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Everything posted by Saint_Michael

  1. not this time but now I am interested on how you do those I know the somewhat basic concept with the layer properties and all that junk but I want to make sure my assumptions are right about how its done.but with the sig at hand i think its the background color that kind of contrasting this sig. Font looks good but the color you used could be different though.
  2. thats what im thinking as well so i sent them a support ticket, cuz those jokers give you so much space but if I can get them to do the php include then i can save like a ton of space and load it up with content and junk.actually just thinking about it here is hte include that I am trying to do<?php include('http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/;); ?> thats the full url path to the page that I am trying to connect could that be a problem to it as well?
  3. what Im trying to do is put a <?php include(''); ?> into my footer through the acp to out source content in order make room on the forum I think its possible but im wondering if I need to do something in order for it to register correctly.any thoughts.I have tried every method I could think of but its not picking it up.<?php include('http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/;); ?> thats the full url path to the page that I am trying to connect could that be a problem to it as well?
  4. well some of things I have notice that you need to correct is that in IE your right column is not where it should be of course whitespace gap as well. But in your firefox your left nav menu is misaligned as well which could be contributing to the alignments issues you are having with the site.another thing I notice is the text size I would either get a different font choice (thats if your using a image for your headers) or change the size to something smaller.other then stuff that I have mentioned and people have mentioned it looks pretty good cms.
  5. let me be the first to say moron and hope the $500 was worth it, but yeah if your lucky you might get suspended sentance which I doubt it since its grand theft in which you could get 5-10 years and also slap a nice cash alottment as well(not 1-2 months) for it depending on where you live and how nice the judge is as well.But really stealing money from people in which the money is use to help out people is pretty bad and your friend should be going to jail as well for being a accomplice to this as well in which he would get 1-5 max. Of course once the judge sends you to jail you won't be at trap much.
  6. Hell no!!! this little corprate take over has to stop if I have to when the time comes I find out how to crack that little system, I don't feel like paying $1000 for software that's that expensive. Heres the article that I found about this Trsuted Company http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/~rja14/tcpa-faq.html But yeah this tpm has been going for awhile but not in full force. Now think about this imagine what you have to do with all the servers that are connected to the internet, that means they all have to covert over or you may in fact cripple the whole internet with this. I only see this this system working for governmental use or major hardware or software companies. Bill gates needs to get a life, hes doing this to screw the government over for breaking up is company a while back. plus every who nows about computers and hackers will no doubt be trying to either help them from the inside (if possible) or cracking the hardware and posting it.
  7. I just read in a magazine that microsoft is not even considering doing Halo 3 for any xbox version right now, which is great news those who think the game is corny to begin with like me . So oyu halo fans will have to keep on playing halo 1 and 2 until they think to even start the programming for this game.
  8. yeah I agree the squares are killing this if oyu lower the opactiy with the squares just a bit and pick out a nice dark background color it would look a little better.or use the mosaic filter instead of the tiles you can get a better effect with it one of my tuts covers on how to use the mosiac filter.
  9. actually I would rate this one in my top 10 great sig designs.
  10. Sig Size:100x 100 400x150Brushes: grungeText: Character NameColors: FreestyleRender: Dragon Ball ZEntry Dealine: April 15, 2006entries only.
  11. Sorry about the lack of updates to the site people been busy but the site has been updated in small portsions mostly our affiliates page and basic forum stuff as well.SOTW Winners has been updated to SOTW #31 winnerSOTW Multi champs has been updated to include 6x SOTW Winner in which Avalon and truefusion are our first people to get there.Well the the affiliate set up has been changed for the site in terms of how to sign up and then the admin stuff so it will be easier to get them upload in a hurry as well when we get them.Now for stat infoWe have over 10,000 pageviewsalmost 40,000 downloads at saint-michael filefront accountneed 5 more affiliates to hit our 100 affiliate markand we have 22 sites join in our top site list as well.
  12. Albus Dumbledore JdMxStyleZ hulunes Senor Maniac Avalon saga savage17 Saint-Michael Voting format: Albus Dumbledore:0 JdMxStyleZ:0 hulunes:0 Senor Maniac:0 Avalon:0 saga:0 savage17:0 Saint-Michael:0 make sure to give a reason for your vote or it will be nulled.
  13. SOTW is over winner is Avalon congratulations for winning this weeks SOTW.
  14. yeah I thought 9.0.x was the new version of opera got spam email about that from unrelated sites about it.netscape navigator someone still uses that browser?
  15. awesome tutorial image using just a single key to make a cool pattern like that, wonder what other key board keys could be used to make something like that.
  16. I would move out the town all together if the town police are afraid of arresting someone for breaking a court order protection reguardless if they are a different race . Plus I would move that court protection order 3000-4000 feet so he can't even be near you at all.Best advice I can give you is pack up and leave the town altogether and out like a couple of hundred miles between you and that town as well, if the police and courts are not doing anything about this evil person until he actually kills someone then thats a place where I wouldn't want to have children grow up at with people like that place. Also playing the race card is not going to help you when you rape and try to murder to someone. Also it is against the law to stalk someone as well.But if that not a option then keep on filing police/court reports about this guy untill he finally goes to jail for his crimes but let the police handle their problems for harrassment since they are not harrassing him he's just trying to keep himself from going to jail for a long time. Also I recommend going to the superior courts for this to work this issue since higher courts don't look at race as an issue heck you already have another eye witness his ex since hes been doing this for a long itme.personally I would beat the hell out of him hell and I would chop off his junk so he can't use it. But that i don't recommend, just follow the advice I have giving for hte courts and the police about this.
  17. also providing images for your tutorials as well would be even a greater advantage of people using your tutorial and commenting on it. Since it gives visual image of what your trying to do as well.Also the tutorial needs to be original and not copy and pasted from another site either. If you copied it from another site your need the original link to it and you need to post the tutorial in quotes since it is not of your work.
  18. well as an advocate of blowing up peoples computers who do these kinds of websites sites the only rule they have to follow is no affiliate links so 1 they don't make a profit off this site and 2 don't make a profit on this site. :angry:but they can post money making sites its not like smart people are going to join them.
  19. yeah sienfeld is my favorite show ever bot the first 7 season on dvd so far I have to say they got some pretty good extras on it as well.Its hard to say what my favorite episode is, but it would have been cool of them to do a episode 1 year after (their jail sentence) see them get out of jail and then move on or something like that.
  20. well also another thing ot add to the text since oyu have a thick border why don't you center the text more to fill it up.Im with a little agreement to darken the red just bit, but the ony thing that should be done as well is lighten in small area's to bring out the background just a bit.
  21. well I do have a fwe smudging tutorials on the site on how to do basic smudging and what not.@BBT if I where to fix the text it would be solid instead of the overlay setting that I have it on. Glow text wouldn't go for especially using a script font since its so thin. That type of font would look better if part of the background was sold and darker to bring it out as well. but something as birhgt as this would go to far.
  22. we know that wariorpk it was a april fools joke and good one in fact from what I have seen.
  23. welcome to the site and from what I saw myself not bad at all it should be interesting to see what you have and all that good stuff.
  24. ever heard of books software schools and what not to learn a language of course the worse part is trying to memorize everything I have an ok memory but when It comes to trying to speak a fluent language I have a better chance at making the new OS that makes windows look like junk and you know the rules about bumping topics like that. But me personally I have no idea of who. But to help you out in your quest of learning a language here are some sites for you. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ http://www.worldroom.com/pages/wrnhcm/customs/hcm_lang.phtml /legacy http://www.linguanaut.com/english_vietnamese/ of how accurate some of this stuff is thats up to you but it should help you out though.
  25. I put in a little more thought and blending into these photo minips hope you like the first one its of the swiss alps I think and the other one is a lilly.
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