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Everything posted by Saint_Michael

  1. No wonder your have PSU problems you got all that stuff connected to it, odds are if you set the computer like this: Your power supply might be able to handle it, because by the looks of it you need a 600 or 700 watt PSU to get that thing running smoothly. So Try the set up I got quoted and see if anything works out. Also I would see what stuff you can turn off in your BIOS to give it some more juice to your power supply as well.
  2. Sadly this kind of technology is being developed and right now there are several prototypes being tested, both for medical purposes ad tracking purposes. The problem of course is what everyone else is saying and that is the moral amd privacy issues; although. the hacking one of these devices is a bit interesting, but since this devices will never become a requirement in this country I wouldn't worry about it. Of course I would think a kid should carry a cell phone with GPS technology and it will, or at least I think it will be helpful when trying to find a child.
  3. I check your site and I would say it is down but of course when I tried to do the cpanel url I didn't get that either. Did you try logging in through the cpanel here on the forums at all?As for your second questions I would say yes, but I would believe they would have a backup of your site somewhere on the server, so hopefully its not a worse case scenario, and that your site is just down for some reason.
  4. I didn't say you get penalized, I mentioned that a mod put the bbocde around the code that your provided, thus reducing hte credits your earn from that post. However, since it was a Xisto - Web Hosting forum you didn't get any credits to begin with. From you post I take it you didn't read the Xisto Read Me because just a few lines down the topics for posting and credits are listed. Credits and Posting Again though it would be helpful for the admin to see some pictures of this happening, like buffalohelp mention document (screen print) this happening, the best way to do this is get a small amount of credits and then let run through and see what happens.
  5. Agree with the other two posters, just end that part of the relationship now, because the longer you keep that serious flirting the worse it will make for her. I wouldn't even go on that double date because if that b/f gets a wiff of that serious flirting he will know something is up, and most likely make a scene right there asking what is going on between you two and junk. So stay as friends, and if you were smart guy I go and see if you can patch things up, because I have a feeling is that you were the cause of that break up and not the ex, because who knows you two could get back together again.
  6. Well I thought I take another crack at this topic now that 2.3 is a stabled Version of IPB. After combing through invisionize for mods I came up with a list and reason why they should be installed here on the forums. SOTW Mod With this mod it would help spruce up participation for those who enter, because the way this mod is set up you can put the php included in just the gfx forum. Delete My Account Mod Although we get these kind of requests every now and then, if we add this mod we can point the person who wants their account deleted to this link. View New Post Count Although you could just click the link or scrow down to see the new topics, I think have this counter next to the link will give people an idea what topics have been posted beyond the ones that are shown on the main index. Video BBCode. With this mod it will do a lot better then just posting links when the person can just display the video right on the post instead of the user just clicking to a new page to see it. I would say this would have to be tested for bandwidth just to see what kind of usage is being used on the forums. Digg Mod By now I think quite a few members here have digg accounts and so I think if we start digging the topics here on the forums especially the tutorials and or the good topics, it might increase visitors and produce new members as well. Reputation Mod This mod should be brought back and used in to ways, scout out new mods if either mods get promoted or some leave the position, and also help bring out good helpful posts on people. The last time this mod was installed it was being abuse because people were giving rep points for the heck of it and junk; I was one of those people back in junior trap days. Still it will help turn regular members to great members and stuff like that. Change Forum Name Although, not to many people have change their names because they have to wait for the admin to come online and then pm them asking for the change, I say with this mod it cuts down the tasks admin have to when doing maintenance to the forum and hosting accounts. Member awards Well now that are Xisto awards is going into its third year I would think this mod would look good on a members profile as it spruces it up, and shows what they won. this would also be useful for the SOTW awards as well. Post Length Mod I been an advocate of this mod for the last couple of years now, and a good way to cut down on the short spam posts. With a character limit in force it will help people become better posters, and that way by the time people get the hint about quality of posts then this mod could be disabled. That way people won't be getting so many warnings on short posts, even though the older members are doing great in post quality this will be more useful for the newer members. Although most of the mods are small and shouldn't affect the credit system that much, the bigger ones would have to be tested against the credit to make sure no unexpected bugs show up.
  7. SOURCE Well it seems that Microsoft found a huge hole in MSN Messenger that was bad enough that they want people to upgrade to the current Messenger which is Live 8.1 or something like that. As for details on the problem they just said the following, "..which let hackers embed malicious code in Web chat invitations to users." and that they found this problem in "6.2, 7.0 and 7.5, as well as Windows Live Messenger 8.0." Although it was interesting to know that people were actually complaining about Live Messenger being a resource hog, well the last time I check msn was hover a little over 22,000+ KB, but compared to other programs I don't see it much as a resource at all. Of course I don't talk to everyone on my MSN all at once either so that could be why it isn't using more. So for you users of the older MSN clients you can download the current stable version here or you can install the vista stule beta version here. Of course if you have the older clients you would be receiving pop up messages about it, so if you using msn and you odn't see that message then you good I guess.
  8. I have to say that is quite a interesting read and when I check out the event log I found it interesting that all these updates where happening without us knowing about, I would have to agree that whatever agreements you made when installing the operating system. It don't bother me as much just as long as they are not screwing me out of hard drive space like they are with vista and the winsxs folder I am fine.
  9. Well you would have to do it plenty of times to get punished, since posting code is a way to cheat the credit system; however I didn't pay attention to the forum that post was in and so you wouldn't have received credits for it anyways. Also you do know that your credits get reduced to two credits once your hosting application is posted and from the looks of it that one post only look about a 1 credit and some change. Plus it would be impossible for you to get -6 credits unless you were gone for 6 days, but hopefully the admin can clarify things about that.
  10. If I remember correctly the only reason you would get the php file download pop up is that particular file glitch in a certain way that the coding is not being read by the browser correctly or it didn't download completely. Usually a refresh of the page will help solve this problem.
  11. Well I believe that your friend should change his stance and instead of complaining about it, ask his superior to see if it is possible to get extra personnel to help out with the tasks. I don't think it would hurt to ask for support unless its one of those jobs that require people to a ton of work all by themselves and if thats the case labor laws if any could be broken.
  12. Well I could say this post was the reason why you went into the negative credits so quickly. You have to make sure to use the proper bbcode when posting coding of any kind. Also the longer your posts are the more credits you get as well and from your posts it seems you could add more to a few of them. So in short that posts is what made your credits go into the negative so quickly so make sure to check your posts to make sure they don't require any use of the bbcode before posting.
  13. As for security there has been only a few updates since August, like mention in my first post it has to do with software installation and that it creates these files to properly work in vista. This also includes vista updates and updates to software. Unless you know what files to delete or having problems with programs I wouldn't suggest deleting them since most of them are system critical files. I found another interesting link at the MSDN website about how this all works out, and it seems a bit complicated and its pretty late to be reading this as well. So if you up for a challenge read this and see why vista is screwing our hard drive space like this.
  14. A homer server is basically turning your computer into a domain like Xisto.com, in which instead of loading and testing scripts on a hosting site you can test your scripts on your computer and make sure they work properly before uploading to the hosting site. A good program to have is XAMPP, and also if you follow my ASP tutorial you can set up the Microsoft Version of a server as well. Small edit: It don't help the users if they can't speak the language the post is in, so hopefully the poser of this topic has a english translation somewhere.
  15. Well to start off I would check out this tutorial how up to set up a smilie system for your website, and since the posts is only a few months old it "should" work. Now to get the smilies to work besides using php would be images, what I suggestion is google emoticons, then click on images, then click small images and then download away which ones that work best for you. Now for your second problem I would check out these tutorials and see which one works the most effectively. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ https://www.nicksays.co.uk/ I would start with the second tutorial first as it seems less confusing as the others, and the fact its all on one page.
  16. Well the difference between Xisto and qupis is that you have less space and bandwidth on qupis, your restricted to how large of a file that can be uploaded, qupis does have some of the same services as trap but trimmed down just a pit. I would point you to the qupis homepage but its down right now so I can't remember whats all in there . As for the advantages trap has over qupis, well pretty much everything basically, more space, more bandwidth, not restricted to file uploads and etc etc. Now when your comparing having an on your site to posting, I would take posting any day then having forced ad's on my site, but if you don't have the time to post then go with qupis or get a paid hosting account on Xisto - Web Hosting.com.
  17. C:\Windows\winsxs or Click My Computer > C:\\ > Windows > winsxs. For the few vista users that are on here on the forum, do wonder why your hard driver seems to be shrinking even though you know darn well all the stuff you have installed hasn't blown through gigs of space? Well I did because at first I though it had to do with a memory issue that SP1 was suppose to fix, but after running the Disk Analyzer to Glary Ultilities I finally found the culprit as why this was happening. So after doing a little bit of research thanks to google I found some answers as to why this is happening. As for the name of the winsxs folder it is called the Windows Side by Side, and as for my understanding of how this work its what vista uses to run everything or at least the services that are used on your computer, and it also controls the DLL files and the system32 files as well. Like your internet connection, browsers you install and other software. It also seems that this folder is needed for the .NET Frame for some of its coding, and also it replaces the I386 directory as it is no longer there. The problem is though that you cannot touch this folder as it hold critical system files and it gets rather big once you start installing software. But there is a possible solution but like the post who made this post do it at your own risk. Disable Vista Services They have a program cleaner I guess that helps clean up some of the mess in that folder, again warning still applies on being careful not to delete critical files. Vlite So now people who didn't know now know, and for those who do know about this and know more about this folder make sure to post it.
  18. Mich Cash Voting Set up Mich: 0 Cash:0
  19. This SOTW winner is saint-michael, congratulations for winning this weeks SOTW competition here on gfxtrap.com/Xisto.com
  20. From what I found out in phpinfo it is not installed, and from what I understand it is used to record, convert and stream audio and video. Now I am assuming your trying to do webcasts of some sorts? For some more information for the admin to look at.
  21. More like Obsessed with it , since I pretty much tell everyone regardless where they live to. If you don't shop at newegg still good place to go to get a good start on what to look for in prices and whats out.
  22. Thats impossible as I mention to you in the shoutbox when you first mentioned it, as ther are more insects in this world then anything else, you have to remember insects survive the dinosaur extinction and have been thriving ever since. As for whales being living in the water past 1 mile is impossible unless evolution changed their breathing patterns, since whales need to come up for air, which is like anywhere from 3 minutes to an hour. For whales that is a lot of weight to pull up from a mile down and I highly doubt that most of them could move that fast, without losing consciousness, like we do when people to try to get to the surface of the water as fast as they can.Now if you read your history whales have been hunted down for centuries, with some species becoming extinct during the 1800-1900s as thats when whale hunting was at its prime because of the oil it produce from the blubbler and other stuff.
  23. I think it was the fact that it was back in the day when winamp was first coming out I didn't get a good grasp of how to use it, but for my needs WMP was good enough, of couse I use other programs to watch movies, such as interactual and cineplayer (when I need to). I did like to listen to the radio on WMP though back when I was in Washington while killing time at the office, I picked up a lot if techno radio stations and junk. Now I don't listen to much radio to begin with except for Sports radio and stuff, did have a classic rock binge last year but thats about it though.
  24. Yesterday I installed it on my vista computer and it runs nice and smooth with no major problems, except of course with access to the internet to download updates but of course thats normal to begin with.
  25. I am a google man with a side of yahoo fun, other search engines I have of course MSN, askjeeves (back in the day), and other lesser known search engines like dogpile or altavista.
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