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Everything posted by galexcd
...not Hosted? Probably Because Im From AstaHost...
galexcd replied to Mordent's topic in General Discussion
I suppose if you really wanted to have a topic in the hosted members area you could post it in another forum such as General Talk, then use the report button to ask a moderator to move it to the forum. -
Well when I boot into windows or linux, I am forced to use one of the lame clients such as pidgin or kopete which, unfortunately, I can do nothing to stop this kind of behavior except writing my own plugin, which I really don't have the patience to do... Thankfully when I boot into OS X I have a great IM client known as Adium with a community that creates and uploads tons of plugins and mods for use (kind of like the mozilla add-ons site), and if the plugin you are looking for doesn't exist it is extremely easy to write one in pearl or applescript.One nice plugin that I found on their repository of plugins was an anti-spam one. Basically if a person contacts you who is not already in your contact list, it asks a control question of your choice, such as "What is 1+1", or even "What is my first name". If the control question isn't answered correctly, you never receive any any notification from that user.
First of all make sure you don't confuse java with javascript. They are completely different languages and any website that uses java for navigational links will certainly lose me as a visitor. Javascript allows the browser to modify the webpage in ways HTML and CSS cannot. You might want to read the first few pages of this webpage to get a general overview of javascript. The link Veradesigns provided is very useful, but I don't think it will help you learn how to make one in the future too well. The best way of learning something is to do it yourself, and I'd like to help you do that. You said you already know HTML and CSS so you should be able to start out with this yourself: 1. Create your nav bar with the links that are going to call the drop down menus. 2. Create a few absolute-positioned div layers positioned under each of the links and fill them with the sub-menu items of your choice. 3. Give all those div layers their own unique ID using the ID attribute. 4. Set the style of all these div layers to be hidden, so they are not visible until you want them to be. Now, after you do this you have a choice of which direction you want to go it. You can use CSS for basic drop-down menus, or if you decide to use javascript you can have a bit more control over these drop-down menus.(such as adding animation or fade in/out). If you choose to use CSS add an class attribute to each of the links and use the :hover property to have the div layers to be visible. For example: <a href="#" class="stuff1">Stuff</a><div id="div1">Stuff1<br>Stuff2<br>Stuff3</div> ---- And in your head or another file:----<style type="text/css">.div1{display:none}.stuff1:hover .div1{display:block;}</style> Now if you choose to use javascript you can use functions to show or hide the div layers using onMouseOver and onMouseOut: <a href="#" onMouseOver="show()" onMouseOut="hide()">Stuff</a><div id="div1">Stuff1<br>Stuff2<br>Stuff3</div> ---- And in your head or another file:----<script type="text/javascript">function show(){document.getElementById("div1").style.display="block";}function hide(){document.getElementById("div1").style.display="none";}</script> Now if you do decide to go with javascript and you are going to have multiple drop down menus you probably want to pass something to the function so javascript knows which submenu to display like this: <a href="#" onMouseOver="show(1)" onMouseOut="hide(1)">Stuff</a> <a href="#" onMouseOver="show(2)" onMouseOut="hide(2)">Other</a><div id="div1">Stuff1<br>Stuff2<br>Stuff3</div><div id="div2">Other1<br>Other2<br>Other3</div> ---- And in your head or another file:----<script type="text/javascript">function show(i){document.getElementById("div"+i).style.display="block";}function hide(i){document.getElementById("div"+i).style.display="none";}</script> Let me know if you have any questions or want me to explain something in greater detail.
Unless of course the member is like me and only posts here to be a part of the community and not for the free web hosting. And also, like me, has a job and can afford to pay for his or her own ATT data plan...
You do realize that this topic is 5 years old right? And apparently the topic starter was joking (I know... really stupid thing to joke about). Now I really don't see what was so funny about that post, but he admitted that he was joking. I'm sorry to hear about your dad, and you give good advice, but I think you should save it for someone who is really thinking of taking their own life.
Church Of The Flying Spagheti Monster This is sooo cool
galexcd replied to Baniboy's topic in Health & Fitness
Oh no, I smell a holy war on the horizon... If we are going to start getting serious about belief's I'll have to bring out my agnostic bible and preach to you about the real true "God", known as "God?"... Let me recite from the book of Uncertainty 5:26 In all seriousness now... The truth is it is impossible for anyone to know the truth as long as they are living on this planet. This includes believers and non-believers. How can both of you be so sure that what you believe is true? You most certainly cannot. Those who believe, I respect for having faith in something they have never experienced. Those who don't believe, I understand what you must think. But the truth is nobody knows, so why must people argue about this. Wars fought over religion is the most inane thing that human beings do. -
Pittsburgh Steelers Are Your New Superbowl Champions
galexcd replied to Saint_Michael's topic in General Discussion
That 100-yard run is what killed it for the Cardinals. Instead of scoring themselves, Pittsburgh scored. A difference of 12 points (14 if you count the extra points) that the Cardinals would have had if they wouldn't have lost possession of the ball. -
That's awfully self centered isn't it? "Secure your place in heaven"? So you are only giving money to those less fortunate than you so you can enjoy your supposed afterlife more? I'm sure you're a caring human being but the way you phrase your post borders on selfish. I would think the real way of getting into heaven (if there really is such a place), would be to do true good deeds out of the kindness of your own heart, and not just because you want eternal salvation, but to help others achieve happiness in their lives.
Copy and paste would require running something in the background constantly to keep track of the clipboard and pass that information on to the current application. At the moment apple does not allow applications to be running in the background which means it would be impossible for this app to be a legit App Store application until Apple comes out with a software version and SDK with more power to the developers. That's certainly not true because whatever software updates any supposed "new iPhone" comes with will be a free update for existing iPhone users. I think apple hasn't implemented copy and paste because they want the lest amount of background apps running to save battery.
Issues With An External Drive I/o Error
galexcd replied to Default Tutorial's topic in Hardware Workshop
I'm surprised nobody as flat out said that the drive is most likely dead. Firmware in the drive itself can cause problems but most of the time I/O errors = drive is failing. Do you hear unusual sounds from the drive or no sound at all? I'd recommend bringing it to a data recovery facility (if you absolutely need the data), and have them assess the situation before trying any recovery software on it. If the drive is physically about to die any added strain on it attempting to read data off it may push it over the edge. Unfortunately hard drives have so many tiny moving parts in them that they are completely unreliable. I've seen drives fail only weeks after purchase and others last years and years. -
It may be that the rest of the parameters and the closing of the function is on the next line. We don't know until more code is posted as jlhaslip suggested. We shouldn't make assumptions until we know what is going on in the code.
You may have noticed an odd bug hit google if you searched for anything on it a few hours ago. Every site was flagged as malicious (probably some intern uploading the wrong malware.db file ). Now of course the issue has been fixed since then but I'd expect a large company like google to make sure whatever modifications they make to their system is flawless before bringing it online. I understand that mistakes can be made, but when you're tinkering with the mighty google search that billions use every day you might want to be a bit more careful. Who knows how many google users were unaware of this bug and when searching for a site they occasionally visit were scared off by this malware warning? Only a temporary bug but I found it amusing none the less. Source: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
Church Of The Flying Spagheti Monster This is sooo cool
galexcd replied to Baniboy's topic in Health & Fitness
Hey, that religion is no laughing matter, in fact I'm a practicing Pastafarian. If anyone else insinuates that this religion is a joke I shall ask the mighty Flying Spaghetti Monster to smite that member with the His mighty noodley appendage.In the FSM's name. Ramen. -
Well perhaps then you can enlighten me how exactly $pass=="" will ever be true. Also on closer inspection the mysql_real_escape_string function is pretty useless on the $pass and $pass2 variables. It just makes the server waist a few cycles on checking hashed input.
Yes Jlhaslip the link in your sig is dead. The link to the topic is here. You no longer earn credits, instead you earn myCents that you can use for hosting. It looks like you've already got this sorted out, so you should be all set to start getting hosting packages. P.S. Welcome back lonebyrd!
Your reply suggests that you think that employers don't hire certain people because their morals want them to suffer, or so it seems. In reality it has nothing to do with this. I'm sure except in very unusual cases the employer is not emotionally involved in teaching those who committed a crime a lesson. They just want to protect their business. Your argument is like saying "the poor should be given money", or "all those with fatal organ failure should be given an organ transplant". Of course they should! But who do you suggest we make suffer to make this happen? Who's hard earned money should we take away to give to the poor? Who's loved one should we cut open and steal an organ from to give to a dying patient? Who's place of business shall we jeopardize by placing a convicted felon as an employee? The answer is none. It is a sad answer, but it is the only one we have. It certainly isn't fair but it is the only thing we can do.
I'm actually going to completely disagree with you here. Although you bring up the fact that there should be no discrimination when hiring and I certainly agree with that, however for felons thats just how life is. For certain felons it may even be a liability issue.Nobody has a second chance to make a first impression. If that first impression is a bad one then that individual will most likely be judged for the rest of his life. I'm not saying that it is fair, I'm just saying that it is a part of life. As human beings there is no way for one of us to look into another person's mind and see what they are thinking; therefore we judge them based on what they have done in the past. A person could just have made some very poor choices as an adolescent and have been convicted for it. However, how does an employer distinguish these people from truly rotten people who may steal or destroy company property? The answer is the employer can not. It seems more logical for the employer to hire someone with a clean record because that person has proven his ability to function with the rest of society.So basically the point I'm trying to bring across here is that in a perfect world, yes: felons would have the same likelihood of employment as the rest of us, but you cannot honestly expect the employer to do this in reality. Place yourself in the shoes of the employer, do you care if this man or woman has paid his or her debt to society and spent x amount of years in jail? No, you are much more concerned with with the safety and prosperity of your business.
I'd have to agree with you there. I was really hoping this would be something more than just a web browser. I was hoping it was an interface to interact with some of google's well-known web applications, and at the very least interface with your google account and have built in functionality that would allow the user to sync their bookmarks with google bookmarks, perhaps add a gmail/google calendar notifier in there... etc. But no. It is just a stable and secure (and after reading this thread perhaps not as secure as we may think) web browser no different than if some other software developer would have made it.
Have you actually tested to see if this actually returns that error? Because I can see no way of that conditional ever being true. The string returned by the sha1 function will never be any less than 40 characters long.
This script looks well written however there are some things I would like to draw your attention to. First of all you are hashing the password in a variable called "pass", but just a few lines down you have a conditional comparing pass to an empty string. This conditional will never be true because even the hash of an empty string is not an empty string. For example, you are using the secure hash algorithm. The sha1 output of an empty string is da39a3ee5e6b4b... etc. Therefore you might want to check for an empty input before hashing the password so the error you have programmed into the script will actually be displayed.Another thing, where is the source code for security-image.php? It would have been more interesting if you wrote your own captcha dynamic image and included it with this tutorial.Other than those two points I think it is a very well written script and may assist some PHP newbies.
This is quite interesting. I never expected google to add add-ons to chrome, it just didn't seem like them to take their beautiful light browser and allow users to bloat it up with add-ons and toolbars. Interesting that it stores all the passwords in plain text, I don't think I'll have it remember my saved passwords if it ever comes to Mac or Linux and I start using it.
I enjoyed reading your strategy and I would have to agree that it is very good. However I expect whoever uses my strategy to dodge hooks as well. I'm not insinuating that players should just sit in one spot and let themselves die. Sure if you get hooked over to their side having naix has a greater advantage, but as you said, if you know how to properly control your pudge you shouldn't be getting hooked over to their side. I am indeed still active in these forums and still keep up with topics I have started. I'm glad you have enjoyed my guide. Let me know if it works out well for you or not.
Now, wouldn't it just be easier to require a captcha in order to send PM's? Or disable PM's all together for members with 0 posts. Now I suppose both of those solutions could cause inconvenience to legitimate members, however so could having PHP automatically take some action against PM's with certain word phrasing in it.