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Everything posted by Saint_Michael

  1. even though it was a tragic event, i would have to say the all governments at at fault if they just listen instead of blowing stuff up and killing people and just talk we wouldn't be having this many problems now. you could say world war II was a big part in todays world events, if you look at it people where seeking power and whats the best way war, but also if you look at what happen to iraq after world war II you could say it was the start of it, and of course the war with israel and the rest of the middle east had parts in it as well.history has proven one thing humans can never live in peace with the world and with each other, if im alive when the apocolypse happens my last words would be "at last we have peace".
  2. hmm maybe i can give your site a look see since i do well in web design and graphics.
  3. yeah i have to agree console are better it hard to hack a system that has nothing in it except for memory cards, but you have to think about it thought they can hack the lines connected to it but i havn't heard to much about that.GO PS2 and PS3
  4. the only way the could top webhosting is give like 15-20 gigs worth of webpace, but yeah so much illegal content will be uploaded it would take the govermnet years to shut them all down and bring them to court, but then google would be considered monopolizing the internet which means everyone would have eyes on them. well i have to agree lets just see what happens next with the.
  5. well unless you didn't play the original then you don't the great improvements done to this game since the game first came out in the mid 90's.but yeah i tried the demo the graphics, weapons and sound where good but it was dull to play, i consider it as a rental just to blow off a weekend of fun and games.
  6. yes hulunes joined the dark side of sig making and you will become as powerful as i muhahahahaha, it is the only way.man i got to stop using star wars stuff in my postss but meh its still a good gig.but one more thing to add its always good to use is white in your brushes cuz then it will make the background stand out more when you do the final coloring of your sig.
  7. good but can i add something i did some modifying for the ipb forum login scripts its just a simple way to have people login on o the forums with out need to login through them the olny thing you have to do is change the url info colored in red, i havn't test it to see if the cookies work but you can successfully login.
  8. going to list the best one evernightmare on elm streetfriday the 13thstarwarslord of the ringsspaceballsmost of arnolds moviesramboholloweenscary moviejohn candy's moviesnational lamppon movies.
  9. well it is true blood is thicker then water, won't be surprised that aunt petunia is a witch and she wanted to hid it all this time. but the final confrontation will be the biggest thing since luke skywalker finding out that darth vader is father
  10. you people watch to much ghost in a shell, i tell why it will be impossible to do anything like that, human physics 101, you cannot keepa brain alive cuz once you discount it from the body everything shuts down, and so does the brain, forget about the frankennstien stories cuz thier is no way from what i understand to electroshock a brain back into working order, most doctors and scientists are still working out the details of false body paorts like arms and legs, yeah its been going on for ahile computer technology is somewhat making improvements but its all thoery and if their was any practical way in doing it i don't think anyone would want to volunterr to have their brain removed and transplanted in a robot or another body, just to many risks involve.
  11. well i tired, im surprised that i was right on most of it, hey question are you running the server off your computer or is it seperate from your computer?.
  12. its a nice tutorial for people in compter design/os design, but for me makig or downloading these curors are just a waste space, last time i downloading some cursors it just came out all wrong had to spend time lining them up in order to close out on programs and that i jsut stayed with the default cursors.still a good well detail tutorial cmat----two halos XP
  13. again like say on mnay other make money topics in the forums, its total bs and its way for toher people to use your information against you so they can get away scott clean and you get in trouble by the authorities, it is against he law i nthe us to use false advertizement, im surprised they havn't crack down on all these money scams, especially the ones on tv those are bs and anyone smart enough to by into it are as stupid as the people trying to make thier money the easy way.but i did read the scam sheet that was posted by cmat, im not surpised that everyone is going it. also really where are they getting the money to send to the 100 million accounts using these programs, advertisement is a hard gig to get into and only the big names can afford good advertisement.1 man operations will not cut it in the market unless they designed a mircle invention, for people to buy.of course if i had the skills for certain activities, i would destroy their reputation. but since i can't i only can dream about doing it.
  14. true you can do alot with filters i seen some of them, makes me wonder what combinations to use but yo know how people are keeping them secrets which is ok but it doesn't help those in need of designing.
  15. i would say have fun posting but you already ahead of me saying that, so have fun post alot XP and welcopme aboard.
  16. oh the layer ok i got it when doing the text just do it for it and not the layer hmm going to have to look into this.
  17. wehn you work with fonts bes thing to do is either have the text black or white cuz then you can work with the colors better, it wold have been better blended in.
  18. i agree with snlil ***gasp*** i would have dropped the tech all together or at least when into detail with it the bevel is takening away fro mthe background, nice c4 render you have going to color looks ok with it but i would have done more with the font the set up is nice due to the colors going together but i would have used a a more tech type font.5.5- the design was the thier but the effort wasn't.
  19. your tried to resize make sure to click on the chain link image on top of the menus then the image will be equal on both sides.font not working with the background, background is ok but could use a little more brushing.going to sign you up for $300.00 photoshop sig designing classes it will help you out6/10 i know you can do better you been watching me and johnny go at it for awhile now.
  20. hmmm that i don't believe would happen it would be more oxygen based since pure oxygen and hydrogen burn nice and well.
  21. thats a reasonable assumption, im a shy person myself, it took a while to say those three favorite words, to my gf, i use my humor to break the ice at the beginning of the relationship, which has benefited me greatly. of course spending time with her and getting to know her as a person has help to.
  22. good job this should help out the new members to make good avatars to use in the forum. hmm maybe i should change my avatar, going to consider it this weekend.10/10
  23. well london is one big camera, they are the only city in the world that has camers in every spot, it did help identify the terrorists but what was done is done, we only can keep fighting the good fight until they realize that its just a waste of time to kill innocent people just cuz some crazy person is who hates their life make things bad for us.
  24. yeah i heard good things about the game and the series of games that fall in line with TOS, its good tactics but the only thing that made me not get the games in general was the cheap psx graphics, details as they are it didn't suit my gaming need.
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