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Everything posted by galexcd

  1. Google's pretty cool, but according to alexa.com, it is still second to yahoo. One of my favorite things that google offers is called igoogle. Which is their personal home page. Even though they stole the name from mac, and the idea of having "gadgets" from mac also, I think they surpass all the websites I have ever used with their awesome javascript coding abilities.
  2. Google bomb your site. On all the forums you know of post something like [url=yoursite.com]Really cool awesome site fun extra keywords go here[/url] If you do it enough searching those keywords will bring up your site as the results. Its always fun to googlebomb! It's how they got bush's website to the top result when you type in miserable failure.
  3. My dog moves her legs in a running motion almost all the time when she sleeps. Alot of yips and stuff like that too. I think they do dream. There would be no reason for them not to. I mean we dream...
  4. .. thats a joke right? I can't imagine you actually believing something. I just think they want company... hmm.....
  5. I do a lot of talking on AIM, and recently I've found myself writing u instead of you etc when writing stuff for school. Sadly I admit that i set Microsoft Word to replace most of these for me so I don't have to go back and do it. This is probably bad because If i ever write something outside of ms word i still do it alot.
  6. Its my last 2 weeks of hihgschool. *gulp*Ok, i know the whole class of 2007 is going through the same kind of nervousness, but i think for me it's kind of different.For probably the last 2 and a half years, high-school has just become extremely boring, and I really started to hate it. I couldn't wait to get out, and off to new things, but now that it's about to happen, I sometimes find myself wanting more time. I'm torn because right now I can't wait till I get out of this place, but I also realize that I will probably loose many of my friends, especially the ones going off to the east coast. I haven't talked to ANYBODY who went to my middle/elementary school, except the ones who went to the same high-school as me. As much as I hated it I actually don't want it to end, and that really shocked me at first. Heh, i guess it's kind of strange...
  7. Couldn't you just make an if statement? If you know how to get and set the values in the database already, all you'd have to do is somthing like: <select name="select_thing"><option value="1"<?phpif(mysql_result($result,"","value")==1) echo" selected";?>>1</option><option value="2"<?phpif(mysql_result($result,"","value")==2) echo" selected";?>>2</option><option value="3"<?phpif(mysql_result($result,"","value")==3) echo" selected";?>>3</option><option value="4"<?phpif(mysql_result($result,"","value")==4) echo" selected";?>>4</option><option value="5"<?phpif(mysql_result($result,"","value")==5) echo" selected";?>>5</option></select> If that's what you meant, here's a more code-conserving way of writing it: <?php ${mysql_result($result,"","value)}=" selected";?><select name="select_thing"><option value="1"<? echo $1 ?>>1</option><option value="2"<? echo $2 ?>>2</option><option value="3"<? echo $3 ?>>3</option><option value="4"<? echo $4 ?>>4</option><option value="5"<? echo $5 ?>>5</option></select>
  8. Ok as a mac user all my life, I might be a little biased. But you should still hear me out. I've used both the mac and windows operating system. They are both flawed in my opinion. And I'll tell you why... Windows: Total crap. Probably my least favorite operating system. If your going to get a dell, sony, gateway, or another computer with windows pre-installed, get rid of it! My best advice to get the most out of your machine is download linux. First of all, windows doesn't seem to understand the meaning of getting the most out of a monitor. Even if a monitor can get a higher resolution, they limit you to how much you can actually get... And why the hell is the default something usually like 800x600. Maybe 10 years ago that was an OK res, on my mac my resolution is 1920x1200. You people who keep it at 800x600 are forcing web designers and websites to be compatible with your crappy resolution. When I tell other people who use PC's to up their res to at least as big as windows LETS you put it, they are like "oh my god thats so small", and they set it back.. These people will never be editors, and in my opinion they phail at life. Go to hell 800x600 users!Macs: Macs have the great GUI, and the great res, but like windows, there are a lot of hidden files and system stuff they keep away from you. They let you change more than windows, but still I'd prefer an os where everything the OS needs to run is visible to me. It is still my second fav operating system. So i come to my conclusion:If you have the money, buy a mac, and install linux on it. Thats all you'll ever need.
  9. Woah your site is f'ed up. It looks fine if i bring my browser down to about 800 px wide but when its the standard 1900 px wide like i usualy have it, everything is all over the place. I hate websites like this. You should fix that!
  10. Ok, after reading over my entire post I added this line. My post really consists of 2 parts, an intro, which is just mainly about me (i know I'm so self centered), and why I'm coming up with game ideas in the first place, and the second part, my actual answer to your question.INTRO:I've thought of many great (at least in my mind) game ideas. So far all of my coding friends like them are we are slowly starting on one of them. It's very difficult focusing on just one idea when my mind is swimming with other ideas. I know many teens say they want to be game makers, but I am truly pursuing this career. Game making is what I've been into my entire life. And I'm not one of those people who just think he can come up with a creative idea. I actually am pretty decent and programing and modeling. I just love game designing the best. If you've bothered to read the "about me" section in my sig, you'd know that I used to make stuff in filemaker. Pretty much everything I made in that program was a game. I made adventure games, and rpg's mainly. It was a fairly limited program. From there I programed my first PHP game (and currently it is still in development it will be done shortly I hope). Anyway on with the story, because I know how much you love listening to these wonderful stories about my life. My first great game idea that we actually started was a 3d MMORPG in space. When I first thought of it, I thought there was no other games like it, but then i found games like EVE online and vendetta. That really wasn't my discouragement, but when I actually played these games, i realized how incredibly boring they were and how mine was probably going to be the same. But that was just the intro on to my actual answer...ANSWER:Ever since I was very little I've loved coming up with stories and mythical game plots. I find myself constantly thinking about stories and new game ideas. I'm not saying I have a gift or anything like that at all if you misunderstood me. I'm saying just you have to think about plots and possible scenarios and stories. I don't know. I kind of like what palladin said. Dreams are kind of a cool way of getting inspiration. I guess my main inspiration is just myself. I do play alot of other games and watch alot of movies. I don't really know...
  11. Eh, I wouldn't know where to start looking. In my opinion the best way would to code your own forms. They aren't that hard if your familiar with php/sql. They take a long time to weed all the bugs out though. Perhaps posting this question on php.net might get a better answer :\
  12. You need to use the fopen and fwrite functions. That is if I understand you right. So have the html form submit to a php page that gets all of the vars that the form sent to you and use something like this to modify the text file: $file=fopen("name of text file.txt", 'w');fwrite($file,"Data to put into the text file");fclose($file); For the mode (the second paramater of the fopen function), here is a list of what strings do different stuff. (taken from php.net) I hope this helps!
  13. I dont think he didn't like safari, it was that he didn't have safari. at least thats how I understood it. Safari doesn't come for mac os 9. If I were you I'd wait for leopard and then get that. That is if you have the hardware to run it. I'd recommend at LEAST a g4 with plenty of ram and hd space. If you have an older computer find macos X.1 selling somewhere on ebay for cheap. Its got safari and even though its an older version, it's still osx so its still really good. It's pretty old so you can find it really cheap. I found one for 9 bucks here.
  14. No. Flash can load variables from php continuously. My flash chat works flawless in every browser but internet explorer which for some reason cache's the page that flash loads from, causing you to refresh to see updates, but if you do a check for ie, this should be no problem. I also made an ajax chat that loads from the same page that the flash chat loads from (it parses out the andpersands and stuff).I prefer my flash one because you have much more control over the look of it. Notice from electriic ink: Merged double post
  15. galexcd

    Life Sucks.

    Meh, i didn't really mean what i said, i was just pissed off that day. Thanks for your input though.
  16. I made a php/flash combination for a chat program. When i have time ill upload it to this thread. Its pretty great because its live and no refreshing.
  17. galexcd

    Life Sucks.

    I mean seriously. Nothing but being oppressed by "the man" when your young, and as you get older it just gets worse. Our society has just been brainwashed. What's college for anyway? Our society has been brainwashed into thinking that the only way to successfully live is by going to college. You see it all the times in movies, tv, news everywhere. And not to mention our parents and teachers ingrain all that stuff in our minds since we were born. Then after we waist 4 (and nowadays its more like 5 or 6) years of our lives and then what? You get a job? Have kids of your own and brainwash them the same ideas that you were taught. Like, what the hell is the point? I guess it is to learn skills for your profession, and I know that jobs like maybe doctor or really advanced ones defiantly need it, I'm not arguing for that, it's just It seems like those 5 years could be better spent getting a job and having the work experience and by the time your friends have finished collage you can already be a manager of a branch of a company. I don't know its just weird what the hell is this whole thing for anyway? Why live if we are just going to die anyway?
  18. Nope. Thats my answer. After maybe my sophomore year in HS i realized that thats about all I need for like basic knowledge, lemmy go out and study my major now. But no. You have to stay in the schoool for two more ****ing years learning random stuff about stupid poets and history I dont even care about.... let me just learn phisics and continue my carrier as a computer science major...
  19. yea my school is all IE, and if you DL firefox, they just delete it off ur U drive. The computer network dude just searches for *BLEEP* on all the student's U drives all day. I once told him to get FF but hes like, oh i will eventually, but he keeps on deleting it. Somebody needs to tell him to f**k off our hd space...
  20. My website is hosted with Xisto - Web Hosting.com, and it came with shell access, i was wondering if i could run a unreal tournament server from it
  21. Any reason why Ajax doesn't work remotely? It looks almost as if ajax only works if its getting or sending info from the same server. What gives?could this have anything to do with the possible abuse of brute force scripts? If so, wouldn't this be a limitation in the browser only? Are there any browsers that allow remote Ajax?...or am I doing something wrong?(I left that question at the end for a reason... I am sure that my script is flawless seeing as it works perfectly if i try to access something locally, but the second I try something remote, no info is loaded)
  22. The problem with using str_replace for tags like img is you would have to have "http://forums.xisto.com/ replace to <img src=" and [ /img]http://forums.xisto.com/ replace to ">. Now if you think about it, if you use that, anybody could easily break your forums by just starting an image tag without ending it. If you write <img src=" in the middle of your code, it's not going to end untill it sees another quote and another greaterthan. If your site uses tables, this could really screw up the site. P.S. Along with emoticons, str_replace is really good for disabling HTML. $string=str_replace(array("<",">"),array("<",">"),$string);
  23. Php all the way. My favorite coding language of all time. So much power! MUAhahahahahaha~~P.S. Where's c++? or is this only web languages?
  24. More better? lol If you use preg_replace you'll get a much more professional bb parser. It would be more like Xisto's bb. This would be the effect you would get: if this board used str_replace to parse bb code, the rest of this post would be bold because the bold tag would be parsed and replaced into <b> no matter what.
  25. When checking the variable ID, are you using the isset function or are you checking if the string == ""?Using string=="" should work if ?id= is enterned and no number.
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