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Posts posted by kevlar557

  1. How do you want it?

    Are you planning to allow access from only one computer?

    If so, you will required a static IP to make that work.


    If that is what you want and you have static IP internet access account, please post your request here and I will give a solution.


    I can't have it to only allow from one IP address, because I often use my school's computers to work with my site



    what webserver do you  use. why? because in some webserver, you have options to secure directories with passwords. for an example, apache server uses .htaccess files to enable authentication process.


    I don't know what web server I use. ( I an a total newb at web design)


    Hey Mate,

    My advice is to Keep It Simple! Having a password protected page is not all that bad. You can save the username and password in your browser and quickly access the pages with little issue or problem.


    Only problem with that is, most of my friends at school also go on my site. The way our school network is set-up, is that the library and general accounts can be accessed by anyone, so my password would be useless.


    I'm sorry that it's like trying to teach a pre-schooler web design, but I'm more of a hardware person myself, so I'm not well educated in all of these questions and terms. I'll try to answer your questions as soon as I figure out how to answer them :P I just turned in my schedule for tech classes, and I will be taking web design, so I will soon stop asking these questions :P

  2. yes, there is one mod i know of that allows you to use/abuse HL2's unique physics engine and construct anything from the default objects in HL2.  i saw a scrreshot of a rocketship somene had made using oxygen tanks some boards and parts of a car.


    One of the mods like this is called Garrys Mod v6. It is the only bod I have downloaded so far, and is the only game I'm playing right now. There are other mods like this, but I like garrys mod the best.

  3. Thank you kaputnik, i will use that, but it's not exactly what i meant. What I wanted to do, is have a link to another page, and have the address for that page like:http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ so I can have the page labled "admin" password protected, and only be able to access the other pages in the admin page by the links in that page. This will probally make no sense to anyone.

  4. Is it a computer, or is it a freezer? ;) Seriously, Is the speed really all that nessissary? You probally could have just bought dual xeons, compatable motherboard, Lian-Li server case, water cooling, and more lights than NYC on new years eve. Besides that, very nice set up. Can you use that room as a meat locker? ;)

  5. I hope Half-Life 3 wont come out for a while. I already spent enough on my computer to get it to run Half-Life 2. ;) Seriously though, I think Half-Life 3 will be absoutely astounding in the graphics department, but besides that, it will be the same as Half-Life 2: No replay value at all.

  6. I want to overclock the processor, but I'm stupid and I dont know how to do it. I read the Overclocking Basics on this forum, but that is pretty much for a AMD. Does anyone have instructions to overclock my processor with the motherboard I have? BTW, the newspaper reporters didn't want to waste their time on " The Mod of the Month", although the editor wanted to do it.

  7. I have had my starter account for about 2 months now, and I have yet to make a single page(I had to have someone make me a quick enter page in order to keep it alive). I've tried teaching myself how to write HTML, but it has been unsuccessful. I'm planning on taking a HTML class at school next year, but I'm getting a little impatient. Does anyone know of a nice, small, andfree WYSIWIG editor that is rich in features?

  8. Aspire X-Dominator with four 80mm fans(2 rear, 1 front, 1 top) one 120mm side fan(perfect for OC'd GPU), 500 watt Aspire see-through ps; Abit VT7 mobo with the sweet south bridge heat sink; P4 2.6 HT that I stole from my old Gateway( I told you it wasn't that new); Zalman CNPS 7000B-AlCu LED processor heat sink(can't get the LED to work). 80 gig WD hard drive that I also salvaged from my Gateway; BBA 9800 pro 256 mb; 512 mb dual channel DDR; More lights than a Christmas tree(came with fans). It is going to be featured in my school newspaper(no clue why, it's not that good...), and I will try to get it up for my sig. What do ya'll think?

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