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Everything posted by galexcd

  1. bah... us mac users dont belive in viruses.......
  2. Everything on that video is false... i even made a counter video Why Mac's dont suck, i made it really fast, so alot was left out and its sorta bad, but it proves him worng.... Personaly, i prefer macs to PC's, but it dosnt sound like ur going to be doing anything that requires a mac... especially if your on a budget. I'm into editing, modeling and stuff like that, so im more of a mac person... and i cant stand PC's with their... ugh.... TINY resolution... my nice 23" hi-deff monitor with a nice 1920x1200 resolution lets me run about 2 websites side by side, no cluttering up... and exposé helps even more! Never heard of exposé and dashboard? Example of Exposé! Example of Dashboard!
  3. I like the font, looks like it could be a logo for a company or somthing...
  4. It dosn't, I was just curious why they were going down. Thanks opaque!
  5. Ive got a page called bb.php with 2 arrays of strings i want to replace in the profiles of the people on my site... For example I replace < with &lt; and i relpace > with &gt; and i replace a new line with <br> and i replace {img} with <img src= and {/img} with >. I want to figure out what i can replace {url} and {/url} with so when people put a url between, it will link to it Like this: {url}http://www.example.com/ <a href=example.com;http://www.example.com/; Unfortunatly to do this, i had to put in the link twice, If i have to, I know how to do it, but it would be much more complex of a php code, I was wondering if there is a simple HTML explanation that i could add code in front and in back of a url to make it link. Note: all {'s and all }'s are really ['s and ]'s, but i didn't want trap 17 to replace them....
  6. Yeah.. that happened about a year ago... my friend convinced me that it was a good thing to do.. lol he got caught too... (red alert). since then i had positive credits, how did they go back down?
  7. Without question my favorite game is Unreal Tournament 2004
  8. I had the same problem, for the longest time i couldn't figure it out, then it turned out, there was an open table tag in the CSS area. Check for open tags
  9. edit: Neeeaavverrrminddd.....I was a total noob at php when i posted this and I needed help doing something with bbcode in php and didn't really know what I was saying.. Anyway topic resolved...
  10. I'm not planning to get free trap 17 hosting, because I already am paying for hosting with Xisto - Web Hosting. But out of curiosity why are my hosting credits so low?:HOSTING CREDITS : -1.41I've been very active... Why are they in the negative at all? I didn't spend them on anything. Notice from mayank: Please note that topic title is extermely important and you must give a descriptive title.
  11. Yeah... thanks, just making sure. Still wont work, i tried 2 different e-mail adresses. Nothing. My original code worked two days ago, but when i tried it yesterday it didn't work... and i never changed the code. Could the outgoing mail server be broken? I knowticed my mail cliant cant connect to the outgoing mail server for my Xisto - Web Hosting account.. Um... what should i set my headers to so i dont get banned from other email companies?
  12. There is another site owner who was suspended for too many outgoing emails: http://forums.xisto.com/topic/35221-Xisto - Web Hosting-server-seems-slow/page-2#entry247070 He was only using it for account verifications, I am sending mail for account verification.... Am i not allowed to do this?
  13. I have pretty much deleted a page with over 700 lines of code in it trying to find what was wrong with it, and it still wont work. I also tried on a new page. mail("my email", "Test", "Test");DOSNT WORK!!!mail("my email", "Test", "Test","From: my email@myhost.com);DOSNT WORK!!!if(mail("my email", "Test", "Test")){echo "it worked";}RETURNS "it worked", BUT IT STILL DOSNT WORK!!!WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG.. IM ABOUT TO KILL MYSELF AHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!
  14. I have the same database, I cannot seem to be able to delete it. I just dropped all the tables and I leave it alone..
  15. god.. adult content no matter WHAT i search for... yeah like the fact that GOOGLE NEVER PAYED ME MY ****ING MONEY!!
  16. Hey, microsoft is now giving away free domain names, and free hosting at microsoft office live.... I'm thinking about it, but i just want to know... does it support PHP? Can anyone who has ordered it tell me?Thanks!
  17. As a programer of software and games, i HATE people who pirate software... but... i'd have to say, i feel like a little bit of a sucker paying for some things where others can get it for free
  18. Thanks so much all of you!!! especially windandwater!All your help has been greatly appriciated!
  19. Not to be annoying or anything, but im a little new to PHP could you give me an examplethanks!
  20. Hi, how do i check if the variable is comming from the same server as the page? Example, lets say i have a log in...the page it submits to says somthing like this:$user=$_POST['user'];$pass=$_POST['pass'];how do i make sure that sombody didnt make their own form on their computer, or somthing, to submit the info to my site? I only want submitions from MY site... not sombody else... Thanks!!
  21. So do you like the war or not?I think this IS a vent because i get to express my concerns about the war... I think the war is "eh... I dont really care"....What do you think?
  22. galexcd

    Hosting Credits

    Ok, thanks i was just wondering because ive been working on this site for a while, and i'd hate to loose it
  23. galexcd

    Hosting Credits

    I think it would be easier if more topics and boards were added to this site, then i can have more ideas to talk about stuff...im running out of things to post....(AH!!!! ONLY 2 DAYS LEFT HELP!)Also, do u loose everything saved on your site when u run out?>thanx Qwertyiscool
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