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Everything posted by Saint_Michael

  1. Here are some links that should be able to help you take care of your violin, and enjoy it for years until you make your millions off violin music and by a better one http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ http://www.westcountryviolins.com/web_pages/violin.htm Google Words +Violin +maintenance
  2. Well Xisto posting requirement is a bit different from the other sites that request like 200 posts for a chump plan. Our requirements are based on your posting ability not the number of posts you have. The longer your posts are the more credits you get and when your a hosted member the longer your site stays up without interruption.Now if your a new member we look at your posts to see if you do deserve a hosting account. If your one of those people that spams on a daily basis then your not going to get an account here. Due to the fact your not contributing to making the forums better and of course help others out if they have a problem.On the rare occasion some people can get the requirements in under 10 posts. But course though some people who join don't read the set up and just assume that it is 10 or 30 post requirement.Of course people can figure out what a Xisto.com account has to offer by registering a Xisto.net. It is basically a Xisto lite account.Or you can think of it this way.Xisto.net-learning to design for the first time just need a quick set up with out the hassle.Xisto.com-you know what your doing and just need more resources.Xisto - Web Hosting.com- your breaking the bank (maxing out your account) and need the extra space and bandwidth to keep your site going.Hopefully that gives a better incite on what we have to offer and how it works.
  3. I don't trust those learn in 21 days books of course I never read one . Also the for dummies books could help out in want to learn about c and c++. But for tutorial websites I always recommend this site pixel2life.com They got a good index of tutorials that will help in the basic concepts of c c++.
  4. OH!! completely forgot about protostars .But correct me if I am wrong on this but a blue star is the older version (final stage) of all the stars. So regardless of what size the star is in it's early life it could turn into a blue giant. I would think a small portion of the em radiation would escape from a black hole's outer shell (near the edges). Or the small portion could escape while it is being pulled in by earlier solar energy or gravity from another object. Oh I agree totally that the odds are that our own sun would go black hole. How ever a supernova could do the same damage regardless of how big the star was when it blew up. Also it is true with some simple (NASA) math we can figure where it could be. However their are some rare cases people can spot a possible black hole just by looking at the rotation of the objects around it. I forgot to mention that the only reason why we could spot black holes with high tech scopes is that the pressure and the heat the black hole is sucking in from all the other stuff around that black hole. Although I can't remember were I read it but I do believe scientist's have yet to figure out why black holes expand (although very slowly) or they know why a black hole expands.
  5. Here are some useful counter scripts they are easy to put together. Basic Users online counter <?$remote = $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"];$file = "usersonline.txt";$timeoutseconds = 60; //Tells how long the user is considered "on line"$timestamp = time();$timeout = ($timestamp-$timeoutseconds);$fp = fopen("$file", "a+");$write = $remote."||".$timestamp."\n";fwrite($fp, $write);fclose($fp);$online_array = array();$file_array = file($file);foreach($file_array as $newdata){list($ip, $time) = explode("||", $newdata);if($time >= $timeout){array_push($online_array, $ip);}}$online_array = array_unique($online_array);$online = count($online_array);if($online == "1"){echo "Users Online: $online";}else{echo "Users Online: $online";}?> Display IP number <?php echo $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"]; ?> Display browser <?php echo $_SERVER["HTTP_USER_AGENT"]; ?> To display a users time when they go to a website you can use one of these set ups. <?php$today0 = date('D F d Y g:i a'); // Wed May 07 2003 1:21 am $today1 = date('F j, Y, g:i a'); // March 10, 2001, 5:16 pm$today2 = date('m.d.y'); // 03.10.01$today3 = date('j, n, Y'); // 10, 3, 2001$today4 = date('Ymd'); // 20010310$today5 = date('h-i-s, j-m-y, it is w Day z'); // 05-16-17, 10-03-01, 1631 1618 6 Fripm01$today6 = date('\i\t \i\s \t\h\e jS \d\a\y.'); // It is the 10th day.$today7 = date('D M j G:i:s T Y'); // Sat Mar 10 15:16:08 MST 2001$today8 = date('H:m:s \m \i\s\ \m\o\n\t\h'); // 17:03:17 m is month$today9 = date('H:i:s'); // 17:16:17echo "$today1<BR>$today2<BR>$today3<BR>$today4<BR>$today5<BR>$today6<BR>$today7<BR>$today8<BR>$today9";?> good place to check out some scripts are at pixel2life.com to get a good idea how to set them up and what not.
  6. Yes that would be the way to go since it will reduce the amount of images you would need to just the hovers. This is were you would go to set it up. http://www3.yourtotalsite.com/ Now their is one reason why the images breaks up like that. First you do have your body set up properly you do this by setting this up in your css file. html, body{ margin:0; padding:0; text-align:left;} #wrapper { width:980px; text-align:left; margin: 0 auto; border:solid 0px;} then you would insert that wapper as such <div class="wrapper"> by the looks of it you want your wrapper set at 1024px and leave your height blank. The reason I use 1024 is due to the fact that that browser setting is where your image format is doing what it is supposed to. Hopefully that helps out.
  7. Who knows maybe Canada will go to war with them now . In a small wall Quebec can be considered a hostile nation with in Canada.Now think about this now that Quebec is it's own "nation" they will be having a lot of problems.First they have to make their own currency, they won't be allowed to use Canada's, set up their own constitution, set up their own military. Basically what I am saying is that they are starting from scratch.
  8. I think it's the fact that cpanel is in maintenance mode so it won't pick it up until after it is out of read only mode.
  9. They are on a RC 4 version I thought PHPBB3 went full install a few weeks ago. So what new as been added or tweak for optimal performance(Don't feel like searching, reading, downloading, installing it)?
  10. Just found out that ftp is down as well so no updates to your site can be made at this time so sorry for that inconvenience.Thats the thing I never log off as log into my account. I am using FF2 I think thats where the problem is coming from, been having problems with this browser freezing on me and other junk. I did download fasterfox it help just a bit although not much.
  11. Although That is old news right there with an update twist, the Antikythera mechanism is considered the most advanced analog device of that time. They tried recreating it, they did it but it did not match the original design due to the fact of how water logged it was. Saw this on the History channel, when they talked about the advance technology during ancient Greece and Rome. Especially in the realm of analog type devices it was pretty interesting.Although I am bit surprise that they are still trying to figure this computer out still. It's been like what 30-40 years since they made a replica of it that their still trying to figure it out.
  12. It basically looked like that in IE7 with most of the except the last one in which the gray area was completely soild, but it Firefox it was completely solid on each hover.
  13. Yeah I heard about this game can't remember where I saw this but yeah it took me awhile to figure it out myself. Find it interesting that Bill Gates couldn't figure this out when they presented it to him at the airport (i think).
  14. Well since I can't show you a print screen (erased the example) basically I could see through the box when you hover over the score. It that to all of them except for the last set of scores.
  15. Funny I don't know how you got Microsoft's website, must have been a fluke. Due to the fact I got a domain purchase website and then when I search google i got the protocol links referring to http.
  16. Although I agree they should build one, however if you read it a bit closer that line alone says why they are waiting. Due to the fact that the council believes that if they start this then everyone will start making claims on their contributions and in a way making a bigger mess and in a way effect money, especially taxes to cover the costs of making memorials for everyone. Eventually they will build it but they have to prepare for something they haven't done yet.
  17. although this could be unrelated to the cpanel problem. Is that that reason why the forums seem to be sluggish? last few days it seems that the forums take a bit longer to load then they use to. No it is not my connection so i debunk that solution. Just wondering if anyone else seems to notice the sluggish load of the Xisto forums?
  18. Yeah but wormholes are complete different scale of science though, true they don't exist, if they did, they would be beyond what man can see with a telescope or satellite.Of course I somewhat agree with what your saying that who knows whats on the other side of a black hole. For all we know it could be a fabled 4th dimension and that are Universe could be flipped around like a bizzaro world.
  19. What do you expect AOL has been a powerhouse since the 90's and when your own by ted turner you can do what ever you want. I don't even think the broad/dsl they provide is any better. Although I wonder who owns netzero though, I think they are a branch from AOL because they seem to be using their services for their dial up connection. Of course you would think Ted would spend some cash to actually upgrade to DSL/Broadband.Of course the billions of spam AOL uses receive each day is just sick as well. Of course I think all people do is use the chat rooms and thats it, Although I am surprise that they have a public release of AIM, they were smart they would have kept it from going public thus make people buy AOL ISP to use it. Thats what I would have done.
  20. Last I heard Hitler is living in Argentina and thanks to a deal with the devil he will never die...either way he dead so it don't matter anymore. However the hate he started still continues to this day thanks to him. Now Adolph himself never had any children but he has nieces and nephews as seen here https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Hitlerfamilytree.png. But having a last name like that most people would have had that change so not to be associated by name to him. Although people still wonder why Russia never showed us the body they claim to have. Of course the only thing left of hitler is a skull fragment. For 117 he would be pretty weak, but here is a interestin document though enjoy the reading. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  21. Again religion has nothing to do with Turkey entering the European Union. The reason Turkey won't be allowed is the fact that Europe has no border crossings meaning people can go as they please without being carded. Now with that little fact terrorists could walk around Europe without being thought of. Although they are doing that as we speak but those who look to obvious are being watched supposably.Of course their is economic reasons as well. I believe the Turkish currency is practically worthless everywhere else, in the exchange rate.also I believe they have an unstable job market, then of course their is the treatment of women, and turkey's barbaric laws as well. But Yacoby is right the Turkish citizens have no rights and think what would happen to tourists that break laws.So religion has nothing to do with this, people who think that are ignorant and those who say it is are ignorant as well.Now john your referring to the 1.5 million people that where killed now mind you that will be a back and forth argument till someone admits it either happen or their is no actual proof of it. So I don't think that will be a factor when the time comes again.
  22. yeah but heres the thing what could be wrong with those email accounts that someone would be giving away. That is just asking for trouble, I remember seeing people sell their email accounts on ebay.
  23. what about the transparency effect in IE7 you have on the 2+? All them except for the last one are transparent.although this could have been fixed a z-index of 100 seems to be a bit extreme if you remember the problem I was having (fixed it) a z-index of 1-5 should be sufficient unless I am missing something.Also have you thought about what mac Ie 5 would look like and netscape as well?
  24. Well it is update time I started to put images in just to see what it would look like and it's not bad looking. Two problems i would like to work on next is fix the overlapping in IE7. Basically the content is above the header. Next is my left/right column nav menus for some reason they are going behind the divs below. Although I haven't tried it yet but I would think setting up a container element would fix this would I be correct on this assumption? lates code Small Update I fixed the menus after putting in the z-index in the right spot YEAH!! Also to fix my header nav problems I went with a tab set up which isn't to bad either. Of course IE loves to destroy good work. most likely I javscript something instead of trying to fluid it.
  25. well after taking a break and out of dumb luck I put the z-index in the right spot . Hopefully I can get this down in a few weeks since this will get me out of doing a class in college .
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