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Everything posted by Saint_Michael

  1. I could say its plausible that there’s something larger then a galaxy, interesting that you bring it though I read article (NASA website I think) they found this energy source that is very powerful and emits this green glow when bursts, however it went on to say that this energy is so far out their they couldn't get a exact distance from it. So it is possible that there could be something larger then a galaxy since their is a energy source great then a supernova (I believe is what they said). However since we do not know how big the whole universe is, we may never know. We have found other planets that are bigger then Jupiter and stars bigger then our own sun and recently they found planets that could have water on them. But since a light year is about 6 trillion miles, we may never know until someone can crack the light speed barrier. Right now I believe the fastest rocket/shuttle can go about 17,500 MPH so if we do the math it would take about 3,913 years to travel 1 light year. Well we already know no one can survive that, even if we built a system to put a person's body into a very deep rest and cease all functions of the body and then bring them back. So right now everything thing is science fiction that it could be done.Until the speed barrier is broken and the human body can sustain that kind of speed, would have to be roughly in the 100,000+ area, all we can do is speculate what’s out there and wait for the time for everything to happen. For all we know in 2000 years we could still be where we are now. Of course if we put in the danger factor it makes this even more possible because we have to dodge, comets, meteors, supernova, black holes the works. There is so many unknowns about the universe that we may never know them all.Hopefully we can see a future like Star Trek with space ships that can fly into outer space and what not, but first we have to deal with earth problems and since they will never be resolved outer space is just a dream to us who wish to explore the unknown.
  2. Correct Laurie, any internet connection that is connected by a cable or a phone is considered wireless, as for suggestions all you need to have is either a wifi installed on your computer, or purchase a wireless card that gets you connected as well. But in order for a wireless connection work properly is that you need to have a strong signal and of course someone connected to the internet that has a open network, which is hard to find since people who have routers instaly get them secured so as not to get hacked. What I recommend for your Rv set up is a get a satellite ISP and then installed a router through that so however you choose to connect to the internet you can go off that. Because since you will be moving around in your RV you will keep losing the signal if you just a used a simple WIFI application. Best bet is to see what the company that you bought you computer from and see what htey have to offer for wireless hardware and software, sometimes hardware is picky about that.
  3. Well think about when it comes to rascism in America, anything a white person says about anything else is considered racism, but when everyone talks about their own groups its ok, yeah he messed up for saying it but once the advertisers start pulling ad's from the channel, MSNBC had to fire him because he was costing them money and remember this is a capitalist country so money means everything. I been listening this on espn radio and a lot of people even African Americans believe he shouldn't have gotten fired. But everyone had to make it a big deal about just because a white person said it.But also they mention that sharpton and Jackson are opprtunists and I do agree with that though, they find anything thats a small issue and turn it to a big one and get everyone to boycot this and boycott that. People say stupid things but the fact is no one will ever get over the past and keep it their. Their are more important things to talk about then what people say and their are more important things then making money.
  4. With all these problems your having narutorasengan17 have you even submitted a support ticket yet, it would a lot better then posting it every 5 minutes and going off topic about it in other topics, (thats twice I have caught you doing it). Just send a support ticket at support@xisto.com and explain to them everything that has gone wrong with your account and they will work on it. You have to understand your not the only one who is having problems but if you don't report them to the admins then they won't get fixed.
  5. For more exciting news the criminal underground has found aother way to get some business done with this ANI exploit it seems once they get in they can divert web traffic not just of a single user but whole company rosters as well, also micosfot mention that a small number of attacks that affect Domain Name System (DNS) Server Service and so anyone running Microsoft Windows 2000 Server Service Pack 4, Windows Server 2003 SP 1, and Windows Server 2003 SP 2 could be affected if not properly patched. BUT FOR SOME GOOD NEWS VISTA, XP SP2 W2k Profession SP 4 do not contain the flaw YEAH!!! Now for more bad news, with concern about the DNS attacks Amol Sarwate mention that when a person types a domain like yahoo.com they will get an IP number and so when it floats around untill it gets connected to the right server. So what does this mean well the criminal mind will be able to change the settings to the DNS and thus when a person types in a domina they will in fact go somewhere else, which could be dangerous because then they could be uploading who knows what when they click on a link. Microsoft mentions a few work arounds people can used until the patch is made for this part of the exploit and here is the link for those who think they are affected and told what they need to do. https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/security/default.aspx
  6. Although not a big secuirty risk more like something interesting about what human mind viruses can do ot a person once they recieve a message. On friday pretty much all hell broke loose in Pakistan when people start recieving, hear, readying about a message that a Virus sen through a mobile phone will kill people and so every mobile user in Pakinstan went into a craze and cllaed their providers to see whats going on. The message alos mention that 20 people have died so far, of course they make mention about the movie "The Ring" in which once a person watched this killer movie they had 7 days before they die. Also heres the other easo nwhy everyone went into a panic, there are more than 52 million mobile users among 160 million people in Pakistan, so that would be the reason why everyone would go into a panic. Even mosques start telling everyone about it and thus this news article is in exanple of a human mind virus in which one person tells someone else and that person tells 2 other people and so on and so forth. SOURCE Here
  7. To think the Microsoft ANI exploit and the botnet things were bad but this just top the charts, this new variation of the Storm virus of last year gets a new powerful punch. The virus gets sent through a password protected zip fil in which the password is contain in a image file in the email. The email subject contains either Worm Alert!" or "Trojan Detected! so do not open and just delete it. Also the image file will read something like UrgentNotice.gif" or "AbuseReport.gif. and the zip file will read something like "patch-####.zip" or "removal-####.zip.". McAfee states that this virus requires some interaction in order ot be trigger, because the email stats that your computer is infected and that you must run this patch or a removal tool in order to be protected. They do mention people are still falling for it. In fact 20,000 computers alone got affected on thursday alone and they expect more to be affected as the days and weeks go by. Here is the technical talk about this worm That that is just plain scary right their on the fact that this new version can escape the anti virus software detection, and soem security research even mention that anti-virus software is no longer adaquate to prectect users especially if people are still fallen for the same old tactics when a virus comes out. Right now their are no known patches or updates to prect people so be on the look out for this bad boy. SOURCES Here Here
  8. Well now this should be a interesting tidbit from everyone across the world, its seems microsoft will be launching a new data centers the size of seven soccer fields worth of servers whichthe article says is about in the "tens of thousands" region. The reason to be able compete with google and yahoo, but what is interesting is the costs which is low especially since you running that many servers at the same time and they mention that the whole build will go through 48 megawatts of electricity. Of course they don't mention a day a week or a month, but I do believe it's a month. The database farm is in Quincy, Washington, but interesting enough google and yahoo don't tell anyone their locations of these massive data farms, maybe the fear of espinoage and even getting a lock on their IP numbers. But what should be interesting is how long it will take for every hacker, cracker, phreaker, phracker to tap into their system . Although I never check but I am curious as to what applications microsoft has produce like the ones googlde and yahoo have so if anyone could provide a link to that I would be interested to find out what they have. SOURCE http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  9. I don't know whats more funnier they fact he did this or that the peple at youtube fell for it AHAHAHAHA From the article the teen created a letter saying he was from ABC and told youtube.com to remove hundreds of clips (number unspecific) and they did. Well ABC got hold of this and got a hold of the teen lets just say the kid got away from going to jail on that one. Of course this is coming weeks after Viacom sued Google (good timing Viacom) about copyrighted material. Now I am only speculating but I do believe ABC has a letter head for all it's documents and somehow the teen got a hold of it and use it, because their would be know way a plain letter by ABC be that easy to forge. SOURCE http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  10. Interesting I dea I just came up just from reading an article, anyways since google is on the riase and their recent purchase of youtube.com it could be a good idea to add youtube ot the forums, because then people can post their favorite videos and even their own. I have a feeling that some members have uploaded their own videos to youtube.
  11. I would say this was a interesting software about 2 years ago, but I wouldn't rely on the results that much because mostly like they have all been patch since then and by the looks of it these tests and from the website they are for IE6 ff1.x and opera 7.x so I don't think Ie7, ff2 and Opera 9.x will check out for it.
  12. I have to say not bad looking site and it's xhtml strict to which is a challange to validate, althought it is valid heres a couple of warnings they mention (most likely minor ones) for the html and CSS. I think the background should use a gradient background, the light blue color seems a bit a distracting but thats just me.to comment on biscuit posst yeah a better blog software would be better but by the looks of the simplicity of the site cutenews would be a simple enough software to use.
  13. Well that would lead to a possible conclusion then, somewhere in the programming for the Cpanel x software cause peoples MySQL db's to become unstable and cause some problems so one can conclude that the cpanel was reverted to see if it could stablize the problems. But thats a possibility why it was reverted back of ocurse their oculd be other reasons.The only thing that gets me though and don't get me wrong about it, fantastico is an awesome software but everyone relies on it to much and feels lost with out it. Point is making when everyone new and old found old fantastico wasn't activated on the Cpanel X. I think their were riots in Dublin Ireland over this (well not really). Manually does take longer, but you get more experience doing it the long way and you find out how everything works and it becomes two fold because now you know more abouy yout FTP clients features and see what it can do.But thats a thought I wanted to put out and nothing more.
  14. Thanks for the comments BF and WM, my english teach pretty much aggreed in some points about my paper, hoepfully the wordiness is kicked out, but I have a feeling it's not but still have some time to make any changes to it.Attached is the original vor better reading.
  15. If I remember correctly all hard drives that dell supports dhould be compatible with any system either desktop or laptop. Here is a quick tutorial on how to find out what your computer actual hard drive is1. click start2> Right click My Computer3. Click properties4. Click the hardware tab5. Click on Device Manager6. Click on Disk drives and that will give you the model number but for more info do this7. right click on the hard drive and then select properties, their you can all the info about your hard drivewith that it should give you a good idea what type of hard drive you can get for your dell computer, also this will take a bit longer you can call Dell ech support and they could give you the model type of the hard drive as well.
  16. It's the spammers that send you you spammail whats good is that gmail picks up pretty good I let ir run several weeks and I usally get 4-5000 spam a month give or take, I bet I could have gotten none, if I didn't sign up for those survey programs (I never did them anyways). Also once you start publishing your email on website spam bots will pick it up, that why you using either images or different symbols to break the email pattern.
  17. just a small notice WMP 11 been out since January (full version) so your about 3 months late and the link is broken, if you havn't downloaded WMP 11 go to this link http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download
  18. Well first off your config.php needs to be in 0666 and not 0777 also make sure store/, cache/, files/ and images/avatars/upload/ folders are set at 0777, your DB info looks correct without looking at you MySQL table. But going through a little test what I suggest is that your delete the username in your MySQL table (make sure to remove the user privilages in the DB) and set up a new one with a different password and see if that works. Thats usually the case when you get a access denied message because the password might be wrong.From the searches I have done it seems the other two errors have to do with your username, I would recommend (unless someone know hows ot fix this) go to phpbb support and see what your problem might be.For ReferenceGOOGLE KEYWORDSWarning: mysql_error(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL-Link resource in
  19. everyones databases are up if your still have problems as per instructions of OpaQue is to contact support@xisto.com and let them know that your still having problems, make sure to give as much detail as possible so they will be be able to solve your problem effeciently.
  20. Actually I did this while in the Military, I had just finish playing Parasite Eve 2 and for no apparent reason I started creating a script for the thrid game, I think I put about 6-8 pages of characters talkings and FMV sequences. I even had a ending for it as well, but least to say it was just a thought that won't happen. Even though I wouldn't mind a PE 3 game to come out, it was a good series and hard as hell to. When I got Neverwinter Nights for hte Pc I create some nasty looking characters and stuff just to fool around with the aurora system that it uses and fro mtime to time I could create a good background story for a character as well.
  21. Well I just got back from the movies about 10 minutes ago and I just saw Grindhouse Which was directed by Robert Rodriguez (Planet of Terror) and Quentin Tarantino (Death Proof) including a all-star cast of some great actors who made cameo's and even starred in other movies by this two great directors. We have Danny Trejo (Bartender from Dusk Till Dawn Trilogy), Bruce Willis (Die Hard Trilogy), Tom Savini (Dust to Dawn, Dawn of the Dead Series,) Rose McGowen (Black Dahlia, Ready to Rumble), and even Fergie makes a cameo to just name a few of the all star cast. As we all know this movie is a double feature of two movies in one, pretty simple concept which means each movie was about 75 minutes a piece including credits and excluding the ending credits (which was shown at the end). The first thing I will mention about this movie is that main theme is straight comedy and dialogue, the violence was an added bonus. So for now for the big review, and I also I will not be giving any major spoilers about these movies. The movie starts out with some good movie concept previews, meaning they are not coming out but were part of the movies themselves, which were so funny, that everyone in the theatre was still laughing as the movie was about 5 minutes in. Ok so the first movie was Planet it Terror directed by Robert Rodriguez the one thing I will mention about this movie is that it's another cheap zombie with people who have nothing in common banded together to survive movie with about 60 thousand different twists in it which were even better when you see them. But if you have seen Dusk til Dawn the special effects were about 10 times better especially the blood splatter and what not. Of course he actions sequences were top notch and never slowed down, who would have thought someone can do that kind of damage with knives and junk. Lets see what else, well like I mentioned above this movie was straight up hilarious, the one liners the jokes the puns were awesome and they slowed down the movie whatsoever. But to keep it a non spoiler topic I will mention that girls with guns is a good idea . Well after the movie ended with a touching ending and a Gatling gun we were introduce with another movie concept previews was which about 1000 times more funnier due the fact Nicolas Cage makes a cameo in this preview and I put it like this the theatre was still laughing to about 10 minutes into the movie. Then we were introduce to our next movie Death Proof staring Kurt Russell and directed by Quentin Tarantino as the bad guy (you will like his characters name), the one thing I will mention is that if you seen Reservoir Dogs it is a lot of talking and little action although when the action did get started it was just as good. Another interesting point in this movie they use a good size chunk of actors from the first movie in this one as well, you will know when you see them. But the one thing that turned me off about this movie was the talking, don't get me wrong Quentin Tarantino is genius when it comes to dialogue especially when they talk about "nothing". But when the movie consists about 50 minutes worth it kinds of gets boring after awhile, even thought this still was a good movie that’s the one thing only. So we go through another end which was even better then the last one and you will see why and after that the credits are rolled and the movie is done, now for some ratings Story/plot: 10/10 although the talking in the second movie was a bit much still going with the perfect score. Dialogue: 10/10 I give that for reason everyone had good lines in the script when it came to the comedy. Of course I don't know much about how dialogue works so It could be a lower, but since I am reviewing it I stick with the rating. Special Effects 9.5 /10 they had their moments with the special effects, but I think they went to much when handguns were used. Yeah I should get booed on that one but again when you see the movie, you can tell were it became unrealistic and straight up nasty stuff (their is just some medical conditions I do not want to have). Characters/Actors: 9.8/10 although they did a good job thanks to RR and QT directing and writing styles, their was some parts that I that could have been developed better since a lot of people had lines in this movie Music: 8/10 the music was a bit of a let down for the most part but was actually good during the action sequences and twists for both movies, their could be something else to it but I just can't put my finger on it. Overall Rating: 47.3/50: good movie with some great stuff and great comedy, with partial lets down, but I think when I see the movie again (DVD) I can change my overall assessment of this movie (got to love the bonus stuff). I recommend the movie even if you don't like violence, but once you get past the violence in the movies it is quite enjoyable I would put this movie in the top as RR QT best movies ever done so it is worth it, although the box office says otherwise $11,596,613 1 week old Legit Movie Previews (that I remember) Live Free or Die Harder (Die Hard 4) In The Land of Women
  22. Well from coming across some searching htier are several ways to do this http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ But from other search it seems the server could have been a bit busy when you got this message, a good suggestion would be to check around the SMF forums for more concrete answers besides the common answers that give no detail. GOOGLE KEY WORDS
  23. Well this shouldn't be a surpise, although I was a bit shocked, but it looks like we could see a price drop in the 60 gig PS3 once the 20gig goes out of stock. Of course they did state the bovious that everyone owuld go for the better machine, hopefull and most likely sony is thinking this to that once they drop the price to the PS3 sales my jump a bit. Of course it would help if they have good games so far most of the games are junk especially the ones that are hooked online games. SOURCE http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  24. Well put it like this, look at the guns that American gun companies make these days, they are all high powered and what not. I don't mind protecting yourself, but does a person need a saw off shotgun or a sub machine gun to do it heck even a 50 cal sniper rifle is a bit extreme to protect yourself from someone robbing you. That why you have self defense class and the advantage that you know the layout of your house better then the robber. In which I agree with salamangkero that you should find alternate means to defend yourself. Heck if you kick a guy in the groin he will go down, no matter how tough he it will hurt. Haslip is correct that the second amendment was for the town militas, during the revolutionary war so if the british attach the colonists could fight back and what not. Of course that why the second amendment as stayed intact for so long so people can defend themselves from other attackers in the sense that if another country attacked and not just individual people. But of course in today's world you can't walk around byyourself without protection because people don't care who you are as long as you give them what they want.Of course we spit facts and figures all day, butwhat it really comes down to it once people bypass the fact they are going to kill someone so they can get a few dollars for drugs or whatever, they won't stop and in order to stop them you have to start with the tools.
  25. Even though the fiasco with the .ANI exploit is still going strong microsoft released it's month updates this time they found 4 more critical breaches in it's systems (XP), most people should have gotten the update pop up screen yesterday. So here is the info on these critical flaws. https://technet.microsoft.com/library/security/ms07-017 https://technet.microsoft.com/library/security/ms07-018 https://technet.microsoft.com/library/security/ms07-019 https://technet.microsoft.com/library/security/ms07-020 https://technet.microsoft.com/library/security/ms07-021 I don't know how reliable vista will be after a couple of years even after the fact people are still finding stuff to be exploited, but what can you do but deal with it and move on. Also for more good news it looks like they found some new stuff in office, especially Office 2007, the mention that three of the attacks can cause a DOS (Denile of Service) and pop your CPU usage to 100% (mmm that could explain why my parents computer is like that). Other vunerabilites are code execution and using the .hlp (Microsoft Help file extension) could lead into a heap overflow, which is defined as "A heap overflow is another name for a buffer overflow occurring in the heap data area. Memory on the heap is dynamically allocated by the application at run-time and typically contains program data. " Also another interesting tid bit of information it seems that hackers like to mention these new exploits after Microsoft sends out their monthly patches, so as to be able to use the exploit as long as they can before the patch comes out. Maybe I won't connect my new computer to the net, that will teach them . Thats about it for what I could find on the current security problem we users must face. Sources http://securityvulns.com/Qdocument628.html http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
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