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Everything posted by galexcd

  1. Winning doesn't stop you from editing your post and adding some more hilarious content to it. Besides I had to get rid of the credits while they were still worth something. Aww come on haslip, we both know those credits don't mean anything to you . Ok fine, yours was the funniest, I award you first place, have bluebear send you the credits . Now how about one of my possible myCent giveaways, do you plan on entering one of those? I don't know, I might have made it a 3 way tie between you, Bluebear and Jlhaslip, I just wanted to end this credit giveaway and send out the credits as fast as I possibly could because OpaQue said the credit system was going to end before anyone had a chance to use those 20 credits.
  2. You do not have access to your php.ini file, however you are able to temporarily override settings in this file and change certain parameters using the ini_set() function in php, however these changes only last for the duration of the script. After the page is finished executing the settings will revert back to their original settings. What I would recommend that you do is add the following line of code to the top of the page that is giving you the error. ini_set("register_globals",1);
  3. Congratulations on your 2 year streak with Xisto! Good luck with catching up to my three year streak, but I suppose by the time you do, I'll have been here for four years, and once you catch up to that I'll have five. You just can't win, just give up. Bwahahahaha. Er... I got side tracked. Anyway, it's great to hear that you've still stuck with trap so far. I wish you luck on your journey and I hope you will still be here with us for many years to come.
  4. No, people are nominated on on the forums in the nomination topic (Most likely coming in november), however the winners will be voted for on trap17awards.com
  5. Disabling right click is one of the most annoying things you can do if you own a website. It is especially annoying when a message comes up saying "No right click allowed" or something like that, it just makes me more tempted to steal the source code. But then again the kind of people who put this on their website can't design websites for anything, so there really isn't even the point of wasting the energy moving my mouse up to the "View" menu. As pyost said, the data needs to be sent to the browser so even if you were able to tell most standard browsers to disable the "view source" menu item, it would be fairly easy just to download the the source of the website via other means. If you put this content up in a place where people can access it, then just know that it can be stolen. There's no use fighting it. If you are able to design a website that is good enough that others may want to steal it, then you should feel proud of your web design abilities.Now on to the uses of this script. *Everybody gasps*. Yes, returning false on right click actually can be implemented very well if you know what you are doing. Google is one such example, where they replace your right click menu with their menu in Google Docs when you right click in the input area, allowing them to insert their own items. They are clearly not attempting to thwart others from accessing their source, they are trying to make their website more user friendly, and more advanced.
  6. Alright settle down, I thank you for your support however the mods might want to shut this topic down if our posts start not having any content in them. People vote for the familiar. They vote for names they have heard before and for names they see often. Come election day, you will see what I am talking about when I sweep the opponents away with my votes.
  7. Yes, I'm kind of confused how the multiplayer is going to work. For example if I buy the Terran Starcraft 2 game, does that mean that I can only play as Terran when playing online? And can I only play with others using the same game as me, or can I, for example play against someone who has the Zerg Starcraft 2? This is pretty confusing... At the moment I think it is a bad move on blizzard's part but I suppose we will see how it works out.
  8. If I am elected I promise to post more, spam less, report more posts, and be more helpful in the forums, with the occasionally myCent giveaways. Yes, please do not forget to heed my warning (quoted below) or this debate might be cut short! Arguing and flaming is not necessary to win. We can win using our wit and more importantly, our writing skill!
  9. Just because you put crowd reactions between asterisks doesn't make them true... Saint Michael is still relying on his past wins to get him through this election and that is not going to work this time. We need to get together and realize that CHANGE is what is going to get this community through this difficult time. CHANGE is what is going to help this community form into one of the biggest online forums in history. It is time to reject the norm and not vote for the incumbent, but rather those who will lead this country to a whole new level. Place your trust in me, as well as some of the other members who will bring this change to Xisto. Do not trust the lies coming out of the mouth of he who calls himself "Saint".
  10. You should refer to the 2009 Xisto awards general topic for specifics regarding the giveaway. At the moment Saint Michael says that there may be a prize of myCent's but he is not sure yet. If there is an update regarding the prizes it will be posted on that topic.
  11. I started this topic so members can come here and sway the public opinion by submitting their campaign speeches for the 2009 Xisto Awards. Feel free to post your campaign posts below me. Please be respectful of others and most importantly don't spam! Below this line is my speech to the populous. [hr=noshade] [/hr]My fellow trappers, ask not what this forum can do for you- ask what you can do for this forum. This is the ideal I try to keep in mind whenever posting on this forum, and that is exactly why I am running for the following Xisto awards: Comedian of the Year - Let's try to beat Saint Michael's 3 year winning streak for this one. Besides we all know who has x18 funny according to the rating system... Person most likely to be Bill Gates Boss - I have sparked much heated debate in the My Theories, especially with the earth is flat topic, which mind you is still being debated as we speak. Most Creative Trapper - Are you kidding? My posts are so ridiculous and different they are bordering on insane. Tech Geek - Meh, I won this last year, I haven't done much posting in the computer/internet portion of the forum but heck, I'm galexcd, I figured I'd might as well list this one. So those who wish to oppose me may do so, but those who believe it is the right thing to do to support me and my efforts to make this forum a better place, can do so by helping me on my voyage to victory. Below, in the hidden area, are some campaigning posters and banners you can place in your sigs if you decide to support me. Hidden Large Banner [url=trap17awards.com/; Large Banner (Transparent background) [url=trap17awards.com/; Small Banner [url=trap17awards.com/; Yard Poster [url=trap17awards.com/; Small Yard Poster [url=trap17awards.com/;
  12. Yes last year credits were awarded if you won. We'll have to see if OpaQue adds the ability to award myCents to other members.
  13. I guess I have to start campaigning again because SM refuses to update my awards from last year to with my new name. *Alex starts making posters*Also, I think we need "Amazing - Dashing - Sexy Trapper of Year", OpaQue won that last year but it wasn't official.
  14. I think it replaces your address, name, phone number, etc... with xisto's information. At least that is what it did for me. *Edit* Actually nevermind that, here is the information it replaces your information with:
  15. No no no, thats not what I meant at all. I was talking about the fact that many members have blogs and other websites that they post to regularly. Obviously anyone who posts the exact same content on both Xisto and Xisto, no matter what order, is just looking for trouble.
  16. Well there really is no official system for making or joining groups, since the forum groups consist of hosted/non-hosted groups, however now that the entire system is moving over to myCent, perhaps it would be a feature that OpaQue may add (OpaQue or BH I hope you are reading this). I created this group by creating a sig with all the member's names in it. Nothing special.
  17. I'm not sure, I once ordered a top level domain with a different address than the address that was connected to the credit card I was using and ICANN shut it down.
  18. Hey I suppose your party is tomorrow eh? You'll have to let us know how it goes and what costume you ended up picking. I'm still trying to figure out mine for next week. Ugh why do these parties make you wear costumes anyway... Perhaps I'll be one of the guys wearing the silly hat from "Rejected" by Don Hertzfeldt. I'll carry a bat with me and a sign that says "Silly hats only". I'll hang up the sign in random places where people are wearing normal hats and beat them up.
  19. I'm sorry but I don't see why my solution can't be a permanent solution. Why don't you make a link that runs a script in javascript to open a different page with the content of all five pages on it, prints it and closes that page.
  20. If my googling powers are correct the dimentions of an eee pc is 8.86 x 6.46 x 0.846in which is about 48.5 cubic inches.The mac mini is 6.5 x 6.5 x 2in which is 84.5 cubic inches. So the mac mini is a little more than double the size of the eepc. I guess eepc wins here. And getting at the logic board in the mac mini can be quite the hassle since it's all the way at the bottom of the machine and you can only go in through the top.
  21. Welcome to Xisto comp2y. I hope that you will enjoy your stay here and help this community grow. If you haven't by now you might want to take a look at the Xisto Readme, but other than that you should be all set. It looks like you've already had a chance to explore our forums a bit. I wish you the best of luck with the rest of your stay here with us, and I look forward to reading your posts.
  22. So not that it really matters much but I thought I'd point this out to avoid possible confusing in the near future. I terminated my Xisto hosting account so I can prepare for the transition from credits to myCents, but for some reason I'm still in the hosted group... Now I don't mind being in the hosted group at all, it's just when the credit system is finally ready to be sent off to the gallows and whoever will be in charge of terminating all the accounts might be a bit confused when they come across me, a hosted member without a website.Also when we totally switch over to the myCent system will there still be the HOSTED group?
  23. Yes there are some awful pieces of software that are cheap or even free that generate swf's but if you want preloaders and the ability to script your swf's you really should invest in Adobe Flash. Actually using dreamweaver or frontpage is the last way I would recommend inserting flash. First of all they don't generate a valid way of including flash in your webpage, and they also include a bunch of useless params that don't really do too much. And you don't really learn too much what every line does, you are just copying over blocks of code mindlessly. If you really want to embed flash into your website and learn what you are doing, I'd suggest google than any programs that generate the code for you.
  24. Why are you begging for your parents credit card number if you can just go down to the bank and open an account yourself. We know that you are at least 18 years old or you would be violating paypal's eligibility rule: So either open an account or stop dabbling in websites that you are too young to use.
  25. Just a quick note on what I do if I ever copy any of my Xisto posts into a blog or other forum, I usually write "Source: Link to post" at the bottom, just so there is no debate as to the origin of the content, plus it introduces people to the forums, hopefully getting the forum more members.
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