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Everything posted by Saint_Michael

  1. If you get 21 tell them you want them to hit it again , but serious enjoy Vegas and don't forget to donate to the Xisto cause when you bust Vegas with that $20 bet ***hide in Mich's biggest bag*** off to Vegas I go to BWHAHAHAHAHA!
  2. Well that is good to hear, especially since you found out all this stuff early on, especially the American Idol stuff . At least you know what you want to do and stuff just make sure to practice, practice, practice because with all the effort you put your pay off shall come sometime down the road, and don't forget to remember us little people when your Hollywood's top star .
  3. Yeah it is a pain to level up the characters and stuff, but still it was fun to play when I first got it 11 years ago, and of course the rumors of a Final Fantasy 7 remake for the Playstation 3 have been going on for years now. OF course I haven't played it forever since I am busy with other stuff, and of course school. Maybe one day I will play it again, but highly unlikely unless a PS3 version comes out . However, steve for you these guides will help you out http://www.gamefaqs.com/ps/197341-final-fantasy-vii/faqs/31493 - Leveling guide http://www.gamefaqs.com/ps/197341-final-fantasy-vii/faqs - FAQS for everything else to help you in your FF7 needs.
  4. Sorry to say haslip I think you got your Internet Explorer's confused, unless you switch the rendering engine because that is IE 7 look, and to prove that the ACID test is passed here is an image I took. That is Internet Explorer 8 shockingly enough.
  5. Well since mods are the only one who can approve the trap feedback posts it would seem either they were added when the topic was close or the topic was closed after they added them. The first option makes more sense since those who use the trap feedvacker either don't know the topic is close or do know but still want to add something in anyways.
  6. Well you could sell credits for services, we tried that though unsuccessful with the gfx forum, but if you got a website project you want some help on I think posting up what you need done for a certain amount of credits might be useful.
  7. Of course it begs the question how long windows XP action will be active before they turned that off, yeah it would be a dirty trick for Microsoft to pull by shutting down the activation system and thus disabling windows XP. t3jem you are better off getting a laptop that comes with XP installed because if you uninstall Vista and install another operating system your going to null the warranty, and thus you will be paying for support instead of getting it for free. Of course if you dual boot with XP you might not null the warranty but you better check with the company who made the computer before doing so. Of course by 2009 it won't matter anymore since Vista will be the only operating system out there, and then you will have to start getting XP software at amazon.com and stuff. Of course XP is a pretty OLD operating and with SP3 on the way I think it will plug up a lot of the holes XP has gotten over the years, but of course with that in mind people who do keep running XP will eventually run into problem with security and stuff but I wouldn't doubt that a lot of people will be dual booting vista when Vista is the only windows OS on the market.
  8. Download Here It passed the Acid 2 Test, and although it did better then IE6 or IE7 in the acide 3 test 17/100 is still pretty bad. Strangely enough though, Internet explorer has destroy several sites, such as trap when trying to post a new top, and alignment issues in yahoo and even in part's of Microsoft's website. But to give you an actual taste I break the browser in several key points to see what Internet Explorer 8 team need to fix before final release. Look Nothing has change really, added some things like the rendering mode which at this point is only rendered for IE7 look. However, the problem with that in order to switch from IE8 to IE7 is to close out windows and then restart it which really sucks, and hopefully they change in later beta's and the final version. As that is quite annoying to have to go through that and it would be more efficient to refresh the rendering modes then to do that lame method. The did change the look for the IE add-on's section, and basically not to keen on the fact that you can't install from there with a mini web page to the add-on's for internet Explorer instead of installing them first then organize it from the add-on tool's section. Features They got some new stuff added to Internet Explorer such as webslices and activities, please refer to their white sheet's on more info about them by clicking their links. Another feature I found interesting is that they have a built in content advisor which basically locks children out to those suggestive websites, you options for porn, beer, drugs, fear, weapons, language and all that good stuff. Slight correct the content advisor been there since IE6 just a new and improved look, but of course you can't modify them and so your you stuck with adding even more website to block list. However, it does cut out a lot of stuff as I gave it a test run and with everything set to limited I get prompted abotu the rating system that is has, and of course in order to see the content you need the password. So it would seem that the school's and businesses will have better control on how to block websites on their computer systems. So that means regardless if you use a proxy server to get pass the school blocks Internet explorer will finish that blocking off, and so that means no more myspace at school . The next new feature is the developer tools, and this where it got interesting as this is where you can refresh the compatibility mode from Quirks/IE 5, IE 7, and IE 8, and so that solves the previous situation I mentioned above, but I rather have it up front then have to do all that clicking. So you can see what your website will look like in three different IE versions, but when it comes to rendering they have some problems. Rendering Although they pass the acid test they have much to clean up, I went to sight were javascipts didn't work, CSS hover property didn't work, alignment issues, ajax issues. Now granted they are using "CSS2" stuff but still I have to go into quirks mode just ot see yahoo map's properly and that tells you a lot right there. So yeah they have a lot of work in the rendering area and I will be disappointed because of the topic I made about they are fixing that, but I give it a few beta's before these issues are fix. Misc. first thing I check was how much Memory IE 8 uses, and sadly to say it is huge, in just 4 tabs I was well over 20MB of memory used up, and so put 2 and 2 together and you will see how vista users will really need to beef up their machines. Let see they also copied Opera's speed dial set up, big shocker there. All in all they have plenty of work to do and if they plan to put out a final version this year, it will be some bad day's for Microsoft, and besides who knows the security holes that IE 8 with lal that rendering modes in them what not. Of course I think what would help Internet Explorer out would be the ability to skin it like firefox to make it less bland and stuff.
  9. Well after 13 years of being the top dog in the billionair clue Bill Gates, the Microsoft Guru is now in third place with only $58 Billion dollars compared to long time Friend , Warren Buffet's $62 Billion Dollars. Heck maybe Vista is Microsoft's downfall, but more likely the lost of $1.3 Billion dollars from European Union, the War on Open Source, and of course the facth te stock market has been really crappy the last three months. Either way their is a new King in town and although he plans to donate like 95% of his money Warren Buffet is the richest person in the world. SOURCE
  10. Well it seems that the Internet Explorer Team is pushing out the news for their latest browser which goes beta sometime this year, summer I believe. However, they set up a triple rendering mode for this browser meaning that Internet Explorer 8 will be able to display website based on different specs on web standards. Meaning that if someone coded really old school circa 1998 IE 8 will be able to display that properly with no quirks mode, they will also render websites during IE 7 run, and of course today's standards as well. To me, I think is the first original idea Microsoft has had in a long time, meaning that regardless how you code a website it would seem IE 8 will render it accordingly and properly. So I would say that coding to standards will be somewhat relax after years of people saying "YOU NEED TO CODE FOR STANDARDS". However, designers and coders will always be coding to standards but if this triple rendering engine concept is successful I see other browsers going for the same concept and thus built better browsers. I found this quote to be interesting: All I have to say this is the smartest thing they every done because if they implement the IE7 engine to IE8 I think that will finally kill this browser and make firefox top dog. Due to the fact how bad IE7 render engine has been especially to IE6 users. SOURCE
  11. How about a Giant Hug from your local saint Mich **hugs**, but hey think it like this you got something done out of this crappy day. I say take the night off come the EVIL computer and enjoy a fun activity of some sorts, but as to what I don't know but I think you will think of something .
  12. You better off with a Mac computer because the way they are design for heavy duty multimedia and what not. With darran then HP brand of computers seem lackluster in recent years, but of ocurse your better off building one from scratch to fully customize with your needs and what not.
  13. Well like Mich said you found the place, posting/earning credits is very easy and what not so it shouldn't be a problem to find topics that interest you and what not. I am with Mich as that topic has never been discuss here so it should be very interesting to see topics about this, and after a quick search it would seem a topic has been made way back when, and Mich you actually posted in it . Anyways welcome to the forum and enjoy your stay here.
  14. Today the final piece in sending spammer's to prison has been set, when the #8 spammer in the world Jeremy Jaynes was appearl was denied and so the question is who replaced him since he got busted and sent to jail. Although it is not an individual it is fact a group called Russian Business Network. However, since this group is number that they would be a small fry to the top 7, and interesting to note Russia takes 4 spots in this top ten list and sadly United States is number 10 . Of course we can be proud on the fact we are number one in worse countries for spam production compared to everyone else since that is all we do these days . Of course drugs and porn are the top of the list for these elite spammers as well which isn't all to surprising either, but still when a major spammer knows how to cover their tracks it is pretty hard to find them. Sadly though your favorite forum spammer is not on this list, I guess I have to spam some more in order to get on there . SOURCE #1 #2
  15. Well you can't really reinvent the wheel, all you can do is improve, and that is all browsers are doing now since their first versions, and that is all they did was improve on what they did already. I believe though that with Opera and firefox I think all the new idea's are over unless something is missing which I highly doubt.
  16. I have to agree I hate the snow now just because there is to much of it here at the house, I practically snow blowed at least 1000 pounds worth, and most of that was water when it combo on us last month. Some of snow piles are big enough to bury me standing up and no one would find me until it all melted . I was happy when we got snow but this snow needs to be on the mountains and not covering the whole house .
  17. Well I can save you about $140, however, it is still quite expensive for a Playstation 1 game. You can find it here Here is a ebay listing for $32 that is even cheaper.
  18. heck maybe your cousin and your boyfriend are, you know "seeing each other", but that is really thinking outside the box and of course I was having this conversation with someone about girl crushes, and so thats is why I am thinking that. Heck I would say the next time you see them together, blurt out if you cousin loves him or something, but remember if it is a yes answer well your on your own with how to fix that situation.Or you oculd get a restraining order put on you cousin to even be meaner about it. However, the reason your so mad about this is that your boyfriend is spending more time with your cousin then with you, and so its justifiable why your angry at your cousin and stuff. As to really fix the problem I would say either tell the cousin to stop, tell the boyfriend to stop, or just dump the boyfriend altogether. But still I think the "seeing each other" is a possibility but not to sure on it, and basically you have to put your foot down and tell them to stop, but I don't see that happening either. Or maybe you did something to cousin years ago and he is getting sweet revenge, but other then that not to sure how to effectively solve the problem without doing something I just mentioned above, because telling them to stop isn't doing it.
  19. Well in order to make green work effectively you want to use colors of orange, white, off white, darker or lighter green to give it some contrast and maybe some dull yellows. Usually blue doesn't work effectively, and with those buttons you have really don't go well with the green either. However, on the professional website you need a tad more work in the design area, though it looks simplistic, you have plenty of room to add a bit of wow factor to your site as well.
  20. Technically this isn't considered a long distance relationship, for it to be considered long distance you would need to add a few hundred miles between you and the other person. Anyways, I believe he wasn't trying to ignore you but in fact sad that you were moving away, even though it is a 20 minute drive, and like most typical guys they can't don't know how to express their sadness(emotions) to a girl properly. So you could say that it got worse for him as the days leading up to you leaving, and so saying good bye to you might have been difficult for him. As to what you need to do is basically find out if all that cheesy stuff is true and spend time with him and all that good stuff to see if he wants to be your bff minus the f (now that is cheesy ).It is reasonable to mad about the situation, but I bet if you ask him why he did it, you might get the reason that I just mentioned above, developing relationships is about time so give it time, lay down the rules of how far you want him to go and all that good stuff.
  21. Welcome to the forums SandysDad, we could always find a few more sci-fi geeks to populate the forum, maybe start a debate on which Star Trek series was better, of course that was Star Trek: TNG. Since your already hosted I won't go into detail about how the forum works and stuff, and so enjoy your stay here on Xisto.com.Heck someone else knows Firefly?? I say that series got shortchanged just because of reality tv and junk like that, even though it was on the Sci-fi channel.
  22. Well of course if you have an account like the way qupis is set up the amount of activity could get your account deleted as well, either because you have to much or not enough to cover it. Of course it all depends where those servers are located that make a big difference, but of course now a lot of countries are cracking down on illegal websites and stuff like that.
  23. Well from what I patched together this is how the credits system rates works without knowing the exact % but an estimate: -Non-Hosted Members - Normal credit rate -Hosted Members - 5-10% decrease in credits earn -Hosted Members In Negative Credits - get Non-hosted members credit rate with a boost of 5% to get out even quicker -Moderators - 15-20% decrease in credit rate when they are are hosted, but if they fall in the negative like regular hosted members that same rate applies -Admin - 25-30% decrease in credit rate, but since they are not hosted in the sense that they didn't apply it doesn't really matter how much they earn. -Oost Decrease - Awhile back it was briefly mentioned that after a certain amount of posts your credit rating for slowly decrease, and thus the longer your posts are the more it seems. Percentage wise it is a very low amount like .001% or something like that but either way it is small enough that it won't drastically reduce your credit rate to like 1 credit every 500 words or something like that. Now for the idea at hand I will be blunt and say that if this does happen expect some cheating to happen, base on the info I just gave people could create a non hosted member account and just go at it with credits to the point they no longer would need to post on their hosted account. Of course the simple solution would be to set up some sort of IP blocker in which you can't send credits to yourself but to everyone else. However, for those who are no longer are hosted but keep on posting here anyways I think it would be a good idea just because you can give those credits to those who want them, or set up mini contests and what not.
  24. The difference between an add on domain and parked domain is that when you add on another domain your basically doing a redirect to the original site with more then one domain. As with a parked domain your changing your old domain or in this case a sub domain into a full top level domain, and it usually is permanent. As for the add-on domain problem don't fill out the username/sub domain folder text box and then set up them up to redirect once the domain has been accepted. However, if it creates the add-on domain like that automatically then I believe you have to do a redirect on the domains admin panel as well, but not to sure on that. All sub-domains are is a folder within the main domain and so in order to connect to them you just type out the sub domain.TLD. and com or .net or .org. As for editing your sub-domain you just go into your file manager and then locate the folder within the public_html folder and then edit from there. FTPquota is use to limit how much a person can upload through an FTP, but could be used to limit bandwidth to an extent, but to limit bw you would have to set up a htaccess file I believe, but again not to sure how to limit bw usage through a sub-domain hosting account. And yes you would create an index file in that folder as well/
  25. To be honest I have to disagree with everyone and mention the fact that Internet explorer add-on's are not cheap and that you be lucky if you find one that is loaded with stuff and is free. Of course who isn't stealing idea's from who, but of course you can't call it stealing since these idea's are not patent to an extent that if someone creative an add-on for a browser they could get in trouble. Of course I only can imagine how many people have reverted back to IE6 at a designer's level and not at a business level, but hopefully with the claims of IE8 maybe people will go back to or something.
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