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Everything posted by Saint_Michael

  1. well it should be interesting to see, with all the ideas that where givign here on your first 2.
  2. animation is alot easier to do and i will tell you why:1: all your doing is minipulating the images to do what they need to do.when it comes to programming games you have so many different aspects to do, sounds, graphics, maps, battles, weapons, character interactions, thats why it takes at least 1-2 years to put out a good game, and then you have to debug it as well which would taken even longer.
  3. well heres something you should find interesting this is coming from the man him self Nostradamus click here to read the rest of it http://www.armageddononline.org/nostradamus.php its amazing how Nostradamus predictions have been looked at lately since 9/11, alot of conspirecy theorists have been looking at 9/11 as the event to top it off and then some and then the 3rd anti-christ is being looked at. but i have to say to hurt america is by destroy its allies and supporters, most of the middle east hates us including saudia arabia and the middle east has the best access to the world so its just matter of time before the go ahead is called for a nuke drop, its going to happen it just when and who will do it to spark the falme to dark ages again. Notice from BuffaloHELP: Fixed quote tag closure.
  4. free products thats the thing you don't know who sending these it sure isn't the companies making them thats why they have thier own Q&A teams to test the products out.
  5. hmm supernatrual thats taking it to the extreme. but i remeber mid 90'2 when i think it was brazil goalie was killed for losing the game after botching a goal, now thats extreme.of course a good ole soccer riots are sweet never been in one but i here it is one heck a rush to be in it.
  6. i believe a topic like this has been started don't know iif it still exsists but im from ::AMERIKA::
  7. aaah!! just reading is killing off my brain cells and the fact you have to use some math just makes it even worse ***falls to floor rolling around mumbling to self about e=mc2***
  8. i hear either 2006 or 2007 somewhere around that time, hmm i would spend that time encrypting the heck out of it so it iwll be impossible to hack through whens its becomes the primary os.
  9. well that is impreesive but i got a collection starting from the beginning of ps that dwarfs everything you have, yeah i should show it but i have to many cases and or the imte to do it.also skynet i wouldn't be showing that on this forum, one priated software is illegal 2 showing it on this forum is against the TOS.
  10. ooh i see, miss the whole animation cuz it went by so quickly i would have done a repeat animation to keep it going not just stop xtra.
  11. daman but i have feeling its the same guy dunno have to ask him when he get back which is not in another month or so lol.
  12. well its not like microsoft could buy them out its not that hard, the mozilla team would take the cash in a heart beat.
  13. here is the font to use on this sig http://www.dafont.com/font.php?file=blink_182 beleive it works wonders but then you have to go more grunge in the background to make it stand out.
  14. not really my killzone sig i did grunge/abstract/tech and it came out cool. you just have to where to put the tech brushing with in the grunge to make it look good.
  15. maybe write a book about hte rules and guidelines of sig making, we make a bunder off the royalties alone .
  16. ok now on to the good ole stuffcolors i would have goen witha red white and blue theme the text i would have gone more tech since it is robotron from tramsformers, and on top of that i would have gone with either a tech border or a tech background. not your best so for maybe some more detail into it and it will look better6.5/10
  17. i wouldn't be surprise if they do skin mods to it to suit the users need, well the one thing that bothers me though im not a hotmail user, hopefully they let you change the account settings to like to add yahoo gmail (doubt it) to the browser.1400 POSTS WHOOOHOOO!!!!
  18. well if thier is another way to shorten up the coding to retrieve the images then that would be good, but i think its going to be pretty big, if you look what i did i have over 50+ images, but the best parts its not really taking that much space in the long run since all your doing is adding 2 lines of coding.
  19. go to deviantart.com hulunes and download 15 grunge 15 abstract 15 fractel, and 15 tech brushes to give you a good idea how to mix mand match brushes.
  20. your latest one is even cooler, i would have used a skinnerm font script, cuz the thickness takes away from overall coolness of the sig.9.5/10well i don't really follow a set of rules, i more bend them at will to suit my needs when i design you can call it eccentric designing
  21. wel lto start things off glad that we have inspired you to sig again i highly recommend my file front website to download 2400+ renders. http://www.gamefront.com/ ok now on the comments Sig 1 everything except the font work well with each other, i would use a more tech kind of font. 8.5/10 sig 2 the slices and font not going well with the good background, but hte motion blur works good with it, 8.5/10 sig 3 font not working with this one i would have gone with a black stroke around the text, and blend the render just a bit more 8.9/10
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