ fool, idio_ and much more and I dont know why over 50% choosed him?? Anyway Im almost against all hes actions so its easy to that I hate him. America was going to be an peace countery before Bush came, but then when Bush came then first started the terrorist being angry at him and then the peapole booth on the president and on the terorists. Trorist crashed two planes in World Trade Center and made it to collapse. Thw whole f_cki_ng starting was bush wrong, the terorist attack maybe not would happen if not bush got to be president. SO DOWN WITH F_K_ING BUSH!!!!!
  19. Well I wouldent aplly for that beacuse I like Internet Explorer and I dont want to change my browser. But about the security, no browser is 100% secure so there is no idea to change browser for security reasons. Thats what I think. And If you think one browser is faster than one other, I dont think that the Internet Connection has some affect on the Internet Browser.
  20. Well I think that the tests are most for fun. But I would never trust these tests. I like to se if I pay attention to these smileys. But if you are thinking on something else. So there is no way that this is true.
  21. Agree its a nice story, maybe sometime I will post more storys.
  22. I know that call of duty 1 was or is one great game. And i think Call of Duty 2 will be much better. And I agree with you, I hope that they dont make that we have to pay for playing on their servers.
  23. Well thats an wierd message, I think that its a joke too. But anyway try to show that to your school administrator. And its first time I see that google gives out virus messages. Are you sure that you are viewing the real google. Beacuse the real google site is google.comAnd to be more sure, try to see if it is only on yours computer and not enybody elses.Hope that you can fix that problem, wich I think you will do ofcourse.
  24. Nice, This is going to be very usefull for me when I am going to add an border to my homepage. I dont have paint shop pro but I will use fireworks instead, perhaps that it will be same as it will be on paint shop pro.
  25. Well I would like to try paintball beacuse its not big sport here in sweden. And I can say that it is a very interesting sport.
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