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Everything posted by DreamCore

  1. I think PC is best beacuse it can handle all games. The console cant, it can only run cds who are made for only it. And you can costumize your games much easier with pc and you can mod it. And for online games, you have to pay for example X-box live to play online and plus Internet. On the PC you only have to pay the Internet on the most online games. So PC is the best chooise.
  2. Yea, I agree. WinRAR is better whan winZip beacuse its easier to handle and much better to understand. And winrar supports more files than WinZip. So I choose WinRAR!
  3. Nice, thanks I may try it. Sad that your old hosting account got suspended.
  4. Nice tutorial, I will take my time to read it. A lot of text....I will see If I learn something.
  5. I think those who winns that price used a pirated sowtware or game to get more downloaders. I dont think a usual file could get so many downloads.
  6. Maybe that browser is better but I will hold me to Internet Explorer, beacuse I dont feel to try new browsers. But thanks anyway... And one thing too, page browsing time has nothing to do with wich type of browser you are using. Its your connection type and how fast it is that does matter. Notice from rejected: Posts merged
  7. I dont think peapole shuld use over 15 databases so I would add the limit to 15 databases beacuse may be some beginners dont know how to add tables.So thats my tought....
  8. DreamCore

    Style Xp?

    Agree Style Xp is bad I use windows Blinds instead. Style Xp is taking too much memory. So I would recommend Windows Blinds.
  9. And one thing too, DO NOT COPY AND PAST AN ARTICLE. Do a quote instead or it will be ranked as spam. Thats what admin told me too. If you cant explain an article you can also do a lik instead like this: Upgrading to Windows XP - REAL ARTICLE PAGE I dont want you to get banned for spam or something but dont do that and maybe the admin warn you now or ban you. Sad for you now...
  10. Well its true, the best thing is that you keep your old operating system. Beacuse like he said, the upgrading process may fail. And it will couse a lot of problems.
  11. Nice that they have Invented that, but will it be more expensive with that kind of cars? hmm... In some years I will get a car but then I will not buy cars thats goes on Diesel or Bensin. Beacuse the oil fields will be soon finished with all oil. I think its just to wait and see....
  12. The more partners and offers google have the more well-known will it be. I more peapole are going to use googles services. And for NASA I think its good for them to earn some extra money for sending pictures and such things for google.And I hope NASA get god results for the Mars project, so they can start exploring mars with new Instrumments that have never been tested for real.Google is beeing better and better...
  13. Lol heh... whats is it that is so fun??Or du you like to see the page that you have made.
  14. Agree It is a good offer. And I dont tink peapole shuld pay to play on a cs server. Thats why I agree that the adds on the Information page and maybe on some maps If you are making own. I dont mean klick able adds only I mean adds to see.CS is one of the best games, Thats what I think anyway...
  15. Agree with you OpaQue If someone here want to try destroy/hack/abuse then you have came to wrong place. It affects all of us! It is sad that some users are doing that.
  16. Well all kind of phones are good or are you looking for a special one.
  17. Nice post, Hmm its true and I agree with you. Most of the girls are playing Hart-to-Get heh. Lol man you got great experience about girls. But I am learning still.Hehe.
  18. Well i searched for free Hosting then after 1h searching I finnaly find this. Then after that I stoped at once and choseed this site. It has great support, great Forum and much more!But you site Googlue isent bad but I think it shuld have more content, beacuse you page is just refferer to other sites.One thing to admin: Nice idea about freehosting and earn hosting credits!
  19. nah its a good avatar. but one thing you shuld fix is that the text is too smal.You shulde make it bigger, its good anyway but it will be better then.
  20. Trap 17 is best! Have never meet any better free hosting!
  21. Its not finished, but It will be exciting to see when you are finished with it.
  22. I have allways used Norton, I think it is the best Virus Protection.And I will use it this year again!
  23. Hey, sry man but I dident ment anything bad I wrote this when I was sleepy and I mixed evry thing. So I mixed biotechnology with something else. So please admin DELETE this post. I was confused when I wrote it. XD
  24. https://www.microsoft.com/ja-jp Longhorn Operating System Windows WinFX Developer Technologies Will Be Available for Windows XP and Windows Server 2003 CodeName: Longhorn will deliver major improvements in user productivity, important new capabilities for software developers, and significant advancements in security, deployment and reliability. "Getting 'Longhorn' to customers in 2006 will provide important advances in performance, security and reliability, and will help accelerate the creation of exciting new applications by developers across the industry," said Bill Gates, Microsoft chairman and chief software architect. Microsoft will deliver a Windows storage subsystem, code-named "WinFS," after the "Longhorn" release. The new storage system provides advanced data organization and management capabilities and will be in beta testing when the "Longhorn" client becomes available. Cant wait until the beta??? Then take a look at the screenshoots!
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