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Everything posted by Saint_Michael

  1. agree those bubbles look good they give the background. Also something to think about if you add white scanlines at 45 degree angle behind the movie bars and lower the opacity somewhere around 5-10it could seperate the render even more.But thats just me.
  2. agree on the dark part heres something that oyu can work with that I'm trying out as well is oyu make a new layer fill it in black go to filter then lens flare and then work with the layer properties to make it look bright then it originally looks.The background is ok, would drop the render on the left move the render on the right over and then center the text in the open space on the left.
  3. not bad at all, like hte look of the text as well.
  4. I would have the c4d render on top and then blend in the background from their. Also the outer glow on those icons isn't neccesary maybe a drop shadow will work.
  5. its a bit plain, can't really direct you to vector tuts since not to many are around. Best Thing to do is work with gradient layers and filters to bring it out.
  6. its not bad, just fix that flat part on the tires at the bottom other then that looks cool enough for a website logo for a profession site.
  7. they look ok but for the size I think on the 2nd sig looks good like that. The first one could have been way smaller to cut of all the open space, burshing is getting better.Though te blending looks nice the text placement should be a bit lower and centered more.I would remove the render on the left and then would on the brushing and blending for the render on the right.
  8. could have done the same thing in smaller size though.But with your logo though i think a professional touch would have suit it more then have it put in something like this.
  9. SOTW is Over Se?or Maniac is this weeks winner. Congratulations.
  10. Going with the manic on this one. MARocker is unique, the out glow on the text and that 3d effect with the squares doesn't suit my taste.MaRocker : 2Albus Dumbledore : 0Avalon : 0Euro Ganhos ?$ : 0Kubi : 0Se?or Maniac : 3psychiccyberfreak : 0itsmyard : 1Saint-Michael : 1ashmaster : 0savge17 : 0
  11. I don't know why but picking the right layer properties is the hardest one with this sig. about 20 layers with some unique lighting effects that you can't visually see in this sig.
  12. this is the sports sig that i am entering don't remember what filter I used to make that sweet looking background besides the motion blur.
  13. well instead of scripting it why don't you just install the affiliate mod it would be alot easy and the randomize is already done, you oculd tweak it from there if you want.
  14. but again though not doubting the man with the highest IQ on the planet, but its all theory though. Yes they came up with the idea's and all but they have no proof. Even if you put the all the smartest people on earth and tell them to get a time machine working that they will succed. Time travel and worm holes are nothing more then sci-fi right now. Look at it now the richest nations of the world have yet to figure out how to space travel as common as driving a car. That is one future that could happen, but to many people are talking and not listening. We know how to do space flight we know how to make a space station and people living on it for long periods of time.The process I see it we would have to make one space station every 50,000 miles to reach the moon and thus begin building a station on the moon. Once Successful it would be time to expand on the stations and reach mars. With all this nuclear technology I don't think it would be that hard to make a space shuttle go nuclear. We know nuclear power can last a very long time and can generate alot of power, look at all these nuke subs and battleships. If everyone would stop fighting and pool in their resources this would be all possible, heck we would have already reach mars with all the money the world be spending in the last 6 years fighting wars and stuff.If everyone would follow what japan did after WWII and go pacifist, heck I would see us at either jupiter or saturn working on the stations.thats a future I wouldn't mind seeing but I doubt it will ever come though. All people care about is power and money and themselves anyone else is just a bug to them.
  15. go to your phpadmin click on your ipf db look for a file call ipb_emoticons or something close to that.But I give you a little warning though something could go wrong when you copy it and try to override it thoguh, you might get a mysql error.But also regaurdless if you copy the db you still have to add them manually though.
  16. I have to go with dell they are chepa but yet very powerful machines as well and very customizable as well.
  17. American Infidel not going to tell you were I live you might try to blow my house up.
  18. I have to agree We do not know what lies outside our solar system nor our universe.Alot of theories have been discuss since man could think. But I do not think we have a border to the universe all together. It could be the cruelest thing that could happen that we the human species are the only ones in exsistence.Or if their is another life form out there they know not to come here due to our evil intentions we display as a human species.The closest to another universe would have to death. If a soul, superior being exsist then thats where it will be.Also think about this our Sun is a ticking time bomb if our solar system is 13 billion years old are sun would be around that age as well. Most stars live what 20-30 billions years or a few hundred billion maybe. But what I'm getting at is that once Our sun blows you can kiss the first 3 planets good bye along with mars maybe if the blast radius gets that far.Mankind is not even close to space travel, unlike the anime and tv shows we watch and books we read already has us there. But look at whats been happening in the last 2000 years give or take how you want to work what timeline in to that.Also we are not protected from astroids or comets either it just take one giant size astroid to finish us and thats it. If a superior being exsist maybe it will prevent the destruction of mankind and actually show us what we need to do to actually survive when the days comes that our sun explodes.But to answer some other of the posts, yes worm holes are only in theory since no one can prove they exsist, the closest you could think of a wormhole would be a black hole since no one really knows whats on the otherside as well.I wouldn't mind space travel, going beyond the speed of light and travel billions and billions of miles to see if we are alone in this universe.
  19. I call that a scam at 100% you might as well give your bank account info as well.
  20. new render pack added. Render Pack 74 http://www.gamefront.com/downloads
  21. this has been post several times please search the forums next time.--TOPIC CLOSED--
  22. not bad only thing I would actually change is that bevel border though.
  23. nice user bat, so a little animation to it, to make it look even better.
  24. do some motion blur effects to the render to make it look like its flying that would help it out a bit.
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