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Everything posted by Saint_Michael

  1. @boyCradle I feel for you, it funny how these big business want people who have a college degree in web design to hire, which is bs, since most people including me have done it for a long time without hte need of schooling.Right now i didn't get anything back from them so I thought i send a check up email just in case.
  2. I tried different layer properties and it was hard to figure out a perfect layering property for it. Which looks better.
  3. I have to agree the first one is awesome got some good color some nice depth to it as well.
  4. I totally agree with avalon, their no real solution to getting rid of spam altogether, except for deleting them and catching people doing it. It's true some post require 3-4 words while others require alot of words.But I think though if we had used the old credit system then maybe the mod would be more effective. But with the upgrade the mod is not really needed.
  5. watch the spamming people, I will keep the topic open but if spam get out of control topic will be closed.
  6. yeah I heard about it, i think it surface around early 2000-2002 somewhere around that time. it was said it would help keep the scaring down, but I havn't heard much after that though.
  7. this place will last a long long time we are going on 2 years in june, plus on top of that, our free hosting has more then most other sites have on free hosting.
  8. nah I won't leave, just won't be on as much if it goes through. but of course I be recommending people i do websites for to join this place.But of course if I get this job I could work at home to meaning and I work on the site and be on here at hte same time.
  9. your welcome I did this due to fact that My Xisto time will change and I didn't want to do anything that would take me forever to do .But since you question is answered topic is closed.
  10. imageshack does this funnthing thing with png in thumbnails, but to be honest I have no clue, never really though about since the images are perfect when you enlarge them.
  11. its a fun game and all put this will be move to another location due to the spamming that will take place on this topic.ARG EVEN THE HINTS IM READING MAKE NO SENSE
  12. Well first of all I like to thank OpaQue for letting us do this. so a shoutout goes to him and the hard work hes put and the hard work the gfx crew has put in as well.But on to the GOOD NEWS!! we are now offering hostng credits for Prizes!!! Right now its only going to be for the first place winner this week But Starting next week we are going for 1st 2nd and 3rd place finishes.If all goes well, we might add other prizes to it. (no money prizes)Also This is going to be followed very strict like, so here are the following rules.1. Hosted or above will get the full credit amount, if you are a regular member without a hosting account we will verify your credit count and award you up to 30 credits (thats the basic hosting package). If your past 30 credits you will not recieve anymore due to nature of your hosting credits are reduce when opening a new hosting account with us.2. No cheating, we can spot gfx talent that people display. We go by the honor system on this forum so we will know that you will do the right thing and make them yourself. If cheating is common like a cold then we will terminate the prizes.
  13. this week we are going to keep it simple so its anything goes but keep the size in reason though don't need to see a 5000x5000 entry. :)Also Im going to Give away 25 Hosting credits to the winner except for admin/mod.
  14. saint-michael Avalon BEagle hulunes itsmyard You know how it goes vote for your favorite one. saint-michael: avalon:0 Beagle:0 Hulunes:0 itsmyard:0
  15. sotw is over BEagle is this weeks winner.
  16. matto to your post about expansion of the universe scientists hae noe for years that the universe has expanded. I was toying with astromony back in my teenage years. I believe the expansion had to do wit hte way galaxies are moving. I recommend some of these readings http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Universe%23ExpaBig_Bang_theory http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hubble%27s_Law it should explain a little bit on how the universe is expanding. @truefusion I know about the mission chapters of the bible, some say its a dirty secret that the vatican is holding, I beeive another missing part of the bible was apoclytica or something like that. It has to do with more of the book of revalation of course their the mysterious book of jesus wrote himself as well, but that another topic to think about.
  17. He is the admin, of the site plus he has direct access to your account info anyways.you can always change your password after your situation is fixed.
  18. usually when changing dns it takes up to 3 days best thing to do is check your site periodicaly to see if it shows up.If you are using your trap account for parking domains best thing to do is park your domain throug the cpanel and it should be done automatically.Also when people go through your trap.com url, the url will do redirection into your domain account.now for your ftp it will be same ftp address that is given for your Xisto account. it won't change once you park your domain to your Xisto account. think of th ftp as a unique address that can only be used 1 once.Any other questions make sure to post them here or you can pm me and I could help you out with parking your domain.
  19. to answer your questions right quicktrap will be turning 2 this year on June 11Next birthday is coming up on june 11Who knowsand who knows.
  20. Well I passthe First round which is good i think, thing is so small scale looking for 1 or 2 peeople meh whatever. Best part I could work on home which means I could practically cheat a website with no problem XD.
  21. well knowing how the old school ff are this will have to do with crystals of some sort thus crystallis.But i will be very interested in the storyline though.
  22. thats your opinion, but yet again itsin the ey of the beholder on who thinks it looks good.
  23. I know a little bit but never really used it have to look around to check it out heck i pimp them out to adsense as well.Like I said its a local business, and where I live they usually don't last that long (Taxes). But They are working on local ISP stuff installing broadband lines and junk,Also the Fact that I have a good 20 years of gaming experiance (playing them of course)
  24. let stay on topic people, this topic is for reporting any problems you may have found that are not listed that the admin or mods have not found.
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