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Everything posted by Saint_Michael

  1. another scam and another way to waste people time, that is my opinion on this scam.
  2. have an errorParse error: parse error, unexpected T_ELSE in /home/saint/public_html/sig.png/index.php on line 20
  3. if it was it shouldn't have be that choppy unless you took a small image and made it bigger which would also make it look choppy.im willing to pay snlil of course i would get a 75% intrest rate for you paying me back XP
  4. who doesn't i missed the cat one so i will comment on it yeah the grass is off i would have gone with a grunge brush, but the border is pretty good it gives it some depth but the render though it looks like it was overlayed and not put on luminostiy ot make it blend with the colors.6/10
  5. yeah going cold turkey is very hard to do most people fail at it because they do not believe themselves or have the support of family and friends.
  6. i bet that most of those queries are search bots and yeah the email is going to slaughter your account up good i would pay the 5-10 bucks a month just to have a good reliable host but since i don't it at this time i can't recommend who to go to just search around.
  7. i use most of the tme overlay on the border.to answer about the strokes on the layers i just do one like johnny said its alot easier to do.action???
  8. truth johnny you can't handle the truth, not to brag but i would get some serious rep points going on here at least, you forget i do sigs as well, and so far i had a few requests to make a sigs for someone which means my work is getting better and i do get the fuzzy feeling too
  9. i know that just taken some of the work load off of you and since im such a nice guy.
  10. it is best of seven so i would consider it a winjohnny 3-0 kremit 2-1 saint-michael 2-2
  11. i will give it to you i concede see you in the next battle2-2 is my recond loss to kremit and johnny and won against musk and senor maniac (well just need one more vote)
  12. try out xammp their is a tutorial of how to get it running your computer to make your ocmputer a server, thier is some other software out thier that cna do it but xammp i know about.
  13. yeah now i can really do sigs now, actually johnny might help you out on the tutoriials, i use me week end to work on one with images and all yeah!!!
  14. well it could go either way, its not like we go on a webcam and do it in front of millions, the romatic stuff is private between two people and stay that way because it means to both people that they are true to their feelings for that person. but you know how some people are mostly guys who like to make public their "conquests", i say if you want a happy relationship don't brag to your friends that you got some of the presidents daughter or something like that. be true tp yourself and be true to your loved one.
  15. welcome a board it shouldn't be a problem for you to get a account here just post reply to the many topics on the forum and request your account, its that simple and easy.have fun as well
  16. im not saying kissing with the hands im saying using the hands for the sensual massage to get it really going and hot hot hot. its all in the art of love, sond like chef on southpark, but serious though hands can be your ally or your friend you just go to know when and how to use them.SNLIL curious what did your teacher say about the siliva? cuz i don't remember filling buckets of it when i do it. its just a small amount from my experiance.
  17. i remember back in the day when mtv should like 20 hours of music and like 4 hours of shows. which were related to music.now its like 2 hours of music and 22 hours shows, yeah money is what makes stuff happen but viacom owns mtv but they also own upn, nbc and some other channels you wold think that some of it could be thrown on one of those channels, of course not it decade of nothing mut reality tv shows, vh1 is the closest in show mixed music but they are becoming like mtv though.
  18. but when it comes down to ti the boss is always right, yeah in thier mind, you can't have employee's make the boss look stupid but yeah explain in detail why your methods will be better and if you have to show a picture or two go right ahead.
  19. yeah i would go with dell i would put compaq in a close second place in cheap but good laptop computers ( i have one myself.)
  20. well law is one thing is i don't touch but you would have to concure aome peole are known to find loops holes in the law for them use against the courts, and most of the time it does work until they find the law and change it so it won't happen again, the law is like the constitution it can be change for the better or for the worse.
  21. i give 5:! odds on a increase to the bill since they are putting more resources in for a faster connnection to the net.
  22. snlil i could have told you that about the inside stroke , yeah when i did the outside and center it didn't look as goo but that was a long time ago maybe i should give it another shot.
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