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Posts posted by kevlar557

  1. I don't know what I'd do without my computer, but most of the time it just pisses me off. I just got a PDA and the hotsync program will refuse to reconize the serial port that is on my motherboard. I also have to reformat my windows partition and reinstall windoes every 60 days because I keep getting errors with firefoz, winamp, and other programs. I also have another computer that will refuse to work right, even after replaciong most of the big components. I tried to install Novell-Linux Desktop, and it will skip installing the files from the other 2 required disks, and the install gets corrupted. But, It's not like I can just stop using my computers, so I just have to suck it up, and stop myself from buying a Mac. :ph34r:

  2. Not only did Georgie cut funding on the process of rebuilding the levee system in New Orleans, He handed the contract for reconstruction to Haliburtan on not a silver platter, but a f***ing platinum platter. Now, I do understand that this contract was made in 2003 with Haliburtan for all reconstruction efforts during the contract period. I still don't understand why Georgie can't even be decent enough to let the unemployed workers of America get a chance to make some money to help rebuild the economy, but he just keeps on giving more money to the rich people, so they can keep on getting richer. Yet, my father is currently working about one day a week as a union electrician, and it's hard to justify going to work, when your paycheck won't even cover the price of gas to get to work. The president says that the unemployment rate is going down. He is lying out of his a**hole. The only reason why the rate appears to be going down, is that it is only calculated by those recieving unemployment benefits. The unemployment claims are starting to run out, and those people will no longer be computed into the unemployment rate, until they can re-open their unemployment claim.Now, to the election. You all know those electronic voting machines made by Diebold? If you haven't heard, California and a few other states have stopped use of these machines because of the ease to forge results. Diebold workers were caught working on the machines, after the inspection and sealing by the state and local officials. Now, isn't it a little bit odd that Georgie is very good friends with the owner of Diebold? In fact, they used to golf together on the weekends before Georgie became president. I live in the battle ground state itself, Ohio. There have been many news stories how or govenor is extremely corrupt, and I believe the news said that parts of his administration stole coins from the U.S. mint,or something like that. This had happened months before the election. There had been a federal investigation ordered by the federal government, which is mostly Republican, as is Govenor Taft. Isn't it odd that they find all of this out just a couple weeks after Bush was sworn in again? I don't like to say it, but most of our government is corrupt. I'm not saying that Georgie spearheaded the entire thing, but I believe he is involved. The numbers show that he isn't a good president, and so do his approval ratings.

  3. At my school, I'm a student computer tech, which means that I fix the computers that arn't working correctly. I'm also taking 2 programming classes, Visual Basic, and HTML. In order for the Visual Studio to work, all of the files and projects have to be backed up to the network hard drives after you are done working, and they have to be restored to the local hard drive before work can be done. Well, there is some odd problem with the scripts that backup and restore all of these files, and no one can figure out what they are. What happens is whenever I(Yes, it only does it on my account)run the restore program, it not only won't work, it disables access to my student network directory, which has all of my assignments, research, etc... The only reason this has to happen is that ****ing Novell and Sophos anti-virii will not trust Visual Studio.

  4. I use a lot of extensions.1. Flashgot- allows the use of download managers and accelerators in firefox when downloading files2. Tabbrowser preferences- pretty much just improves the whole idea of tabs. When the web page coding tells the page to open up in a seperate window, firefox opens it in a tab, etc...3. FoxyTunes- allows the control of many media players in the firefox window. Very nice.4. IE View- gives you the option to open up a hyperlink in Internet Explorer instead of firefox.5. Chatzilla- simple IRC client.

  5. There was a story on the news last night about this guy that owns some kind of company that makes the absorbant powder in some dipers. He has come to the conclusion that 5 Boeing 747's filled with this absorbant powder could downgrade a category five hurricane to a tropical storm in a matter of hours by dumping the powder on top of the eye. This powder turns water into a non-toxic, harmless gel that can be dissolved back into water in a few weeks. The company's theory is backed by many colleges, and leaders in the U.S. Congress. They say that it would cost about 80 million dollars to outfit the planes, and produce the powder. Critics on the news around where I live say it's too expensive, but can you really put a price on human lives that could be saved by this process?

  6. No, the XPS is not the best gaming laptop out there. Check out the Falcon Northwest FragBook It is just about the best laptop on the market. They overclock their computers to the limits, and you can send it in for free to have it overclocked, etc... They even have a thin & Light model, which is still as, if not more, powerful that the dell XPS gen 2. They even insure your display to be perfect, without any bad pixels. Believe me, If you spend the money, you will be happy with the product.

  7. Hi, I'm kevlar557. I switched over here from Xisto, for a couple reasons. One was that my school blocked Xisto, and that is where I do almost all of my posting from. Second is that something happened to my hosting account, and it was deleted from the Xisto forum. I don't know if this was on purpous, but whatever. anyway, I'm glad to be part of the hosting community, and i hope to have a website to have hosting for very soon.

  8. I got a win ME computer for my birthday back a couple years ago. It's still chugging along fine, except the shutdown command doesn't work, I restart it every 15 minutes because of BSOD, I lost countless files because of faulty system restore, and the real kicker: It corrupted the hard drive it was on after a reinstall, so I lost my 100 gb hard drive. P.S.- Was win 97 a special release over in england or something?, because i never heard of it in the states before today.

  9. I was cleaning out the tech room at my school today, and I found a WorkPad c3 PDA. It looks like a palm V, but it is manufactured by IBM. I've looked on the IBM website, and I can't find anything about it, and not much turned up on google either. It's a nice little PDA, but without software and such, It does no good to me. Can someone point me to a website with some info about it?

  10. This is kind of related to my last post on VoIP. Like I said, I'm getting cable internet in the next month, and I'm going to have to put up some kind of network. I'm in a rather large pinch. With running a wireless network, I will not have to run any wires, and I can use my laptop anywhere. The only problem is, is that the walls in my house are made of cement block, so my signal will not be the greatest.With a wired network, there will not be a significant signal loss when going from room to room, but I have to figure out how to run the wires through the cement block. I also need to get a router with at least 8 ports to run my computers, printers, and mabye the VoIP. Can someone give me some recommendations on which way to go, and mabye a router to buy?

  11. I am planning on getting cable internet within the next month, and I noticed my last phone bill, $60!!! I always see the Vonage commercials on the TV, but I don't know if it is the best for me. I'm hoping that someone out there has VoIP service, so they can help me. I just have a couple questions that their websites do not answer.1. If I'm playing a multiplayer game over the internet, and my phone rings, or someone makes a call, will I notice a large drop in connection speed?2. Would it be possible to use a fax machine over the connection?Thanks!

  12. First of all, It's good to be back at Xisto after being away from the internet for ages (-48 credits). Anyway, I have been looking at getting a new motherboard/processor for my computer. I have the mobo picked out, but I'm still debating on the processor. It's between the new Pentium D, or the P4 (LGA 775). I haven't done much research on the D, so I hope that you guys can help me out.

  13. I was up searching for some green day lyrics today, when I stumbled upon a banner at the bottom of the google search page. From what I've read about it, it is a glorified version of the windows search tool that searches your entire hard drive for offline web pages, IM conversations, and more.It looks very interisting, but I'm still not ready to help google take over the world by downloading it. I haven't really read up on it too much, but you can for yourself here.

  14. actually, you don't need a all-in-wonder card to have dual monitors. most of the high end graphics cards these days have two outputs, usually a VGA and a DVI connector. With my 9800 pro, they gave me a DVI to VGA dongle, so I can run dual monitors with only one card.

  15. Recently, NetZero released a new version of its acceleration software, called 3G. It is advertised to be as fast as brodband for loading webpages, and pictures. I just downloaded it a couple hours ago, and I can tell you that it is not as fast as brodband, and it is slower that their origional web accelerator. I put it through tests on their own website, and it is faster to load their test page without the hi-speed on. I have a couple friends who also tried this, and they came up with te same result. This would be the only thing I learned new today, thus I'm posting this in "What's New..."

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