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Everything posted by Saint_Michael

  1. well i will start things offBlaqueMajik:- text is a little flat and with that i doesn't go with the background that much.-background is pretty good, could use more though- the color of the render goes well with it, and it gives it the depth that it needs to stand out.Johnny:- render is sweet it gives it some depth with the shadow behind it, but could have used some blending- brushing even though good its a little flat compared to your other ones.- your text is a little better since it has some depth in it.- and the overall coloring goes well with the render and the text and the background.my votes goes to JOHNNY0-2 Notice from Johnny: Fixed the score
  2. just like johnny, oooh am i good, but to stay on topic ***somewhat***, you saying that alot of people are using the same one or that the same person is using the same one?
  3. well if you remember what johnny said about the man behind the buffalo, you would think something is going and place i wear boxers :Dmy bad i spelled it wrong illin is that better mister thug.
  4. well it could be the computer, since cs2 take alot of jouice to run, but i am interested in that tifa render though ***no comment*** pm me a link ot that pic so i can add to ma many other lady renders oh lalalalala.
  5. i believe a spin off of the cataur was done for the ps but don't know, i believe the cataur made a appeare in the nintendo version of final fantasy but i don't know which one since i never played them.
  6. if you look at my bufflaHELP gift sig number one you will know why it comes out wrong when i multi color.
  7. who knows snlil if you go back and edit this one you might get a ill looking sig with the tank, just make sure not to use circles.
  8. yeah i agree its one of your better ones it just need the depth, where you get he optical illusion of the render popping out but blended in the background.
  9. oh i can appriciate it cuz its way better then what i can draw :D, i thought i saw some color ones at book stores thats why i asked. whats funny a gilr main cast manga is better then dudes leading the way it makes it more deep and philisophical as well.
  10. i will make sure to do that for you snlil ***and i was told im a mean person with cruel intentions****.
  11. well pretty much what was said in the previous post, but i ould have made the rat a solid image and maybe blending its feet in, font pixelated, brushing even though getting better you can do more.fix the font and your good with sig number 2.sig 1: 5/10 sig 2:8/10
  12. i have to agree ***gasp***i would have gone with maybe grunge in simpson colors to make it blend in more.and the shirt yeah i wouldnld have blended it in well with these colors at least.6/10
  13. i dunno looking at it again it looks like something from early 90's computer game like diablo, well the text should be more thicker i guess its too thin for those colors., and then those eyelashes maybe making them smaller and more of them would help out to as well.
  14. yes i did, well maybe i get lucky when i go render hunting sand someone got some good ones going.
  15. i will take a look and see what you be talking about, i know about the pill image thats was done is that what your talking about.
  16. funny only you have a thing for subzero, even though some kubi stuff is better then that one, it must be the blue.
  17. not bad again your problem is text from the ones i seen in your posts pixelated and fuzzy text is killling the overall coolness of the sig make sure to tweak the aliasing for your text to make it crisp and not fuzzy.5/10
  18. maybe the text a little smaller would help out maybe 2 sizes smaller and get rid of the green tint or change that color to something else, but the brushing even though good, could use some more dark spots in it.8/10
  19. well snlil who knows you might pull a upset win over me , but its up to the people who decideds to go and who stays, and the random script that is going ot be use is not all bad, the number people have is based on when they posted their sig15 so far (johhny is holding out on us) which is pretty good and some of sigs being used is like mind blowing, have a feeling though ig im right im make it past the first round and first round only, but who knows i can.....go....all...the..waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!!!!best thing about the tourney it won't go against my record. of 5-2 not including the 3-way dance, but hopefully i will give johnny a loss hahaha. with our current battle.
  20. well fo yo uwrestling fans out there her is the lates info so far for the new wrestling game. here is a list of the current roster that is known so far for the game: Batista Carlito Caribbean Cool Chris Benoit Christian Eddie Guerrero Edge JBL John Cena Kane Kurt Angle Randy Orton Rey Mysterio Shelton Benjamin Triple H The Undertaker also the graphics engine turned it up a notch my making the characters even more realistic, but make a digital copy of thier face and then work thier way down. ***can't wait to see some divas*** also change is the way the divas wrestling matchs work out , you know can the option of what they look like and what the ring looks. ***french maid outfit woohoo*** so far all current ppv will in along with the dull but interesting Taboo tuesday where fans pick that match. *** that should be interesting to see how that works out*** of coure the most anticiapted match of all time that everyone is drooling for is hte Buried Alive match, where you literally through a bnuch of dirt on your opponent, to win the match. of another updaye match is hte back stage brawl i nearly pissed my pants when i read this, ****can't wait for that, now you can tell your employees that they are fired but kicking the snot out of them.**** and to top of the list of updates and new stuff the create your own title now add tag team titles to the list as well as the use of the current and old style titles as well.****create my self some sick looking titles that only i can weare MUHAHAHA***. well i will keep you all posted, but if you want to read more about it go here http://www.ign.com/games/wwe-smackdown-vs-raw-superstar-series/ps2-717798 or just search raw vs smackdown 2006.
  21. yeah i have to agree the text is lackluster since you overlayed it you can tell by the coloring of the text, and thats it really small and pixelated. yeah i would have put the scanlines under the render, since the background didn't have much depth in it.the blend job is noobish at most but good effort either way.6.3/10
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