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Everything posted by Saint_Michael

  1. Small update I had to reload the broken images so now you will be able to see the full tutorial, enjoy.
  2. For a small update for those who have view this topic and didn't seen anything I reuploaded the image due to an error so now you can see it.
  3. For those who couldn't see the image there was an error on the image host so I had to re-upload the picture so you should be able to see it now .
  4. Even though I am on trap the settings should apply here, REGISTER_GLOBALS is off and SAFE_MODE mode is off as well, hopefully that answers and solves the problems you might have about having a hosting account here on asta.
  5. It don't matter to me the trailers alone already tell us how this game will make more money then halo . Heck I will be closing off the world, missing class to finish this game as it might be the final Metal Gear Solid game for the creator. In the mean time I will have need for speed, COD 4 (maybe) and a few other games to play in the mean time while waiting for the ultimate game to be finished. I would suggest checking out gameFAQS discussion board on this game and the wiki's for the series as it provides a lot of useful info for the franchise and this game, and once the game comes out hopefully it will explain everything that has shrouded the mysteries from MGS 2 and MGS 3.
  6. Since it is the fan casing that this screw is in and it don't seem to over anything I would get a power screwdriver that has a magnet bit to it and take it out that way. That way if you do it manually you don't have to worry about stripping that screw down, but make sure you do it slow on a slow settings so not to break anything. It possible to do the knife method but you will end up break or damage the knife tip.
  7. Although I doubt this is case but when is the last time you successfully were able to log into your cpanel? The reason I say this because awhile back we had some issues with someone brute forcing themselves into hosting accounts here on trap because of simple passwords. I would suggest contacting the admin at Xisto - Support about your password problem so they can cross reference the log in to your account, and maure to provide them with your cpanel username, url and your IP number just in case thats the issue. If its not then I would suggest doing some serious posting and get about 15-20 credits and then change your password which requires 15 to change, but just double check to make sure the first scenario didn't happen.
  8. Yeah I know the feeling I don't feel like driving 30 minutes one way to get my free taco; gas is to expensive for one taco, and yeah I could get myself a Large Mountain Dew, Nacho Bellegrande, and a couple of soft taco's .
  9. Well I thought I start up the topic on haslip's birthday, since I was his mentor when he first became a mod and of course his {EVIL} leader, and as the oldest member here, I mean that literally I thought I give you some presents for you to enjoy: Hidden These two gifts should get you over till next year haslip. So happy birthday and BWHAHAHAHAHA Sorry by the way, the Xisto members already ate your cake and we got a picture of it, still trying to figure out who he is
  10. You read my mind on that sig when I saw it too, I did have haslip and me in that sig but didn't have the third name .
  11. I would have to disagree with 1.1GhZ CPU it still seems a bit bit slow for everyday use and since your given up RAM you want speed and so I would have to go with 1.5-1.9 GHZ. Speaking of RAM with the updated looks nowadays with most of the email services it will take a bit more RAM, and with vista 512MB is very obsolete; XP might pull that off if you have nothing installed and have fully updated with patches and stuff. I will agree with the on board graphics for the non-gaming, non-vista users as they wouldn't really need it, of course on the opposite side a gfx card would be needed for heavy gaming use and some motherboard on board gfx will not work with vista aero affect. I know that piece of information on hand because the motherboard I have the gfx can't handle the aero look so I get the standard look if you don't have a powerful enough gfx card. With home video set up your still given up speed, although depending on if a person is just simply making a small video for youtube or converting a video to dvd then it would be ideal. Of course again if your really getting into video editing then expect to have a little more kick 2.5-3 Gb of RAM and 2.5-2.8Ghz, and with the gfx card you can either double up on 128 MB you might have to bump it up to 256 and or if you got some pockets 512MB gfx card. Although I don't do any gaming, I would say the specs have changed just a bit and that you will need at least 2GB to run a game smoothly, especially the graphic heavy monsters that have come out in the recent years. As for Processing Speed I would say that will vary depending on how many games you install on that computer, but I would say 2.0Ghz+ would be more suitable just because of the graphics. 256MB would seem reasonable as well just depends on the right scenario of course you could just double it up and enjoy your gaming needs. The Web Designing specs are all wrong especially if your computer is running the new CS suit on it, a computer needs at least 1-2 Gb of RAM to ruin this suite smoothly, a much larger processing speed, 1.5ghz+ would be more suited to prevent any hang ups especially when when several programs at once. I will agree for the most part on the on board graphics card just because people don't go insane building complex designs in photoshop that take a few hundred MB of space to design a website. I would say over the specs you are presenting would seem more about having the computer set up with nothing more then those specific specs, nonetheless, today's computers can run most of those specs and software installed. Of course I wouldn't say that you could get everything to run smoothly unless you get programs that due what you need them to do at have the memory some of the big name software takes. For some reference for those who want to build a computer from scratch I would check out the tutorial I made a couple of months back about how to start out in computer building, modifying, repairing, and troubleshooting, and here is a link to a computer that a built a few month ago that more or less correspond with what I been talking about in having a good computer that is both fast and can handle a lot of power while being able to handle pretty much anything; however, I have yet to test this computer since it was my first but will be useful in future builds. Also if your trying to look for bargain computer hardware make sure to check out neweeg's website as they pretty much have everything you need on either building, adding, or replacing a computer with. here[/url]
  12. Well after a stellar season the Red Sox's have proven once again that they are a elite team and no longer a joke since winning the world series back in 2003 to break the 86 year curse that was placed on them after Babe Ruth was traded to the Yankee's. Interestingly to note that the Red Sox won the world at away games and have swept the series as well. So now that the season is officially over who will the Red Sox's trade off or replace, and of course the big question will be will they repeat?So congrats to the BoSox's for winning the 2007 World Series.
  13. This website has a very good in depth guideline on how to dual boot XP and vista with either xp installed first or vista installed first. They have some guides on how to dual boot with linux on your computer as well.
  14. Correct, however, silver if you want to put all those credits to good use I earn 280 and in that way you will be able to get hosting and a top level domain such as .com, .net, and .org. I would highly recommend it silver because that is a lot of credits to lose. Based on your reaction I take it you didn't read the Xisto Read Me which explains this lost. As for the question at hand rval is correct on how the credits work. I would recommend reading the following topics on the credit system. http://forums.xisto.com/topic/6147-posting-activity-rule-automated-hosting-script-know-about-how-this-system-works/ http://forums.xisto.com/topic/8717-fair-warning-is-given-to-all-hosted-members/ http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ These three topics pretty much explain everything you need to know about how the credit work and how to gain the most out of them when posting here on Xisto.
  15. Fantastico which is a web applications software that comes with Xisto account comes with several forum software phpbb, and SMF. Of course you can install your own forums as well like IPB and vbulletin just make sure you have paid for them and have the license for them so not to get your account suspended.
  16. I thought as much about how the first few minutes of the beginning and the last few minutes of the ending was set up; however, the question remains why though? If they do go on with the 5th movie hopefully that they will explain why he did it. Of course the whole thing with jigsaw's is what really threw me off though, and your right I thought he was freeing himself too, but when he give that look you know everyone was like and a couple of choice words. I would have to say that the was the nastiest of all of them just because like it was in slow motion. I might have to check out the wiki's on the movies and see what kind of information they have and try to compare it to what I remember about that movie though.
  17. Actually I would have to put saw II and saw III up top at number #1 since those two movies had more of a story with them, then saw 4 as it continues the story, and the saw I since it introduced us to jigsaw. I will mention that some of spoilers mention are are close to accurate but to which spoilers I am referring to well, you just have to watch the movie to find which ones are correct. I did post a non spoiler review of the movie yesterday, you can click here to read it.
  18. Well once I figured it out I have to say that is awesome stuff, I only can imagine how long it took to create a text version of star wars, but either that is cool. Got any more ASCII text stories like that floating around?
  19. When the Web 2.0 and Ajax era kicked the best of the best in programmers started creating scripts of various kinds. One of these scripts called Lightbox has one of the biggest impact I have notice, it is well customizable to fit various formats, such as images, videos, and even maps. To start off I will post a link to the original source of the script, I think. Lightbox The object of this script is simple, when a user clicks on a thumbnail version of an image it does smooth transition of a pop up image that is larger, usually the original size, and when the user clicks either the close button or outside the image it closes back again. The original script is just run my javascript and some CSS, but as the variation of this script come out it requires various ajax platforms such as JQuery, MOO, YUI in order for it to be run. The Various lightbox scripts will tell you what platform you need if any. Now for the Fun part, although there are various versions of the original lightbox script, I will only discuss the different idea's that can be done with the lightbox script. Videobox This version of the lightbox script is used to show videos, so when a user clicks on the thumbnail image of the video it will kick in the lightbox script and show the video from various places such as youtube. Although I am not sure about the thumbnail I don't it gets generated so you might have to take a snapshot of it. This script requires you to have Mootools installed on your hosting, and some other stuff. You will find all the information on thee site here. Google Maps Now this script that uses lights loads up google maps of specific locations, sadly its not well documented and so you have to look at the source code to figure it out, but if your programmer savy enough it should be easy to figure out. Here are two different versions of this script. Script #1 Script #2 Now if you wish to see if more examples of how this lightbox script can be done, check out this link to the largest index of ajax scripts I have ever found., Now that you got a taste of Web 2.0 is about now you can implement stuff like light on to your site.
  20. IN short yeah they could to answer your first question, no to the second question because computer tech jobs are high paying and today it is impossible to live on $350 a month. To the second part why would someone want to pay extra when they will get it for free when they buy the computer, well mostly free. Either way it all comes down to getting a huge profit and cutting costs and for the US we are expensive to hire its plain and simple.
  21. Well php would be the way to go in order to create a member login script, as there are several posted here or if you want to create yourself check out http://www.pixel2life.com/ has they have several tutorials on how to build. But I warn you though you need to know a lot about php security so as to prevent script kiddes from hacking into your site. Of course if your setting up something like a word press blog then you won't need much from there. Here are some links of interesting here on trap about member logins and setting them up: http://forums.xisto.com/topic/7887-php-simple-login-tutorial-learn-how-to-make-a-simple-login/ http://forums.xisto.com/topic/52533-simple-php-login-and-registration-system/ http://forums.xisto.com/topic/46278-simple-user-system-php-mysql-driven/
  22. Thats a matter of opinion I would say try them both out, install mods for either one and see which one you are most comfortable with, of course if you really want to go hardcore try out AEF forum (have to install that yourself), or if you got the cash purchase IPB as that is the elite of forums that are on the market.
  23. Welcome to Xisto.com, just to reiterate make sure to check out the Xisto read me as it is your best source of information, you can find the link at the top of the shout box not hard to miss. Of course now that your hosted it is your responsibility to maintain your hosting by posting as much as you can to earn hosting credits to keep your account active.
  24. Well like everyone else has mention welcome to Xisto.com, best place for hosting and posting on the net. There are thousands of topics to reply and hundreds of thousands of posts to read, respond, and enjoy. It was previous mention to check out the Xisto Read as that is the best source of information on how to enjoy your stay here and be warn free as you enjoy your posting, and so welcome again and see you in the forums.
  25. SMF is just another forum, interestingly enough the SMF mods are easier to install as it don't require you to edit too many files. Just need to run the installer through the forum and your set, but some mods won't work on particular forums, however the installer will let you know about that.
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