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Everything posted by galexcd

  1. Just create a new empty php page, type in the sql query, (within the php tags of course). If you do have phpmyadmin, you could do it without code. It does all the coding for you while you see a nice graphical representation of your table. ...I dont understand the meaning of your post. If he has phpmyadmin he either wouldn't ask how to insert sql querys or he dosn't know how to use phpmyadmin. The purpose of phpmyadmin is so YOU DON'T have to type up your own sql queries. phpmyadmin only has that query box for a few rare cases. You should either explain that you can type up the sql query in a php page, or taht he can do it easily without even worrying about the code.
  2. the first one din't work though, it was compleatly screwed up. $*%username said "invalid characters" but username$*% was allowed. Thats what made me finaly break down and drop the ereg function
  3. I was looking for a quick solution so i could check a string for any symbols and stuff (basically anything that isnt numbers and letters) in it. One of the first google searches that came up were for a forum called "sitepoint". The thread was talking about the same thing I was trying to do. This was their solution: if (ereg("[a-zA-Z0-9]+", $username)) { echo 'OK.'; } else { echo 'Invalid characters.'; } So i tried it out. Didn't work. I played with the code and i still couldn't get it to work... So I did what i didn't want to do: do it my way. Heres what i coded: $allowed="q,w,e,r,t,y,u,i,o,p,a,s,d,f,g,h,j,k,l,z,x,c,v,b,n,m,Q,W,E,R,T,Y,U,I,O,P,A,S,D,F,G,H,J,K,L,Z,X,C,V,B,N,M,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0,-,_";if(str_replace(explode(",",$allowed),"",$username)==""){//OK}else{//contains symbols} Almost everything I code is very crude and I'm sure this could have been done with 1 simple function, but oh well. My way works fine. --------- Heres the link to the thread if anybody is interested: http://www.sitepoint.com/forums/showthread.php?65200-Check-for-SYMBOLS-in-a-string -------- So why did i post this? Basically The only reason i posted it here is for input. Even though i dont really need it now, anybody know why the original code didn't work? How about some input for the code i came up with! hehe . Maby sombody could use my code? I donno. Since i just signed up to that forum just to make that one reply, I wont be visiting them again for a responce, so i just moved the whole issue over here, so I could get other people's oppinion.... Ok I think i should stop talking now.
  4. I'm not sure about pro. Google is offering google sketcuhp pro, which costs money, it may let you export and stuff. I think there is a free trial, i'll have to check it out!
  5. I just found myself in this area of the forums for the very first time in my stay here with Xisto... at least i think.... but i was supprized that one of the google services subfoums, that i was sure to be there, wasnt there! Google sketchup. I don't know how popular it is yet, but it's a free 3d modeling program by google. After modeling you can dump your models into google earth (thats why i put this topic here), and share your buildings with the world! Unfortunatly google sketchup seems to be mainly designed for google earth. There is no rendering, so you cant use the images anywhere else, you can import c4d or 3ds files, (maby maya too i forget), but you can't export to them. A good thing about sketchup is its very basic and easy to use. I personaly use cinema 4D to make 3d modles, and sketchup is much easier, but has less functionality. I just thought i'd bring the knowledge of sketchup to these forums, because i see no topics or boards on it. Maybe everybody already knows about it, and are just not posting. I don't know, but heres the link just incase you want to model your own stuff! ***Google's Sketchup- Click Here***
  6. I dislike this way of teaching html. Html should not be learned by then entire code to do somthing like <img src=> but as the tag itself. (<img>) You should tell people that every tag just has it's base and by adding atributes to it, you can change what it does. some attributes of the image tag could be src, width, height, border. Those are just some of the common ones. <font> <body> <div> and <a> tags arn't any different. Many people who may "think" they know html don't know what other things an anchor tag (<a>) can be used for. Sombody askes how do you make a link and they all respond (a href). Thats how i think html should be taught. Even though many tags do not have any affect on the pagee if they do not have attributes added to them, start with showing them a page with a tag with no attributes on it. Then work your way through all the different attributes.Heh, just my opinion. What do the rest of you think?
  7. Why would you want to put such a mock up of such a beautiful opperating system on such a WRETCHED COMPUTER!!!!ahem....
  8. ah... they look nice! good job!
  9. hehe wheres video editing? I put myself under programing, caus thats what i mainly do, but i could also fit under "making money" caus i edit people's videos, and can do cool cgi effects for them...... for a price of course!
  10. um.... could i have an explanation to what this is? Older sigs? Ones you made? where were they before? trap 17?
  11. I'm preatty sure IE puts an annoying border around embeded movies and stuff... mabey its only flash, but i could hae sworn i saw one around an avi file once.... hmmmmmmmmmm...
  12. One day i turned on the computer, and my LCD moniter was very dim, and the light was blinking. Apperently one of the LCD lights were going bad, like kdr said. unfortunatly, cost me alot to replace . Good luck!
  13. *gasp* do i get a cool b-day post on my b-day!!! *crosses fingers*lol(jul 26)
  14. errrrr... who owns that domain name? If you do are you going to actually put the site's conent on the domain, instead of a redirect? Even a frame would be more professional, at least the URL would stay at the top of the page, or do you not have hosting for your domain?
  15. I have even noticed that in php strings can acctualy have a real carrage return! Instead of the \n u can just make the string on two lines! Sorta figured that one out on accident. Example: <?php$fp = fopen ("test.txt", "a"); fputs ($fp, "ok newline");?>
  16. i signed up a few days ago, but i just relized something today:if you have an ad on your page from them, it opens a pop-under window... very annoying!
  17. This post was offering hosting credits for helping me write the code, but i have recently found out that you must be hosted to transfer hosting credits. But i still really need this code or anything that can help me!Any input would help as well!!!Thanks!!
  18. Powermac g5 dual 2.5 ghz. not intel unfortunatly... its 2 years old.wanna c it? enjoy~ lol
  19. I live in california, a very liberal state, and everywhere i go, in school everybody is always like "omg bush sucks" and "did you hear the sh*t bush was talking on the tv last night". It always pisses me off when I hear this. Most of them have no idea what they are talking about. They just listen to what their parents say, who just side with the president of the political party they support. They wont shut up on things they dont know about. ooooh that pisses me off soo much. See that's exactly what I'm talking about. No offence to you olidar, but I'm getting a strong feeling you have no idea what you are talking about. You mostlikely hear others talking bad about the president, and im not saying your just agreeing with them to be popular or anything, but subconsiously you swich over to their side. The media also makes sure you don't forget anything the president has done wrong. The government hides so much information from the people, we cannot really be sure what a president's real plan is. I do belive, that whatever president was elected, would have been hated as much as Bush is now. September 11 would have happened no matter what president was in office, and weather he went to war or not, they would have been blamed for it. Don't get me wrong, I am not an ultumate fan of the president, and I don't say that in a bad way, It's just he really hasn't done anything to annoy me, or impress me, and i really dont care either way. I don't consider myself as liberal or conservative. I really have my own ideas for government. (see the * at the bottom of this post if you are interested in knowing what I think should be changed). But I am leaning over more to the republican side really. I come from a middle class family, and the whole original thought of liberals, is distributing wealth, even though both parties are pretty much the same now, i really dont like. I do know, if democrat would have gotten into office, higher class families would have to pay more taxes, and more of it would have been given to welfare. I belive if you have worked for your living, and you get up off your lazy **bottom**, you shouldnt' have to give it to those who didn't think ahead, and didn't go to collage, or came to this country illigaly. . Thank you. This is exactly what I was saying above. People are just bagging on who ever is in charge, just because they are not from the same political party. This is not just the liberals who seem to do it to conservitives, but also the other way around. Look at clinton... Meh, i thout i'd stick that quote in there, fits perfectly with my above statement. hehe -------------------------------------------------------------------- *Right now i must be going, im going to edit this part later, above I siad this is where i would say what i do not agree with our government... just a place where i can rant and rave later.
  20. ok, ive got a chat that I made from scratch in flash. Its actually pretty damn cool! I just coded it so bbcode is allowed, but ive got a sligt problem. if sobody dosnt close a tag, then the tag stays active for the following messges. , so i thout, why not add the end of every tag, at the end of every message example: [/b][/u][/i][/url][/color] but then i relized, flash's html encoding is very propor, and all tags must be closed in the order that they were opened! [b][u]text[/u][/b] << works[b][u]text[/b][/u] << dosn't work AND if sombody opens the same tag twice, the tag must be closed twice! [b][b]text[/b][/b] << works[b][b]text[/b] << dosn't work I need a php script that can take a string, and add close tags to every line, in the same order they were opend. I was thinking of how to approach this, but i just can't come up with a script. Any ideas? Thanks! edit: put code in code tags
  21. pffffffft. Its all about safari.... mac browser, with the same engine as firefox.
  22. I know where you can get the full version... frys, or how about compUSA, on a mac? the apple store... I dont know why everybody is lways so interested in craking games. Sure i feel like a bit of a sucker paying money, if i could get it for free, but as a game programer, it pisses me off to see people doin that kind of stuff... I do have unreal tournament though, the full version. Its worth it, I'm telling you, all the new maps, plus the ability to make your own maps, and download maps that other people have made, makes the game never end. My favorite maps would have to be vehicle caputre the flag, but to take a break i like to sometimes play assult (racing mainly). In the full version alot of servers have racing maps. where you take a scorp or a manta and race to an objective, trying to run others off the road.
  23. Right now, if i go to the cpanel of my site, I can access webmail of any of the email addresses I have. Unfortunatly, I would prefer it if the administrators did not know the password to the cpanel. I want them to be able to access mail from 1 of the email accounts. I have tried letting all the admins access the account through their own cliants, but it became a mess, not knowing wich admins have responded to which emails, because most emails are hosted localy when received by cliants such as outlook. Then I had the idea of making one page, with webmail on it. Where all the admins can read email, and delete the ones that have been answered. I have tried different ones such as squirrelmail, but i can't seem to get them to work. I am not sure, but I think they are ment to be installed on the server, not installed on a personal computer then uploaded to the server via ftp.If anybody has an answer to get webmail to work, or has a different solution, i would love to hear it!!!Thanks!
  24. I just type into google to find out how to do somthing, or in php.net if i want to know what a function does
  25. I know that [url=http://address]name[/url] is proper syntax, and i know how to replace in php, but i was going to do it both ways, so if sombody dosnt care if the link text is the same as the url, all they would have to do is [url=address]address[/url] and convert it to [url=http://address]address[/url] , but if not then i could easly create somthing else. edit: putting code in code tages
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