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Everything posted by DreamCore

  1. Well Im choosing Xbox 360 and here is why and why not...Xbox 360Why: Mostly beacuse you can play diffrent games online, and the second why: it has a large ammount of disk space. Good processor and good RAM. B)PS3Why: You can wach dvd?s and other media on it, And it has an large ammount of disk space too but not same.Why I choosed Xbox 360 instead of PS3?Evrything is almost same but booth things have something special and the Xbox 360 has an multiplayer function. And the PS3 has the dvd and other things playable function.And I choosed Xbox 360 beacuse I think that multiplayer goes before dvd.
  2. lol that?s realy funny, brittany spers hehehe...
  3. I cant discover any problems eather..If you are continuing have problems after some days then contact the Trap 17 Admin.
  4. hmm I was thinking of to write a small story about of what I think that an Koala feels in zoo. Please write some comments about it... I am a sad bear. All these tourists stand there staring at me all day long screaming, "Oh, isn?t he cute?" All I need to do is stretch out my foot and yawn and they all scream even more, "He moved! He moved!" "Get your camera, Joey. Quick, he?s scratching himself."Being a koala is no joke. I sometimes wish I was ugly like a duck-billed platypus. Then I wouldn?t have to be photographed so much. You know, we have real photo sessions when I?m dumped in the arms of tourists. The bosses here are afraid that I?m going to lose my temper and decide to rip a tourist apart. If I start looking stressed, they get rid of the crowd and let me calm down for a while. Sometimes I really want to frighten some poor old lady just as she says, "Oh, isn?t he cute?" It could almost be worth it to see the look on evrybody?s face. The cute bear turns killer! On the other hand, life here has its bright side. I do get plenty of eucalyptus leaves to eat. That?s really why I?m here at all. There?s not much left to eat in the world outside. When we were swinging happily through our eucalyptus forest one day we discovered that there were a whole lot of men cutting the trees down. Soon our area was overcrowded and us bears started to get pretty hungry.ENDReal nice story, yea.. Notice from BuffaloHELP: Posting in the wrong section. Moving from What Is...? to Creativity.
  5. nice tutortial, but I dont think this servers handles zip file. But I think it handles .gzip instead. However if you are using ftp then it will take like forever to upload 50 files beacuse on Xisto?s server is the uploading speed very low. I dont know why... B)But we are lucky that we can use .gzip and .zip if it supports it.
  6. Well today I have been here four 4 hours just to get to 30 credits and uppgrade mine hosting accout and I realy dident tought that I could post so much...And guess what.. From arround 13.. credits I have come to 24.34 and I got suprised that I could post so much. But somtime it is hard to post beacuse I dont realy understand english 100%. And then I have to think about if I am misstyping too much. But now anyway Im happy to get so much credits in one day. And I will get more when I am including this topic. B)But my wondering is: Whats max credit ammount that you have earned in in one day?here is my answer to that, I have earned up to 12 credits in one day.
  7. Lol realy funny, but I am realy slow on typing the aplhabeth I got arround 9.XXX.
  8. Yea gree it does, but I think that it was unneceserly to build it... Just spending money for war. B)The life is getting more close to star wars out there.
  9. Yea all stars are expanding for evry year and getting bigger and bigger but just little bit. And our sun is expanding too, and did you know that it will be an supernova and explode and then dissapear just like other suns in our glaxsy. And anyway before that happens, the earth will be gone before that. Beacuse if its expanding then it will get wormer and wormer here on earth and then the water will dissapear and evrything in earth will die. And the is realy interesting. B)Do you think that we will make it untile then?Will an comet, asteroid make that the live dissapear here on earth?Many questions but almost no answers... :PAnyway lol I dont have to worry about that I will be gone looong before anything here happens. But things are alredy happening here on earth.We are producing more and more carbon dioxide and it doing that the greenhouse effect is keeping the warmth here on earth.And the oil is alredy going slowly dissapering and alll oil field here on earth will be gone in 100 years. Fast? yea... B)Do you think that we will find anything to use instead untill then?Hope that, and hope that I will be alive then. B)Much wondering... Hope that we will get all the answers some day.
  10. Well mine is LOST one of the best shows that I have ever seen, and you only get more secret that you want to find out. And its realy exciting, and in america there is so much pepole who are waching it. And it same here in sweden almost evryone is wacing it on wendsdays. B)So this is my favorite program, show or whatever...
  11. Yea the have free form handler in CGI and I agree it would still be great.
  12. I dont think that it can be cahnged via HTML, you shuld have to edit it in your php source code tought.
  13. Well I almost never fully restore my computer I only do it if my computer has serious problems. But you can alway try Windows restoration that is installed in all Windows Xp. But the Viruses are almost always in the restoration files. So if it says Restoration Failed then you have to Restore you computer complete. I use the restoration Cd?s that I have got sience I bought mine computer. B)So I think that this is the best way to do it and I am doing it.
  14. Agree and guess what ? I have talked with my dad and he sayd to me that he will not some again . Realy nice post
  15. Well I live in Swenden but Im acctualy comming from Bosnia And Hercegovina.Sweden:Very nice countrey, good in politic, they are not seperating diffrent races / coultures and the headtopic in the school is English, Math, Swedish without them you cant join High School after the 9 grade. And most of all, I like living here.Bad things: Only some small politic problems that have to be changed. Or.. I dont realy know B)Bosnia And Hercegovina:Nice nature, "some" nice pepole, have a greate history, in the 80?s in Sarajevo was Olympic Games Hosted there.Bad things: raly bad politic, nature full of mines, countrey is plited into two parts the bad one ---> Serbpska Republic - Kanton of Sarajevo <-- The good one. Much poverty, much drogs, evrything is prirated (Warez). Most thing are Bad in Bosnia at the moment, its getting better anyway.So this is about my two countries
  16. A like it but I think its a little bit too much magic. And I have seen the three first movie but I think I will see this one too. Hope this one is good as you are saying that it is.
  17. Is compromission programms like WinZip, WinRAR that compromise files. And they supporte all files, but I think you can only make your file arround 120 MB smaller. And the users who are downloadning the file must have the an application that supports that kind of file.
  18. I have tryed it and its not realy big diffrence between the versions. So my tought is that its not worth paying for the plus version.And you wont use google earth so much anyway, its just to see some things via satalite pictures.
  19. Nice thanks for that information. And the test like with an "javascript virus" is funny B)lol tought that Internet Explorer was almost 100% safe, anyway its not any big problem its just an little exploit and microsoft will soon deliver an patch to fic that problem.
  20. I agree with evry one here its an nice tutortial. I maybe try sometime to make an own radio station. But if I make it who will listen, lol it would be horrible B)Maybe my friend is gonna listen for some minutes B)Anyway goold luck with your radio station if you are going to make one
  21. If there is an good javascripter then he could break it, its not so hard for him. So anyway, you cant keep your source code over 80% safe I think. I have tryed much javascript applications like this one, they are good but not good enought for me . Almost evry protection can be broken so remember it
  22. Well I dont think that it will harm you computer beacuse it cant overheat but the memory can crash sometimes beacuse it cant keep all the saved information under that period so you shuld at least restart the computer 2 times on 24h. This is only what I think and Im not sure but I have never heard that a computer has complete crashed beacuse of holding it 24/h. A computer is almost as a server the diffrences is that the computer has much more components and hardware.If you want to continue keep it on 24/7 then also remeber to shut down the screen.
  23. I think if you are lucky then you may earn some little money max 10 bucks. And then I think thats there is no way to earn more money than that. And one thing too, evry time I have tryed to earn some money then I have faild as you. So I dont think that it easy to earn money on Internet. It much much better to get an easy job and earn much easier money than on the Internet. So this is what I think after my experience.Get a real job, beacuse its much much harder to earn than on the Internet. :/
  24. lol, annother google thing. Google is goin realy fast up, nice B)And this thing is very good, I can do that my things can be find there raly fast.
  25. lol Im waiting for it, it will come here to Sweden in about 3 months so rrr. Im excited to see what it can offer. I have heard a lot of good things. And this is one of them, .... cant wait.
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