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Everything posted by Saint_Michael

  1. First off I block your friend or send him a message of what is going on and stuff, because most likely your friend is completely infect, and in away a zip file can be opened automatically if the virus is programed to do that, however, in order to do that you need to download the file first. Of course you should have realized that something was up the moment your friend sent the file because really your friend would have just sent you an image, and not a zip file. Of course my googling came up zilch about that particular zip file, and I wouldn't doubt you got tagged by the Storm worm, but I haven't heard much about Storm Worm going after IM clients, but knowing your "friend" they might have got hit by Storm. So I would get in contact wit ha security team and let them know about these files, and when ask you might have to send it to them so they can analyze it and see what you have.As for your second question IM worms are rare these days, though they still exist everyone goes after emails just because it is easy and more efficient to spread.
  2. Well if you go the website review forum you can see plenty of websites from trap users in there, and of course with a little google trick you can see the rest of the Xisto websites by doing this in google:site:Xisto.comThere was a script a member made that would display the whoel Xisto directory but I just check it and the directory is no longer there anymore to be used. So check out the options I provided, and of course I wouldn't doubt people would post their links for "free advertisement", and no spamming your links provide a little detail about what your site is about.As for mine it is blank right now.
  3. Yeah I believe it is your ISP that could be doing the downtime, because it would have to take a lot of queries to shutdown google like that all at once. When you see google go down, open a new window and see if another website shows up at all, and if it doesn't then it is your ISP connection and not the site themselves.
  4. You need to make sure your single page is in php and then do a simple php include to which will help display everything in one page. A php include looks like this <?php include("menu.php"); ?> However, if your looking for more information how how to code your own CMS, then check out these tutorials for getting some idea's.
  5. I believed it at first but after many years of thinking about it, and reading lots of stuff I believe once you are dead your dead. No don't take that the wrong way that everyone is wrong, but right now with what I deal with that is what I believe in. Of course if the four horseman of the apocolypse and Jesus do show up in front of me, well I ask my ticket for hell then . Of course I know people need something to believe in just because we don't have to think about how mortal we are and if we believe that we will be in a better place when our time on this planet is over. Then so be it, but with the way religions have been doing this fear of God and damnation and your going to hell is truly the curse of all religions I highly doubt any spiritual being told these men that is how we should live. However, give me a time machine and I go and prove what needs to be proved and most likely the odds are that the stories in any Holy scripture are completely false. Of course most of the stories you read in any of the holy books are based on times we are no longer living in and it is very tricky to compare these stories to when they were first written to now.
  6. Actually what you really need to do because I ran into the same incident shockingly enough, ***waits for gasps***, you need to change your MSN password, and of course tell everyone on your contact list about it as well because this type of spyware/malware goes through your contact lists and sends everyone the same message. So keep changing your passwords for your msn until the messages stopped, that is what I did.
  7. Although it seemed funny at the time, what you did was considered a crime and I would be curious as to how they found out, but me thinks they got the crate finger printed. I would want to know what your punishment was for doign this because I doubt it would be as severe if the animal ended up dead while you had it, but at least you returned it unharmed though.
  8. OMG I would have to say that is 95% true, although I don't know if I am hard to get but I guess I let the ladies who know me decide on that .
  9. Well with my real first name I have to say this is the complete opposite of me though for those who know me and what I told about them, and so I check out to see what my forum name was like; Again for those who know me I think this real is what I am, except for the selfish part, well sometimes I like ot be selfish . Although I don't give as often in terms of money and stuff like that, but I do give knowledge so it as good.
  10. I would say I am a little of everything just because whatever weaknesses I have in one category, I have something to back it up with the others. So you could say I am well mixed in these personality categories. Of course I did that all myself with some help and so I wouldn't really need a personality test to tell me otherwise .
  11. Well the hosting is great, Xisto gives you what they advertise and if you need something more or don't see something they have, then suggest it and it could be added on. Just like bluebear mention, since your already at 26 posts you should have plenty of credits to get the default package, just make sure to go over your posts and see that they are at least 2+ sentences long and are quality posts. So enjoy your stay here at Xisto.com.
  12. Welcome to the forums Stricken, and yes this is a good place to get hosting, and like the previous poster check out the Xisto Read me as it will explain everything you need to know about on how to have a good time here in the forums. So do some posting, and then get some fine hosting here on Xisto.
  13. You might be able to pull it off with COD4 but you may want to at least bump up your gfx card to the 7000 series or if you feel really spunky the 8000 series gfx cards. The processor speed though seems fine you might get better results with a processor in the 2.xx GHz range just to make it smoother and get caught in a delay pause and find out 3 seconds later you just got killed.As for your ultimate machine a duo core 2 extreme processor would be good enough, as quad core is really necessary for processing lots of data or rendering large media files and what not. Same goes with doubling up your graphics cards as one 8000 or 9000 series cards are plenty to run most graphics heavy games.
  14. Yeah don't blame yourself blame your "friend" and ex just becuase neither of them were being faithful for you, and odd's are that hte people who asked you why you two broke she was telling them some BS story. Of course I am surprise you didn't take it out on those two just because of what they did and what not. Of course you popping like that is understandable after being hounded on why you broke up and stuff like that, but take note though there are other fish in the sea.
  15. Wow mine took about 50 minutes to install, but I assume you have a faster machine or rather a faster hard drive to get it done in less then 30 minutes. As for anything new to Vista hard to say but it sure does use up space tricky77puzzle check your winsxs folder in your hard drive because I am curious how much that got bigger after having SP1 installed since mine is at nearly 6 gigs now.
  16. Yeah getting children to behave liike good children is a hard task in itself, but 7 pounds really surprising even from that tummy shot you have made it seem like he is bigger. Of course there could been other reasons why you seemed bigger, but glad that he is doing well and putting on the weight, now to get my nephew to be calm and not cranky when someone is not holding him .
  17. It sounds interesting but I think it is more work then it needs to be to make a good search engine. Granted google has made it more complicated then it should be with google rankings and all that other stuff, however, when I do wikipedia to look at stuff I am not to fond of their search methods just because your topic has to be really spefici and even if it you usually don't get results and so I think maybe combine the search engine method from this site to wiki to make it better. Although wiki and google made an exclusive deal just because you usually see wiki page in the first ten results, and besides all it is is a wikipedia clone with a better seach engine nothing more, but I guess it is a wait and see to see where this website goes.
  18. Of course we know that is why we still go to them because we need a little stupidity in our lives. and yeah Scary Movie one and two were the better of the 4 movis just because the Wayne brother's didn't force the jokes like they did in Epic Movie, Date movie, and Meet the Spartans. To many jokes get incorporated and not enough running gags like the fact Ray was being gay in the first two movies even though he wasn't. Of course it makes me wonder how much money most of these spoofs were paid to be made, because it would seem that they are losing a lot, especially on the fact that most of these movies last less then 90 minutes. Which annoy's me just because just as it is getting good the movie has ended, just like the way Spartan movie ended.
  19. I usually don't do upgrades just because a fresh installation or the full version would be better just because you don' know what kind of problems you could run into if you install the upgrade. Although I am bit shocked that you haven't had any problems with leopard just because when it first came out, problems for the new OS were popping out of no where. So I guess you were one of the lucky ones that didn't have any problems. With my knowledge of Mac OS or the lack there of, I believe apple doesn't do the serial numbers, or set the amount of times you can install an OS before you have to by a new one (Vista). I know Watermonkey is a Mac freak so you may want to get a hold of him to talk about leopard.
  20. I have to agree with some of hte posters, your website is not very complete to be even review and thus the poor-average rating the most members are giving it. As for the banner I think it would be more appropriate to have a cobra icon then various images of games you play. Same goes with the forums you need a lot more work to make it get a good ranking, and since your using SMF you might want to look at what kind mods they have for clan related stuff or to make it more clan related.I know you been working on it since you talk a lot about it on the forums, and I assumed you and your partner done some good work, but it would only seem you have a core design set up without tackling the finer points to it. So keep working at it and start incorporating clan related scripts, and I have seen websites use them but I can't give your specifics on where to fine them.
  21. Well you can't put most of the blame on the browsers themselves you oculd put like 60% of the blame on W3C for the constant updates that browsers cannot keep up with, heck when HTML 5 is finally release (date?), all the major browsers will have to be updated again just to accept the html 5 standards and with the new stuff that is being added to this version it will be very conflicting with XHTML standards. So IE 9, Firefox 4, Opera 10 will coming along in the next couple of years to be able to accept html 5 standards.
  22. Welcome to the forums dave, and since you put yourself as a beginner web web designer, you could learn a lot here in a few months and maybe bump yourself up to the next level. you don't need to be a master coder to be an expert designer, but able to learn the different aspects designing you will be learn more then just simple HTML and CSS.
  23. Although it seems some progress has been made since joining that program, and I know you wouldn't want to do this but I would have followed her just to see where is going. It is obvious that she is not going to tell you the truth just because the obvious reaction would you being getting mad at her and what not. Some of the suggestions that hte previous poster mention seem like something you should consider like getting together with the principal, school councilor, and of course you two and have a heart to heart talk, because with the amount of absences she has, your daughter could be repeating whatever grade she is in before she can graduate. From the looks of it she could already be doing that if she hasn't taken the state test to graduate.Of course I agree with the councilor, that you getting angry abotu the situation and of course grounded her isn't working, but I think you two need to spend some alone time for a week just to sort everything out, because it seems your daughter has a problem but she doesn't want to talk to you about just because of how angry your getting about the situation. Yes you have the right to be upset, but you need to be understanding as well and maybe seeing an outside councilor as well because there might be even more problems, and it could stem from the fact that she might have not forgiven you and her dad about splitting up. Most kids will not talk about it, and most of the time they are saying she is fine about it but her actions could being something else, and so you might want to get her father involved with this as well. Being a teen is very hard these days, but your way of supporting her is not helping, and getting her boyfriend might help somewhat, but you need ot be there for her more.Basically you have to relearn who yur daughter is because what you see now is her anger is coming from you the most, and so basically you have to relearn how to be a mother and more important someone she can trust.
  24. Welcome to Xisto "Dan" urbanwitch, though breif it is I am surprise you didn't post a link to your gallery or website just to see what kind of web designing you do. Don't forget to check out the Xisto.com Read me as that will tell you everything you need to know how to do well in this forum and get a good website going through the Xisto Hosting service. So enjoy your time here and see you in the forums.
  25. Actually when your online I am at school so that is why you don't see me talking to you :(

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